Azela, who had been gazing at Zagnac with a blank face, rubbed her eyes.

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“Do you need human energy in the morning?”

She was taken aback by his pillar, which rose greatly and pulled her lower body back. However, he laughed and pulled her back, and held her back in his arms.

At that moment, realizing what a stupid question she had asked, Azela blushed.

“…Oh, you don’t.”

He didn’t need human energy.


She remembered his confession to her last night and remembered the image of herself crying and clinging to Zagnac. As she closed her eyes in embarrassment, Zagnac’s laughter came from above her head.

He smiled and kissed Azela’s lips pleasantly.

“This is the first time I’ve been waiting for the morning sun. Because when morning comes, you will open your eyes. If this is the ‘waiting’ that humans do, I think it’s quite possible. I didn’t even notice the passage of time because I was looking at your face.”

Zagnac’s lips, which were drawing an arc, passed Azela’s face and carved his mark on her collarbone. Even though it was only a light bite, he ran his finger over the red mark of himself on her collarbone, liking it, while his gaze slowly descended to her chest.

Azela was distracted by his attacking lips before she even woke up. As his soft tongue circled her n*pples, the peaks swelled with excitement.

“Wa, wait… uht.”

Hearing her moan, he raised his head and looked at her.

“Does it hurt?”

Despite having a good recovery, the wounds on her back and her left hand were still not fully healed so Zagnac asked with a worried look.

“Shall we not?”

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What do you mean not?

The swollen n*pples spoke of her feelings as Azela opened her mouth wide with Zagnac’s sincere question. It was true that she had to be careful not to let her wounds get hurt though she didn’t want to stop here.


She then pulled him by the neck with her right hand and bit his lip lightly.


Her heart swelled with happiness, whether it was his soft voice melting into the morning light or the fact that he was right in front of her as soon as she opened her eyes.

Zagnac lowered his long fingers down and touched her opening. Azela opened her mouth wide as his long fingers squeezed into her. Perhaps because of the overflowing love liquid, his fingers slipped relatively easily.


Azela let out a short moan.

Using his teeth, he held the buds in his mouth and bit on it. The powerful thrill that spread through her body from the morning was hard to handle. Even before his fingers moved vigorously, Azela’s toes curled up even though it was just a gentle circle.

“…It’s soft.”

One more of his fingers suddenly entered her opening, but oddly enough, it didn’t hurt.

Seeing no response from Azela, Zagnac inserted another finger into her, leaving a red mark on her chest bone.


With one more finger in, Azela let out a moan and lifted her back. As she lifted her body in pleasure, Zagnac slowly moved his fingers that had been inserted into her. The muddy sound of the love liquid rubbing spread loudly in the bedroom.

When his fingers, which had been moving slowly, gradually increased their speed, Azela’s moaning, seized by the pleasure, also increased.

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As she lifted her toe high into the air, he stopped and removed his finger.

With his fingers disappearing, Azela, with a limp body, cast a hazy gaze down at the emptiness. She wished he would quickly scratch her itchy stomach.

Perhaps knowing her wish, Zagnac spread her thighs wide apart. In the meantime, she could see his lower leg, which was towering with excitement. It was taller and thicker than usual as he carefully rubbed himself against her.


Thanks to the flowing love liquid, his pillar was quickly sucked into hers, even though he only had to rub it lightly. Feeling her stomach full, Azela opened her eyes wide and bent her waist. It seemed to be slightly painful, maybe because of its larger size than usual.

As her parted lips trembled, Zagnac comforted her.


“…It’s okay, breathe.”

He let out a small breathing sound in her ear. Even if she tried to catch up her breath with him, it was not easy for her with Zagnac’s flesh growing inside her.


“Relax, so it hurts less.”


“…I, I know.”

She knew with her head, of course, but couldn’t help with tensioning her body.

As Azela, who couldn’t take the strength off, tightened him with all her might, his flesh swelled up against his will. Zagnac, who was not moving inside Azela and was enduring it, also clenched his teeth hard as if he was having a hard time as well.


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A low groan came.

Azela gently stroked his face, which had a distressed look, while letting out her still trembling breath and nodding her head cautiously.

With her permission, he slowly moved his waist. Feeling great pleasure from the slightest movement, her toes curled. His movements were smooth because of the liquid dripping down enough to wet the bed sheets.


His flesh pushed in endlessly and stabbed her inside. Zagnac’s movements, which had been moving slowly, were gradually intensifying.

As he sped up, Azela’s pleasure also grew and he leaned over and kissed her lips.

She didn’t know if it was his large, warm hands clasped together or his soft tongue moving in her mouth, but a warmth spread through her body.

“Za, Zagnac…”

Every time he moved faster, her back was rubbed against the bed sheet and she felt a slight sting, but Azela did not stop. The thrill that was spreading through her body was too great for her to stop, and soon, the pain she had felt beneath her was eventually no longer felt.

More than that, she loved the feeling that filled her inside, so she reached out her hand and pulled Zagnac’s neck into her arms.

“Ku-uht, Azela…!”

He called out her name and collapsed forward.

When he called her name, Azela also climaxed and lifted her legs high into the air, with her lower body flinching as Zagnac swelled greatly inside her. Her stomach instantly felt a warmth spread. As she gasped, he slowly pulled himself out of her.


The moment his flesh, which was filling her insides fell out, she could feel something dripping down her thighs. Azela, unable to lift a finger, gazed at Zagnac with hazy eyes.

“Are you okay?”

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“…I’m okay.”

Instead of snapping his fingers as he usually did, Zagnac picked up a towel by the side and gently wiped it under her. As Azela gazed at him, wiping herself with a half-closed gaze, he raised his head and looked at her.

“Looking at it that way…”


“…I want to do more.”

With a smile, he lifted her upper body and kissed her on the lips again.

Surprised, Azela hurriedly tried to pull back though it seemed too late. It was because his manhood, which had swelled up again, poked at her thigh. She looked at him with frightened eyes, but he was smiling.

Zagnac, who had dug into her tongue, lifted her carefully from the bedsheets and placed her on his own thigh.

“Hold, hold on…”

“No. I won’t let you go.”

Even though she shook her head to avoid his persistent lips, it was useless. In the end, she would be caught by his hands. Azela, who did not feel bad as he obsessively followed her, eventually let out a small laugh.

Zagnac grabbed Azela’s hips tightly and carefully thrust into her opening again.


The liquid that had not yet been wiped made his lower body push in without much difficulty. Feeling softer than before, Azela let out a moan again.

The pain, which had been stinging her, quickly disappeared, and the excitement and pleasure surged again.


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