Sylvia gritted her teeth.

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Thinking about it, the reason why the Princess came to her and said such a thing. She didn’t know if it was true though Livia cursed her because of Azela.

…If only Azela had died.

At the thought, she frowned deeply. There was no contact from the skilled assassin, whom she had hired even after selling the land owned by Todd’s family. It wasn’t the time to just wait, she had to do something.

“…Daniel will come back to me when I kill Azela!”

Sylvia screamed as she bent her upper body and buried her face in the blanket covering herself so that it wouldn’t leak outside. She had definitely risen from mistress to Countess, but strangely, she kept thinking that the days where she lived as the mistress were easier and happier.


But yes, this was not the time for this. First, she had to find out about other assassins…

Sylvia lifted the red blanket from the bed to raise her body.


And at that moment, she stopped.

Forgetting even to breathe, she stared blankly at the sheets on her bed. It was weird. It was very strange… somehow, the white bed sheets were stained red for some reason.

“Wha-what is, what is this…?”

Raising her trembling hand and touching the reddish bedsheets, the sticky blood quickly clung to her palms. It wasn’t just the bed sheets that were wet. The pure white dress that Sylvia liked was also stained red with blood.

It was blood flowing between her legs.

“It’s, not—not yet, no…”

As she turned her head left and right, there was no one around her.

Sylvia lifted her trembling hand, stained with her own blood, and placed it on her stomach. She didn’t know if it was because of her thoughts though it seemed that her stomach, which had been swollen, had become thinner somewhere.


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She finally let out a loud scream, pulling her hair.

Sylvia’s scream echoed through the Crown Prince’s villa, and the handmaid hurriedly ran and opened the door to her bedroom. They looked at Sylvia, who was half out of her mind, tearing at the blood-stained bedsheets and her hair, and took a deep breath.

The quiet villa quickly became noisy.

The handmaids moved quickly, and three doctors came to see Sylvia. Daniel, who normally wouldn’t even show his face, was also exhausted trying to soothe Sylvia.

“What happened?! Check it out right away!”

He yelled urgently at the doctors.

Even at the moment of washing Sylvia and examining her so that it would not become infected, they just blankly stared at her bleeding lower body and did nothing else. They wouldn’t forget the red blood that flowed from her.

At that moment, the doctors shook their heads.

“Well… Count Todd—”

“Tell me quickly. What about the child? What happened to the child?”

With Daniel’s urging, Sylvia also turned her head toward the doctor.

Not now.

Now was not the time. Azela was not dead yet. If she didn’t have a child.. if she doesn’t have Daniel’s child…

“You miscarried…”


No sooner than the doctor finished his words, Sylvia threw the pillow.


“…Mis, miscarried?”

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“It could have been a lot of stress, extreme nutritional imbalance, or it could just be that the baby is weak. There are many reasons, but…”

“Shut up!! I said no!”

Sylvia’s venomous gaze turned to the doctor and then to Daniel, who was holding her.

When the child was gone, he would go to Azela. Only if she got rid of Azela, and then the baby, would he love herself fully. If she had a baby, her body would surely be ruined, and Daniel would no longer find herself beautiful.

So, so…

“Da, Daniel. Don’t go to Azela.”


“It’s, it’s okay to have another baby. No, without a baby, I can become prettier.”

She clung to Daniel’s sleeves. Even though Sylvia showed her prettiest smile, the muscles on her face were trembling.

“Look, look. I am so pretty. I’d, I’d rather not have a baby between you and me anyway. Without a baby, I can be more beautiful. I was thinking of getting rid of the baby anyway… I had no intention of giving birth.”

“Sylvia, you…”


With her beaming smile, Daniel pulled himself out of her arms. Sylvia’s eyes were trembling as disgust crept into Daniel’s green eyes as he looked down at her.


“What… are you talking about now?”

“Daniel, don’t go to Azela. Stay with me.”

“Are you saying… you were thinking of getting rid of the baby?”

Sylvia erased her smile and cried seeing his hardened face. It was so difficult to look at that expression that was without affection. She uttered as she grabbed Daniel’s hand, who was holding her shoulder.

“Think about it. Having a baby will ruin my body, my skin will sag and I will lose my beauty… then, you won’t like it either. Besides, if I have a baby in my stomach, I won’t be able to sleep with you.”

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“Ah, now that the child is gone, let’s sleep together. I’ll come to your bedroom tonight. How about that?”

“You really are…”

“So please… please don’t abandon me and go to Azela.”

“…You are crazy.”


Daniel pulled Sylvia out of his arms with a creeped-out look. Like an offspring away from its mother, Sylvia wailed as he pulled herself away.

“…Are you planning on not giving birth? Have you been thinking about that all along?”

“Daniel! Daniel!!”

“You’re crazy, Sylvia.”

Not even wiping the blood flowing between her thighs, she wasn’t even mentioning the child in her stomach as she only cried while calling Daniel’s name. Everyone was horrified.

“…Treat Sylvia, and bring her to rest.”


Eventually, he walked away from her with a shocked face. Daniel, who took a step back, eventually shook his head at the sight of Sylvia reaching out her hand toward him, turned back, and left the bedroom.

“Daniel! Come back, Daniel! I’m still beautiful! I can be more beautiful, please…!”

Even though Sylvia wailed and reached her hand toward the door to the bedroom where he left, even if she raised her voice, he didn’t come back and turned his back on her.

At the reality that she couldn’t believe, she cried out loud.

“I’m crazy? I’m not crazy!! I’m not crazy!”

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“Ma, Madam…”

“It would be better if the child disappeared, too!! It’s better if I’m pretty! You said you liked me because I was pretty…!”

There was no one that answered her shouts. In the end, the doctors had no choice but to give a sedative as she struggled endlessly. Fortunately, the effect was rapid, and against her will, her body drooped and she couldn’t even raise my voice.


Sylvia quietly spat out Azela’s name.

Yes, it was Azela’s fault in the first place. It was Azela’s fault that she became like this and that she miscarried the child.

With her eyes closed, Sylvia kept repeating Azela’s name as if she would not forget her name.



* * *



Azela woke up with a frown hearing the rustling sound and the constant feeling of being tickled.

It was clear that it was a bright morning, as she could feel the sun shining through her closed eyes. Even if she heard the sound of rustling, what was it that tickled her face and body like this? She lifted her eyelids in a daze.

“…Are you awake?”

As soon as she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Zagnac, who was right next to her.

He kissed her cheek, forehead, and bridge of her nose before kissing her lips gently. Azela, still not awake, grasped the situation as Zagnac kissed her frantically. He was undressed, and she, too, was undressed.

As she was held in his arms, his pillar was showing its presence between her thighs in the morning. His thick, towering pillar pressed heavily on Azela’s thighs as if asking to look at it.

“Wa, wait.”

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