The Silent Princess

Chapter 54

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Harbit frowned down at her, still shaking her awake.

She brushed off her friend's hand, pushing herself up, yawning. Late afternoon sun shone through her window, the book she fell asleep reading, one from Mattin's private collections, still sitting on the blanket.

"Your brother and the Grand Avatar are coming to see you!" Harbit half shouted, panicked.

Isilla met her panic with her own. "Why?" she asked the word simple enough to bread on her lips.

"They demanded it! Arren sent one of those little creatures with the order to get your ready immediately! They'll be in the garden in just half an hour!"

She threw the blanket off and climbed out of the bed. She had taken a bath before lunch but her hair flew wild and untamed around her head. Ilun stood, ready to take action at her sudden movement.

"I'm just getting dressed she said to the animal as she shrugged out of her sleeping clothing. Harbit presented her with fresh undergarments. She changed quickly before taking the deep, purple dress from her and pulling it on. She smoothed the fabric over her body before buttoning it.

Haribit placed a jewel encrusted belt around her waist before pushing her onto her stool and quickly brushing out her heavy curls, braiding it loosely and covering with a scarf, draped gently over her.

"We should add some blush, you look pale," Haribit suggested.

Isilla shook her head. Arren told them I was ill, I should look ill, she wrote before standing. "Follow now Ilun, and be good in the garden."

Isilla stepped out of her bedroom for the first time in days and into her sitting room. Her heart beating hard in her chest she made her way into the halls and down to the garden. Haribit and Ilun at her sides.

She stepped into the garden, the false sunlight and heavy flower scent familiar. She took a deep breath, willing her heart to calm. It is only for a few minutes, she told herself as they walked to the center pavilion, the party's voices carrying through the sweet air.

An attendant spotted her as she turned the corner, announcing her presence. "The Princess Isilla."

The men at the table turned to her, a small party but her breath caught in her throat. Along with the two ambassadors from the Light Realm sat Arren, her brother Argia, the Grand Avatar, and King Ero. Arren and Ero sat on opposite ends of the table, the men from the Light Realm between them. Arren's shadows were absent while his father's twisted around him. At her entrance, the stretched slowly across the distance, reaching for her.

Arren is controlling his while his father displays his power, she thought. Ero is doing this purposely.

Isilla smiled and bowed even as Arren stood, the only man to do so. She crossed the space and took the seat next to him. The cold expression she had grown used to graced his features, if he was angry that she had been called from bed, no one would be able to tell.

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It was not the the men from the Light who called me here, she realized, smiling softly at the table. At her feet, the touch of Arren's shadows wrapped themselves around her ankles, holding off the darkness of his father. Mine, they seemed to say.

Harbit stood to the side, slightly behind her, ready to read whatever she wrote. Ilun twisted around her seat, raising himself along the back of it balancing over her, wary of everyone before her.

"Down boy," she said reaching up and scratching his chin even as lowered his head on a long neck so it could lay in her lap.

"What is that thing?" the ambassador asked.

"A pet," Arren answered. "To keep the Princess company. There are many strange beasts in our lands."

"Someone caught that thing?" the man asked, stunned.

Isilla smiled, suppressing her own laughter.

Ero guffawed from his end of the table, "My son is playing on your ignorance. That is a construct. He made it for the girl. It has been quite the talk of the castle. I have heard no less than ten stories about it eating some person or another."

"A harmless joke, not an insult, my lord," Arren said to the man. "The beast is not dangerous but the Princess seems to enjoy it."

The man nodded and sipped at his tea.

"And you, dear sister, how have you been in these past few weeks," Argia asked speaking in the tongue of the Light Realm.

"I am very well, brother. I am just recovering from a long illness, you will have to excuse me for not joining you sooner on this delightful afternoon," Haribit read.

"You speak their tongue? Have you been here so long you've forgotten the words of your own?" Argia asked slyly.

Isilla smiled as she wrote her response.

"No. I miss the sound of it but it would be of a great insult to my father in law and husband if I did not communicate so that they could understand as well," Haribit's voice held no emotion.

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"How surprising, your etiquette is better than your brother's. Perhaps we wasted too much time grooming you, Argia. We could have just left on the streets and you would have come out better it seems," the Grand Avatar's voice held laughter, his smile showing white teeth against his dark, wrinkled face.

"I am surprised to see you, sir. It is such a long journey between realms," Haribit said, reading Isilla's words.

"Yes, well, I have not been and I thought, why not see King Ero once more? How many years has it been? You look well, but your age, it is showing."

Ero's smile faltered just a bit. "We do not all have light to spare," he said simply. "But the street? What is Isilla's bloodline? Are you telling me that you have sent us an illegitimate daughter?"

"There are no illegitimate children in the eyes of our Emperor, you know that. Princess Isilla was raised in a quiet part of the city by a doting mother and educated by scribes. Do you have some complaint with her? Has she not been well suited for her role here?"

Ero smiled at her. "She has been a dream."

Isilla nodded slowly in thanks as Arren's shadows reached for her fingers, under the table.

"And where is your other son?" Argia asked,, still in the language of the Light, changing the subject.

"Resting," Arren answered. "He had a training accident with one of the great hawks."

"What an unfortunate string of bad luck. Your wife is ill, your brother injured. My, my, it's almost as if you were cursed! But this isn't the Third Realm, to believe such nonsense," the Grand Avatar laughed at his own joke. "Tell me, girl, how have you liked your time here, the Dark Realm?"

"Prince Arren has been an admirable husband. Everyone here is very kind to me," Haribit read.

"Admirable? He took a consort not very long ago. After only a few months. Did he not find your bed pleasing, sister? I would have thought that you would have learned at least some tricks from your whore of a mother, Chalky," Argia said slowly, still in the language of their land, inspecting a pastry.

Isilla's face heated, anger boiling in her gut, her smile faltering. Ilun pulled his head up from her lap, a low growl that only she could hear, his head still under her hand, erupted from his throat. She moved to pick up her pen again, a thin tendril of Arren's shadow wrapping around her wrist, stilling her.

"Do not attempt to taunt my wife with your words, sir. She is above reproach. You sit at her table. Know your place," his deep voice held an edge, dangerous.

"My place? Are we not the same here? Does she rule over anything but her maids?" he chuckled.

"The Princess has quite a few fine holdings, rich in crops, lumber, and even some hunting grounds of note. Though the people directly under her rule are not as many as my own, it is no small amount. All of these fine things, the gardens, even the tea you are drinking are paid for with the income from her lands. And you, what do you rule over? As it appears to mean so much to you."

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Argia raised his eyebrow before smiling. "I seem to have misjudged your station here, forgive me, sweet sister. And you, brother in law, you seem to understand our language quite well for someone who only realized they would need it a few months ago," he said in the tongue of the Dark Realm.

"I am well educated, brother in law," Arren replied.

She nodded her head in acceptance of the apology. She glanced at Arren who did not look back at her but she could feel his shadows, stroking her thigh under the table.

"Tell us more about your beautiful lands," the second ambassador spoke, shifting the tension. Whatever game the men of the two Crowns played, their moves had been made for now.

Arren spoke for a time, describing forests and mountains, the land along the coasts. Isilla smiled and nodded, Ilun's head resting heavy on her lap as the hour stretched later. She watched the men's faces, Argia looked at Arren while the Grand Avatar stared at King Ero. King Ero locked his gaze on her but his shadows did not reach her, the only touch of darkness against her was Arren's own.

"Isilla has been out of bed long enough. She is only just recovering from her long illness and needs her rest. Please, allow me to take my leave so that I may escort her back to her rooms. And the hour is quite late, surely you would all enjoy a few moments alone to prepare for dinner?" Arren's voice polite but emotionless.

"Of course," Ero spoke first. "Take your wife to bed. And although this has been such an enjoyable afternoon, we should all take some time to freshen up for tonight's meal."

Arren stood first, holding out his hand to Isilla. She took it and rose from her chair. He slipped her arm through his and walked with her through the maze of her garden. Behind her for the first few turns she could feel his father's shadows, reaching for her but when she turned, all she saw were Haribit and Ilun, trailing behind.

At her rooms, Arren stopped Haribit in the sitting room. "I will help her into bed. I'd like a few moments alone with her but have the kitchen prepare her dinner for two tonight and if you would eat with Julen, I would appreciate that."

Haribit shrugged, "He's practically lived in my rooms since Isilla fell ill."

Can you bring him here, Isilla wrote. She had not seen the boy since he delivered his stuffed animal to her.

"Why don't we all have dinner here together then. Isilla can rest for two or so hours and we can all eat in the sitting room," Arren suggested.

Isilla smiled and nodded.

"You have to let her rest," Haribit said to Arren, a wicked smile on her face as she left.

Embarrassed, Isilla turned to Arren. His cheeks were bright red and she laughed, the tension from the meeting released.

"I am, I am sorry that you had to come today. I had declined but, I could not," he started, stumbling over his words as he tried to gain his composure.

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Your father called for me, she wrote.

"Yes, how did you know?" he asked pulling her into her bedroom.

Because he was there, she wrote.

"How astute of you, my dearest," he said removing his jacket.

Don't you have to go to dinner with them, she asked as he crossed the room to her, reaching to remove the scarf from her head, revealing her hair. Next he unbuckled the belt, letting it fall to the floor with a dull thunk.

He shook his head and moved down to the buttons on her dress. "No, it is a Council dinner. Lehan will be there, or at least he is supposed to be there. In any case, I am not required so I will be spending my evening with better company."

Her buttons undone, she let the dress slip from her shoulders, shivering in her undergarments for a moment before he handed her the discarded nightgown. He pulled back the blankets and she climbed into the bed.

Why did he want me to come, she asked.

"I don't know, he didn't say. He only announced he was attending the tea this morning, when the Grand Avatar's identity was revealed to us. He demanded your presence and that we hold it in your halls just a half an hour before which is why you had no notice."

She frowned and he pushed her chin up, bringing her eyes back to him, "But I don't think it had anything to do with you. There is something else going on between my father and the Light Realm."

You are not worried, she asked.

He sighed, pulling off his shirt. "I am concerned, yes, but there is nothing I can do but wait right now."

She nodded, dropping the subject. Do I really have lands? Or did you just say that to get a rise from my brother, she wrote.

"No, you really have lands. I chose them for you myself. I was planning to take you to visit them in the spring."

There's so much I don't know, she wrote, frowning.

"Don't worry, there's plenty of time to learn," his voice almost a whisper against her skin before his lips covered hers and they fell into the bed together.

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