Chapter 2 Original Text

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Chef Kio of the Lint Bloom Order had a secret that no one knew about.

He is a reincarnation from Earth.

During his life, Kio managed a restaurant.

One day while he was buying groceries, there was a truck going down a street where a child was playing. Without a moment to think, in one instance, he thrust away the child to the other side of the street and a strong impact stopped his consciousness.

Soon after, a man who called himself God said my death was unexpected and it seems I was made to reincarnate. Incidentally, the child survived.

When I reincarnated, I was told that any of my wishes would come true. I requested that where I went that I would not be troubled and understand the language so that I could cook.

And so I received such a skill.

「Language Comprehension」

Ability to understand and speak parallel world’s language

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「Absolute Cooking」

Invincible against all ingredients

「Absolute Cooking」is a cheat. At any rate, for living creatures that can be eaten, if attacked by them, I will not receive damage. And when I attack them, they will always receive damage.

However, this skill is not capable against everything. That’s right, it’s only invincible against edible living things. Therefore, this newly reincarnated person was almost killed by a slime. Just at that moment, this order’s leader came and saved him. Even though he can defeat a dragon, he’s nothing against a slime.

「Well, what are you going to make tod- Hm?」

「What is this?」

「Oh, Kio. These are ingredients sent from the country, please have a look. It’s only potos (ポト) and there are a few kiros (キロ).  」

「Oh, these are potos?」

Just from the looks, it seems like a potato, huh~

Maybe kiros are carrots?

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「Ah, these you can eat just by boiling them. It’s good for making you feel full but the taste is not so great. It gets dried out so you get thirsty. We common folk have eaten only potos since we were young so I hate even just looking at them. I think there would probably be people that hate it in the kishidan too.」

「Heh, I see. Can you give these to me?」

「Hm? Ah, I don’t mind.」

「Thank you very much. Please look forward to today’s meal. 」

Well, first of all

cut the poto (potato) and kiro (carrot).

It’s hard to cut enough for 50 people’s portions.

Spread the oil in the saucepan and stir fry the vegetables.

Cut yesterday’s dragon meat into easy to bite pieces and put it in the saucepan. Then, add water.

There are people who can use magic that can add the water.

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Put in some fish dashi and then boil.

Add sake, mirin, and soy sauce, and then put the lid on and boil well.

Once the soup has been mostly boiled off, it’s complete.

「Nikujaga* is done!」

*TL: Google it. It’s a Japanese style meat and potatoes dish. Super yum.

「Hm? Something smells good.」

「Ah, Miki-san. I just finished making the rice, can you call the others?」

Miki-san is a woman and one of the captains. She can use magic and helped me put water in the pot earlier.

「Okay, I’ll go call them.」

The nikujaga is distributed to everyone.

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「Uwah, are these really potos?」

Everyone asked something like this kind of question.

「Etto, today, what I made is called nikujaga. The main part of the dish are what everyone knows very well, potos. People who don’t like them might be here but, people who think so just try and eat it once.」

「Now let’s say thank you for our ingredients… itadakimasu.」


「Mm, this poto does not taste like any poto I’ve ever had.」

「It’s true, if it’s this, I can eat it.」

「The potos are so yummy, it’s great!」

「Kio, you saved me. I never would’ve that potos would be this delicious. HAHAHA!」

That’s great, everyone seems happy!

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