Chapter 3 Original Text

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Yesterday, there was a battle with the enemy nation’s order of knights.

The enemy had about 30 people.

Cling! Clang!




Both the enemies and allies were quickly defeated one by one.

Whoosh! Jump!

「Ugh! …Guhah」

An ally let loose an arrow and hit the commander of the enemy country.

Immediately after, the leader shouted.

「Now is our chance!! Let’s close in at once!」

It was only an instance from that point on. Once the commander was defeated, the group was unable to function and all who were left were those who continued fighting, those who were escaping from fear, and those who were begging for their lives.

A few minutes later, the enemy country’s order was completely annihilated.

There were some left that were begging for their lives but the leader cut them down.

I asked the leader.

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「Why did you kill them when they had no will to fight!?」

「This is to protect everyone’s lives! I’ve been entrusted with everyone’s lives. It’s nothing but dangerous if you let these bastards from the enemy country close to the group. Please understand.」

I was sad. I reaffirmed again that this is war.

In this battle, we lost 8 of our comrades.

If you look at the big picture, we had a complete victory but I am still sad.
To have people you know die is a painful thing.

But we have no time to be sad about their passing. We are in the middle of war, we do not know when another battle will begin.

It seems that we will burn their bodies here. If we leave them be, they will become undead.

I am unable to do anything like fighting in battles. This is because when you are in the middle of a battle, in the furthest back all you can do is receive protection from your allies and you can’t do anything. There have been people who have gotten injured trying to protect me. Those times were very regrettable.

The me who was very depressed went to talk to the leader.

「You haven’t done anything wrong, they were only doing their jobs. Don’t blame yourself. Just do the things you can do right now. What is your job?」

The thing I can do… is make food.

Everyone’s tired from battling. I want to heal people through my cooking!

When people are tired, what is good to eat?


「I’m going to the forest to find ingredients.」

「Okay, I got it. But there are very dangerous demons living in that forest. Be careful.」

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「I understand.」

In a short while after going into the forest, I found some trees with red fruit.

I took a bite.


「Mm! Isn’t this an apple!」

I put the apples inside the wagon and went forward.

Even so, I wonder why was there such a large quantity of apples there?

Normally, food in such large quantities would become food for the monsters, so there would not be anything.

It’s as if someone was protecting them.

「Ko Ko Kokeeh!!」

「!?… A chicken? No, this is…」

In front of Kio was something that looked like a chicken, but its tail was a snake. The most surprising thing was its size.

A normal chicken has a height of about 40 centimeters. However, this chicken was over 4 meters.

A normal person would run away but

but to Chef Kio…

「Chicken meat!」

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And NECK STRETCH! He cut off its neck and killed it.

He dismantled the meat, loaded it in the wagon, and returned to the campgrounds.

「Kio! Food still not done yet? Please do something, I’m hungry.」

「Ah! I’m sorry. I’ll start cooking now. I’ll do it quickly.」

I was able to get a lot of chicken, so I will use that.

Rub miso, mirin, garlic (grated) into the breast meat.

There’s not enough time right now so I cannot reduce it for one night like I wanted to.

Put the breast meat in the frying pan with sake, and cover it with a lid under low heat.

Once you cut it into pieces that are easy to eat, you are done.

You have made a miso garlic chicken steak, very easy right?

And now cut the apples and serve them together.

I think I remember something about apples have citric acid which will aid in recovering from fatigue.

「Hey, is food still not done yet-?」

「It’s done-! Please call over everyone.」

It was distributed to everyone.

「Etto, today is miso garlic chicken steak. The chicken breast with the accompanying apples will aid in recovering fatigue, so please eat a lot.」

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「Now let’s say thank you for our ingredients… itadakimasu.」



「It’s true!」

「The chicken isn’t dry at all!」

Everyone ate as if it was very delicious.

And the commanding officer,

「Oi, Kio. Do you have any chicken left?」

「Ah, no. In the forest, I encountered a gigantic chicken but its tail was a snake. So, as expected, I threw away that part.」

*TL: Sound of someone choking

「Please don’t spit out all of a sudden, it’s dirty.」
「W- Wait. That’s a Cockatrice (コカトリス) ain’t it! It takes 10 skilled knights to beat a Cockatrice!」
「Oh, is that so?」

「Not just “Oh!” Cockatrices have a power to petrify with their breath and if they take damage from an attack, they forget it after three steps. It’s an extremely troublesome demon! 」

「I did a NECK STRETCH! And cut it so it was all done though.」

「… I see, well, it is you. I’m not gonna say anything anymore.」

It seems that the leader gave up on thinking.

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