It was only mid-May, but the weather was already warming up. The beautiful women were already impatient to swap to their long prepared summer clothing. On the street, beautiful legs had already started to dazzle people’s eyes.

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At Ninghai International Airport’s exit gate.

Su Rui was wearing a red check shirt with its hem put inside of his casual pants, with a tall and straight posture. On his right-hand there was a silver suitcase. He was stylized as an up-class businessman.

However, this stylish man was different. He was panting for chasing after a beautiful woman. While wiping his sweat, impatiently said: “Hey, beauty! I already explained to you that a blackened yintang* it’s a sign of bad omen. How about you just hear me out?”

This beauty resembled a 20+ years model. Her stature was tall, the skin was snow white, the attire was a long bohemian dress and the eyes were extremely attractive. In comparison with her figure, her complexion was even more dazzling. A flawless beauty of the highest delicacy.

As she walked in the airport passage, from front to rear and left to right almost all gazes were drawn. Such a breathtaking sight.

Upon hearing that, the beauty turned and coldly asked: “Are you speaking of whose sign of bad omen?”

All ordinary people hearing Su Rui’s speech thought that it was of a curse. Even a good-tempered person would become dissatisfied with that. But how could the icy beauty known that Su Rui’s words contained a hidden meaning. The Chinese language is broad and profound.

Su Rui’s gaze swept the beauty’s bosom thoroughly before saying: “Of course it’s yours! Our meeting should have been predetermined! Coming from America to China in the same flight. Even more, seating in neighbors seats in the 1st class cabin. This must be fate! How about we try to find a place to sit and chat a little? So that I can explain to you how to get rid of your bra. No, bad omen…”

The beauty’s gaze increasingly got colder.

Su Rui smiled: “Even if we can not go chat, we still can exchange contacts.”

To this beauty, Su Rui’s blabber was already killing her patience. She had previously heard this kind of speech numerous times, this kind of simply gives in to impulse.

“If you keep pestering me, I will have people throw you in the Ning River to feed the fishes!” The beauty coldly warned. But little did she know that this kind of emotionless rebuke was even more lovely in Su Rui’s eyes.

“A sassy girl… Love them the most!” Regarding the beauty’s rebuke, Su Rui did not seem to mind it at all. As all people share the love of beauty.

Just as Su Rui finished speak, he felt an acute burst of pain coming from his lower abdomen. It turned out that the icy beauty had already turned her body and gave Su Rui an extremely vicious knee strike.

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“That really hurts!” Su Rui gasped with pain, as he pressed his abdomen and bent at the waist. Towards the beauty’s back indignant stated: “Pah!* You bitch, how arrogant you are! Had it struck me five centimeters lower, and I would have to die without descendants!”

“Not only the legs are long, the chest is also big. Even the look is superb. How can exist someone so terrific, yet capable of casually beat up a person? If you have the guts to come back and hit me once more, I promise you not to grab hold of your dress and yank it off…” Su Rui squatted at the floor to mutter, seemly in a boundless resentment.

The icy beauty had clearly heard Su Rui’s unpleasantly words. Her footsteps halted for a moment and thereupon proceed towards on.

At the exit of the airport, there was already a black Rolls-Royce Phantom waiting for her. At the first sight of the beauty came out, a pair of man in black suit wearing sunglasses with a bodyguard bearing promptly pulled open the door of the car and in a reverential manner requested this icy beauty to get inside the car.

“Oh! It looks like she is a princess of the mafia! A Rolls-Royce Phantom at the very least is priced as 7,000,000 RMB*.” Su Rui pounded to rise from the floor to stand up, without showing sights of pain.

After waving his hand to call a taxi, Su Rui gets in and said: “Master, head to the Bi Kang Pharmaceutical.”

“Lad, the looks of you is of a returnee. Perhaps, are you going to the Bi Kang Group to work?” That’s among the biggest companies of Ninghai. It’s said that a security staff’s monthly salary reaches 8,000+ RMB*.

“That high?” Su Rui was somewhat unconvinced.

“Without a shred of doubt, as reportedly all security staff are neatly hand-picked. Furthermore, a kung fu background is a must have. You believed that ordinary people would be allowed to ingress the Bi Kang Pharmaceutical Group at random?” The taxi driver mentions the Bi Kang with a stance of conceit. After all, it is one of the Ninghai’s local companies that has grown and become one of the major pharmaceutical companies. The local citizens are quite proud of it.

“I suppose so. I should be able to get the job…” Su Rui though for a moment as he was somewhat not so sure how to answer.

“A job application is just a job application. Why would we call it otherwise? In addition, one cannot be self-confidence with such a meager resolution. How will you be able to ingress in the Bi Kang Group?” The taxi driver said resentfully.

Su Rui laughed and did not mind it in the slightest. He spoke no more, as he apparently was remembering past events.

A small car stopped at the front of the Bi Kang Plaza. In which Su Rui walked out, to see the towering Bi Kang General Headquarters building. Who could not refrain from sighing a reaction: “Truly imposing!”

Ending his dismay, Su Rui took out his cell phone and dialed a seemingly quite odd number. As the number had no less than 20 digits.

“Hello, I am already at the Bi Kang’s building downstairs. You still do not have the present mission’s detailed information to inform me?” Su Rui said very dissatisfiedly, in virtue of his present position. Currently, there are very few people that were capable of making demands from him. If not for the he promise made with to the man on the other side. That as so long the opposite party meets a problem, the other would not hesitate to give aid. Otherwise, Su Rui unlikely would have left the EUA and crossed thousands of miles to return to China.

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And more than anything, to take one’s mind calmness. This present mission… is surprisingly pro bono.

“As expected, I was not mistaken. You truly came back. You haven’t changed, the Su Rui at that time still…” The voice on the telephone appeared to be somewhat excited.

“Stop with the fucking emotions outburst. You and I do not share a single bit of relationship, merely let me set about this pro bono job. Which will be my first! Just to let you know, I will help you out this one time. But it absolutely will not happen again!” Su Rui fiercely spat the chewing gum from his mouth to the insides of the garbage can. Seemingly impatient: “Hurry up and tell me what it is!”

A man passing by in the direct opposite side of the road watched blankly. As Su Rui, all the sudden spat his chewing gum in the insides of the garbage can with an unmistakable accuracy. Even though this particular garbage can was located across the road with an in-between distance of about 10 meters long!

“I only want you to help me solve a few problems for a person.”

“Help solve a man’s problems? Who?” Su Rui pursed his lips, then towards the side of the road a beautiful woman blew a whistle. So long as a beautiful woman appears within his line of sight, his mood always recovers fast.

“Bi Kang Pharmaceutical Group’s chairman Lin Fuzhang. No, even more precisely speaking Lin Fuzhang’s single daughter, Lin Aoxue.”

“Why help her, give me a reason. As I don’t even know how she looks.”

“Lin Aoxue is graduated from the Capital University in Macromolecular Chemistry and Management Science, both with a masters degree. Currently assigned as Bi Kang Group’s acting director and simultaneous Research Division and Development Division’s director. Two months ago, in the scientific authority magazine – Nature – paper’s front cover. Causing stir at home and abroad.”

“In spite of all just a bookworm! So, what thesis had she published?” Su Rui raised an eyebrow.

“Utilization of macromolecular methods on the synthesis of the sub-atomic triple short-ammonia array*.”

“Triple short-ammonia array? From what I know of it, this is the main component of mental disorder’s medicaments and a quite expensive one.

The voice of the opposite man became even more gloomy: “However, neither you nor Lin Aoxue is aware that so long as this triple short-ammonia array is undertaken a simple chemical synthesis, it will precisely constitute the main raw material of the ‘X-One’.”

“X-One?” Su Rui frowned. “Isn’t that the new narcotic that is popular in The West?”

“Correct! Lin Aoxue’s synthesis method is more concise than the currently available refining method in The West. Lowering the manufacturing costs by at least fivefold! Whether it is international pharmaceutical companies or underground drug lords, both parties recognize Lin Aoxue’s patent as a must have possession.”

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“Lin Fuzhang is also aware that this paper thesis publication had brought great misfortune to his daughter’s personal safety. For that reason, he sought my help, as we are old friends….”

“Oh, just cut the crap! I still have one question.” Su Rui raised his eyebrows: “How long is this present mission’s time frame? Two weeks? One month? You must know that I am extremely active abroad.”

The man on the cell phone embarrassedly laughed: “That… as for now it’s deadline still unknown.”

“Why was this information only conveyed to me now?”

“I was afraid that should I had informed you early, you would not have come.”

“Bastard, father perfectly fell in your deception!” Once Su Rui heard that there was not a defined timeframe, he wanted to immediately turn around and walk away. However, thinking that he had already made the promise to the other person, and only to depart like that was also not right. Thus, with a belly full o resentment he walked towards that Bi Kang’s main building.

The more Su Rui thought about it, the more enraged he became. That woman named Lin Aoxue, with a carefree life, published a nuisance paper only to stir up big troubles to herself. And, to still not be aware of it!

“Hello, Sir. Excuse me, is there a problem?”

For not having a badge, as soon as Su Rui entered the hall. He was blocked by two receptionist young girls.

Su Rui said angrily: “I am looking for Lin Fuzhang.”

“Lin Fuzhang? That name seems familiar.” Faintly said one of the young lady receptionist, still not able to react.

“Lin Fuzhang is our chairman!” The other receptionist cried out.

It’s was not surprising that, in the scope of large pharmaceutical companies such as Bi Kang Pharmaceutical, the chairman stood as high as the clouds in the sky. It was only natural that those common employees rarely saw him.

“I am precisely looking for your chairman!”

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“Excuse me. Sir, what is your family’s name?”

“My family name is Su.” Facing two lovely looking girls, Su Rui naturally no longer continued to vent resentment.

The receptionist quickly looked over at the chairman’s appointment schedule. However had not found a single guest surnamed Su to have an appointment.

“Sir. Excuse me, today’s chairman’s appointment schedule is already full. Besides you do not have an appointment. Therefore, you cannot go in.” Both receptionists ladies looked Su Rui with a hostile stare. To believe that he and the chairman were acquaintances, yet there was not an appointment. That surely was a lie.

“Oh, that is awkward. Asked my help, yet at the entrance won’t let me go in.” Su Rui grinned a little then said towards the young lady receptionist: “You had better dial Lin Fuzhang’s telephone and tell him that in the case that I’m still unable to see him within 5 minutes, this busy me will no longer assist him.”

The pair of young lady receptionists impulsively glared at each other’s faces, obviously not convinced by Su Rui’s speech. Then said: “We are terribly sorry. We honestly do not have enough clearance to directly report to the chairman. You had better leave.”

“Ok, you did not make the phone call. To be honest with you, I am your chairman’s prime son-in-law. To not let me go up, just imagine the possible consequences?” Su Rui yet did not know if Lin Aoxue was a beauty or an unsightly. So as to press forward, he was really pushing his luck.

“Chairman’s son-in-law? In others words, director’s boyfriend…. How…. How is that possible?” The pair of young lady receptionists obviously did not seem to know much of the world. As they got easily intimidated by Su Rui.

Must be known that Lin Aoxue was reputed as Ninghai’s business circle number one beauty. So that countless rich single man wanted to marry this exceptional beauty and became Bi Kang Group’s elusive son-in-law. Once at a single Valentine’s Day, she received so many flowers that a truck had to be used to deliver it! However, Lin Aoxue was wholeheartedly devoted to the company, an aloof personal life. She simply did not have thoughts of engaging in romantic relationships.

“Why is that impossible!? As I am secretly married to Lin Aoxue for many years!” Su Rui said beaming.

On that very moment, through the hall’s doorway an ice-cold voice could be heard.
“Who do you said you were married to for many years?”

Once hearing this voice, both young lady receptionists immediately muted in dreads. Su Rui felt that this voice was somewhat familiar and swiftly turned to face the source. Only to found out that the voice’s owner was none other than precisely the beauty who he had previously told about the ‘sign of bad omen’.

This beauty stood there, seeming as if the entire hall demeanor brightened up a tad because of her.

Su Rui remembered that earlier this morning he almost would have to die without descendants due to a single knee strike. With absolutely no sympathy towards the beauty’s feelings, furiously stepped forward to face the ice beauty: “Hey, bitch. Why the one I am married for many years is of your goddamn business? From what I can see your black yintang is really a sign of bad omen. To look this beautiful, yet no man dare crave!”

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