The Silent Princess

Chapter 55

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Isilla frowned as the maid pulled the strings on her dress, fitting it tighter to her form before tying it and stepping back, smoothing the wide skirts. The gold birds, stitched into the soft, cream colored fabric by hand caught the lamplight making it seem as if the were flying under some strange sun.

"If this was the Light Realm," Haribit started as she brushed her hand over the dress, the birds rising form the fabric to flutter like butterflies around the room. The maids gasped in delight at the small trick before Haribit dismissed it. "I'm not strong enough to maintain that all night," she sighed as she put the last touches on Isilla's hair.

The night of the ball had arrived, the previous days passing without incident, which Isilla was glad of as her body needed the rest. Although she felt better, her cough gone, she could still feel a sort of tiredness in her from the illness, one that would only heal with more rest. The heaviness of the dress was not helping. It also had no pockets or any other way to carry her book. She would, as long as the ball lasted, be unable to communicate freely, which bothered her but was not worth getting too upset about. After all, she thought, no one there really cares to know what I think anyway.

Haribit dismissed the other maids before she turned to finish dressing Isilla.

She looked at her face in the mirror. Haribit had added lip color and blush, the light makeup enhancing her beauty rather than covering it as her past maids had. Her face and bare shoulders had a golden quality about them, her red hair tamed and twisted into a style that tumbled over one shoulder. She smiled at her reflection.

You've made me look so lovely, she wrote.

"Stop, you are lovely," Haribit giggled back. "Now come on, your husband is waiting."

She nodded and stood, stepping into her shoes. Ilun climbed from the bed and stretched, following her out of the room.

Arren stood as they entered, a smile on his face. His formal jacket, a deep, plum color, nearly black with silver buttons made him seem regal and mysterious. Next to him stood Julen, the boy holding a solemn expression as he bowed, low and formal.

"You look very lovely tonight, Princess Isilla," Julen said, his voice very serious.

Isilla smiled and crossed the room, bent, kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you," she said slowly so he could read her lips.

He blushed and looked down as she stood, meeting her husband's gaze.

He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles, "Your maid has played a cruel trick on me, putting color on your lips to keep me from kissing you."

She frowned and touched her face.

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"Don't misunderstand," he said softly, learning to whisper in her ear. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen but I cannot kiss you or I will smear your makeup. And if I do kiss you, we will not make it to this engagement."

She blushed at his words as he released her hand. "Haribit," he said, "Will you care for Julen tonight? All seven courses of our meal will be delivered to your rooms including the deserts. Don't eat too much, boy, or you'll get a stomachache."

Julen smiled wide, shaking in his excitement.

Haribit smiled and beckoned for Julen to come to her.

"And you, beast, you'll be with us," Arren said causally. "Tell him to behave and stay off of the table, Isilla."

"Be good tonight," she said to Ilun.

He wagged the many tails that sprouted from his backside as Isilla turned back to Arren, questioning him.

"Very few people will wish to waste time at at our table with him standing guard. Besides, you feel better when he is with you. As long as he behaves, there is no reason he should wait here. Many women of the court bring their pets to official functions. Why should you be any different?"

She smiled and he took her hand. As her eyes closed, the air shifted around them.

She opened them a moment later. They stood before a large door manned by two attendants in formal dress. Arren raised his hand, beckoning them to wait.

"This night will be longer than I wish but it will only last a few hours. We will leave shortly after dessert. One dance because it is required and because that is all the wait I can handle."

She smiled softly at him, which he returned before closing his eyes. When they opened. They were cold and hard but around them both, every trace of his shadows was gone, as they had been over the tea.

This is hard for him, she thought even as he took her arm and moved forward. Is this why he doesn't attend these functions?

The attendants bowed, opening the doors. Inside another waited. "Announcing Prince Arren and Princess Isilla!" the man said in a booming voice.

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A hush fell over the room, the musicians stopped playing, Isilla could feel everyone's eyes on them as Arren led her forward. At the head of the room sat a table. King Ero and Prince Lehan to one side and the Grand Avatar and Prince Argia on the other, two empty chairs between them. On one side, Arren's family, on the other, hers. Arren stopped before the table and bowed his head to his father, Isilla following suit.

Shadows spilled from the man, down to her feet drowning the soft glow of both her brother and the Grand Avatar. There is not enough Light for them here, she thought. Or maybe, she considered, now that I am here there is?

Unsure either way she smiled at them before Arren led her to their seats.

She glanced at Lehan, his arm in a sling but otherwise he seemed fine. Ilun wrapped himself around her chair, as he had done the garden, a low growl coming from his throat as eyes appeared on his form, all pointed at Lehan.

"Be still," Isilla said to him and the sound stopped.

Lehan frowned and would not meet her eyes. She exhaled and turned back to the table.

"The guests of honor have arrived. Please, enjoy tonight's festivities," Ero said, his voice carrying throughout the room. The gathered crowd clapped and found their seats as the first course was served.

It was much the same as Arren had described to her. Plates of food were brought out which she nibbled at. In between entertainment, jesters and poets, there were Lords and Ladies who came to present gifts to them. Bolts of cloth, fine jewels, paintings and other various items. Isilla smiled and bowed her thanks at every one while Arren waved them away. He showed his interest only in a blue colored feather, proof of a hawk that had been brought as a gift.

Arren summoned a servant and leaned to them. "Have the bid moved to the third aerie, placed in the back until further notice."

The servant hurried off and Arren paid the noble a cold smile who bowed low, thanking Arren for his favor.

"If you like anything,"Arren said, his fingers on her hand, "then I will have it pulled and delivered to your rooms."

She nodded and let more gifts pass in the same fashion. A smiling woman came with a cloak made from something that shimmered in the light. Noticing Isilla's interest, Arren beckoned the woman to come forward so that she could feel the weave.

The woman nodded, smiling nervously. "We spin the fur of a certain sheep in our land. It is very warm, very sturdy and beautiful," the woman explained.

Isilla smiled at the soft fabric under fingers.

"Take this to her rooms," Arren said casually to the waiting servant. The man took the cloak gently and was gone.

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As the noble who had given Arren the bird had done, the woman bowed, thanking Isilla for her favor before leaving the table.

The night carried on, food came to them, performers danced. The King spoke with the Grand Avatar as if they were old friends across the table between shows while the remaining two princes sipped wine and smiled at the crowd.

"There's a traditional wedding dance, in my Realm, did you know?" Argia said casually. "I wonder if Isilla knows it. Can you show us, dear sister." His voice carried over the room.

Isilla squeezed her empty hands together, unsure of how to respond to the comment, a clear jab at her.

"Her dress is unsuitable for such a request," Arren said, his annoyance creeping into his voice.

"A pity, such things are in her blood, after all, and I would have liked to see her once, in her glory," Lehan responded, just as casually as Argia had spoken before.

Arren frowned and stood. "If you would like to see my wife dance, then she will oblige."

He held his hand out to her and she took it, smiling, thankful that he rescued her from their verbal attacks. He led her to the floor and placed his hand on her lower back. The space around him seemed slightly darker than the rest of the room to her but none of the tendrils she was so used to appeared. He remained in control despite his feelings.

"I assume you know how to do this," he said softly.

She nodded as the music began to play. She kept her eyes on his as they moved across the floor, more dancers joining them in time. "I'll have the dessert brought to your rooms but I cannot wait another moment more to be alone with you."

"Announcing the Lady Elixabete," a booming voice came from the entrance as everything stopped, just as it had done when she and Arren entered only this time the silence quickly filled with whispers as Elixabete slid into the room. Adorned with a gold dress, her belly full and round before her. Isilla looked up at Arren, the line of his jaw tight.

She shifted her hand slightly, to pull his attention back to her but paused, an unfamiliar touch against her skin.

Fingers, thin and nimble slipped under her chin, pushing her face up as something sharp and hard thrust into her throat. Just as quickly as it had begun, the assault ended, the knife pulled away from her, her blood splashing in great streams from her, staining the fine dress.

Everything happened at once. Ilun leaped across the table, after the person who had harmed her, his great body crashing into the screaming crowd all teeth and claws. Arren's eyes, alerted by the wet touch of her life on his face turned back to her. "What?" he asked shifting his hand quickly to cover the wound, falling to the floor with her. "Isilla! My love, don't," words tumbled from his mouth as his shadows returned, his eyes turning black, misty tears falling from him.

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He's crying, Isilla thought half panicked as the darkness spread from him in great waves. She reached for his face, that other sense in her waking and churning in her chest. The sound of the room became distant. Oh, she realized, he's done something he didn't mean.

I need, she thought, reaching for him physically while the thing in her reached with its own power, searching for the connection that it had made, the bond between them.

Again it grabbed him, his darkness. He gritted his teeth, grunting as she pulled at him, his darkness flooding into her, that space in her changing it to something she could use. Light flooded the room where his shadows had stretched and reached.

I understand, she thought as the Light moved through her, healing the wound, the abundance of power still too much. She reached along it as if they waves of energy were threads in the Veil, finding the damage that he had done in his fear and anger and correcting it. Golden birds erupted from the waves, landing on the fallen bodies of the court, pulling them back from the darkness that had drowned them.

Arren pulled her to his chest, her bleeding stopped, the wound healed, as he tried to bring himself back under control. She gripped his jacket, breathing hard as she looked around the room. The birds dashed to and fro, the people stared up at them, wide eyed.

Ilun held her attacker in his jaws, the man's torso crushed, no light in his eyes. He dropped the body and one of her birds flickered past it, finding nothing it could correct.

She turned to the table. The barrier of light that had been created by either her brother or the Grand Avatar lowered slowly, letting her birds inspect them. One of them landed on Lehan, bowing as it corrected his injured arm. The Grand Avatar smiled up at them, holding out one old finger, enticing a bird to land on it. "How wonderful," he said. "I'm sure the Emperor will be pleased to hear of his very talented daughter."

King Ero stared at her, his darkness creeping across the room to her. Arren turned and she felt the power between them shift, her birds dropped away leaving only Arren's twisting shadows. They met his father's, stopping them from reaching her, keeping his touch from her skin.

"Are you alright?" he asked, turning her face to look at his.

She touched her neck, her hands coming back wet with blood and nodded. He kissed her, deep and hard, his own fear and worry clear, holding her tightly, unconcerned with the eyes of the court on them.

"What thing have you brought to my palace, old friend?" Ero asked the Grand Avatar as Arren helped Isilla to her feet.

Her legs felt weak under her. Ilun left the body of the assassin and joined her, his fur raised, alert. "Ilun, go to Haribit and Julen," she commanded, realizing that they were unprotected. The animal whined but obeyed, rushing into the shadows and disappearing completely.

"We sent you a bride," the old man responded, smiling. "Is that not what you asked for? But it seems as if your son has taken her."

"So it seems, but perhaps, this is for the better. What power between those two. Arren take your bride away from here. She seems to be in need of some rest. We will speak more on this tomorrow afternoon. The guards will escort our guests to their rooms. Lehan, won't you join them?" Ero spoke casually but there was a hardness underneath of his words.

Arren nodded his head and wrapped his arm around Isilla, his shadows rising, engulfing them as she buried her face in his chest.

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