As soon as Su Rui finished speaking, the entire hall immediately became extremely quiet to the point that even the fall of a needle would be heard.

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The pair of young lady receptionists and those 8,000+ RMB highly paid security staff got dumbstruck, staying frozen on their spot. Apparently struggling to believe what they just had heard.

The others beauties were all ‘What is black yintang?’

The icy beauty’s facial expression finally had a trace of undulation. If possible, she truly wanted to cover her face with black lines like a QQ emoticon*.

From her childhood until now, that was the first time someone scold her in public. No, that already is the second time! The first time happen a couple hours ago!

At Su Rui’s first glance towards the exit, immediately every one present held still. Clapping his hands happily: “What, because of me you are at a loss for word? I tell you that women just like yourself, that look too beautiful are still ordinary people, yet they go with such iceberg-like vibe. Words should not be about knock people into the waste…”

The number dark lines in the face of the icy beauty increased! You say how words should or not be used? Yet here you are non-stop noisily buzzing at others people ears without any restraining like a several hours phone call.

Seeing that none of the surrounding people were talking, Su Rui’s voice once more raised an octave: “There isn’t even a single facial expression. I wonder if you have facial paralysis, and whether you are aware of it. At first sight of your face, right away two words pop up in my mind!”

“Which two words?”

“Irregular… menstruation!”

“Security staff, on my behalf seize this troublemaker and show him the way out! If he once again passes Bi Kang’s doorstep, all of you had better spontaneously resign!” Having finished speak, the icy beauty viciously glared at Su Rui. Shortly after vigorously stepped on her high heels to leave!

“Yes, chairwoman!”

Hearing the icy beauty words, these highly paid security staff did not dare to hesitate. Afraid that their laxity would make them lose their outstanding job. A pair of them approached and grabbed a hold of Su Rui’s arms to guide him towards the exit.

The surrounding staff members looked to one another in dismay. From where this strong-willed man came from, to actually dare to rain curses on Lin Aoxue at Bi Kang’s domain! The first one was ‘bitch’, then was ‘facial paralysis’. At last came ‘irregular menstruation’. There are not words capable of describing such doughtiness.

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“Chair… Chairwoman?” Su Rui rather reluctantly said: “Is she… Lin Aoxue?”

On that moment, Su Rui was being led to the exit. One of the security staff indifferently said: “Of course she is our Head Lin. Otherwise who else across Ninghai could be as beautiful?”

“But having said that brother your nerves are just to trick. You dared stand at Bi Kang Group’s doors to say that the chairwoman’s period is irregular. You are without parallel!” Said the other security staff in admiration. As regarding this emotionless chairwoman, that Su Rui had spoken out, he has been suppressing a matching opinion for a long time.

Su Rui annoyedly said: “I did not think that she was Lin Aoxue.”

“How you did not recognize our chairwoman, giving that you even said that you were her boyfriend?” The security staff patted Su Rui on the shoulder: “Brother, I advise you had better immediately leave. Do not make it hard for us.”

Su Rui said smiling: “Be at ease, I will not make things difficult for you. Within 10 minutes, I will have Lin Fuzhang in person come downstairs to receive me.”

“Brother, do not dream. What kind of person do you think the chairman is to ask to him to come downstairs in person to receive you? That not even if Ninghai’s mayor were to come, it is not for certain that he would be able to meet with him. How is that possible?” The security staff chuckled. However, they had heard with their own ears Lin Aoxue’s orders. That if this troublemaker enter once more time, even a single step into the Bi Kang’s entrance. They would lose their jobs.

“Do you not believe me?” Su Rui took out his cell phone, and once more dialed that 20 digits long number.

“I’m currently blocked at Bi Kang’s entrance. Within 10 minutes, you have Lin Fuzhang come in person downstairs to receive me. If he decides not to comply and just assign a secretary to deal with this matter, I will walk away.”

As soon as Su Rui finished speaking, he immediately ended the call.

“Brother, you had better start moving. If the chairwoman sees that you are still here, it will be us that…” But yet to finish speak, the security staff that already had straight eyes suddenly got his face covered with black lines*.

Su Rui went to the security staff cabin and pulled a stool, then casually sat on it at Bi Kang Group hall’s doorway. Then raised one leg to cross it over the other, seemingly somewhat relaxed.

“Let’s go, start moving. Do not create trouble here!”

Su Rui understood something regarding Bi Kang’s security staff inner operation. They were already openly provoked, yet they still spoke in a kind manner with him. Are they not allowed to resort to force?

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Bi Kang’s security staff was entirely composed of trained experts. Both men went to lift Su Rui by the arms with the intention of throwing him out!

However, that did not go as expect. The combined strength of the pair was already sufficiently high, but Su Rui was still sat. Not moving at all!

“What’s going on?”

Both security staffs were shocked. They pushed harder, and harder. Yet they still could not move Su Rui at all!

Su Rui glanced at both of the security staff and lazily said: “I must say elder brothers, do not trouble yourselves. As I see, you guys are not bad. So there is no need to feel embarrassed. Trust me. After all, in a while Li Fuzhang will obediently comedown.”

Lin Fuzhang ages over 50 years, seemingly somewhat chubby with a plump figure, Mediterranean hairstyle* and oily shiny forehead*. Currently, he was at conference room hosting a shareholders’ meeting. When his secretary, holding his phone entered and said: “Chairman, you gave a call.”

“Didn’t I already say that when I’m holding a meeting, you all are forbidden to answer the phone?” Lin Fuzhang whose humor had not been good recently, said quite impatient.

“But chairman, this is your additional cell phone. That you had instructed us, that so long as this cell phone rang, in any case we must…”


The secretary had not yet finished when one of Lin Fuzhang’s hand snatched the cell phone. Looking at the number, with his finger trembling, nervously pressed the receive button.

The present shareholders were all rendered speechless. They absolutely did not expect, that the forever dignified and composed Lin Fuzhang actually could be like this when nervous.

“OK, OK, OK. I’m going right now!” Lin Fuzhang merely said this one sentence, then the phone call was ended by the opposite party.

Lin Fuzhang stood up and having difficult to hide the happy expression on his face: “This meeting is suspended as I must go downstairs to receive an esteemed guest.”

Su Rui with such relaxed attitude sat at Bi Kang building’s entrance. The security staff that had pulled him for 10 minutes were already tired and covered with sweat. Unexpectedly, however, they were still unable to even budge Su Ru.

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One of the security staff got somewhat irritated and took out from his waist a stun baton. Later he pressed the power switch, causing a burst of blue electric crackle to stick out.

“If you won’t go the easy way, then let’s try the hard way!” The security staff was about to grasp the stun baton to poke at Su Rui’s body!

However in a second, a thunder-like voice echoed through Bi Kang main building’s hall!


Lin Fuzhang had barely come out of the elevator’s door and saw this scene. Then immediately furiously shouted.

Must be joking, to invite this young man he had spent great effort. For him, he – Lin Fuzhang – even did not hesitate to utilize that old promise. That is to show how this man was important to the Bi Kang Group!

If such person in his first day at Bi Kang got electric stunned. How in the future everyone will get along?

Once the security staff had heard this voice, his hand trembled and the stun baton fall to the ground. In which he did not make any effort to pick it up. And swiftly very respectfully said: “Reporting to the chairman, to leave this person… to leave this person here could stir up problems…”

Due to the fact that the group’s chairman – Lin Fuzhang – normally didn’t get involved with these trivial matters, not to mention chat with the security staffs. Therefore, that was the first time this security staff directly reported to the chairman and why he was somewhat stammering.

“Stir up problems? As I see it’s you that is stirring up problems!” Lin Fuzhang enragedly said: “Mister Su is our group esteemed guest. In spite of that, you dared to treat him like that. Every single one of you got a 1-month salary suspension. Be advised!”

As soon as the pair of security staff heard that sweat immediately flowed down from the top of their foreheads. Since the chairman had already spoken, their jobs were already hanging by a thread.(TL note*)

The receptionists were also stunned. They did not expect that this man, who just a moment ago had a big fight with the beautiful chairwoman actually was the chairman’s esteemed guest! If they had known this a priori, they would not have barred him!

Only now Su Rui stood up, smiling at Lin Fuzhang said: “Chairman Lin, their ignorance is to be blamed. Their sense of responsibility is just too strong. Therefore, you must not blame them.”

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Once the pair of security staff had heard, they immediately sent grateful gazes towards Su Rui! They absolutely did not think that Su Rui would go as far as speak on their behalf!

Lin Fuzhang pondered for a moment and said: “Very well, giving some face*to Mister Su. I will not punish you two, but next time pay attention!”

“Yes, Yes. Rest assured chairman.” The two security staff bowed like a pair of chicken pecking the ground!

“Mister Su, to such situation happens at your very first visit. It’s truly embarrassing. Please, let’s go to my office to drink a cup of water.” Lin Fuzhang said apologetically.

The young lady receptionists were truly shocked. Their chairman that normally was a very exalted person. At what time had they ever saw him speak with such a courteous manner with other people?

Su Rui laughed and nodded, then toward the security staffs and the pretty young lady receptionist said: “We got off with a rough start, but someday let me treat you a meal.”

Both security staff hurriedly agreed, with a somewhat forced smile in their faces.

Sat at the chairman office’s luxurious sofa. Su Rui looked left and right. And appeared somewhat inquisitive about it.

“It is indeed a Song Dynasty’s guan ware*. I did not expect that Mister Su’s eyes to be this sharp.” Lin Fuzhang did not expect that his precious collection would actually be identified by Su Rui at first glance. It must be known that a number of antique appreciator experts at a distance of several meters cannot possibly do an accurate discerning.

Su Rui chuckled and said: “In the past while abroad I engage in antique business for a few years.”

“So, that explains it.” Lin Fuzhang forced a smile. If had him known that at Su Rui’s home there was an Ancient Egypt Pharaoh’s Golden Scepter. Perhaps he would be frightened to the point that his eyeballs would fall out.

“Xia Qing, come in.” Lin Fuzhang picked the phone and said.

At this moment, a woman wearing black business suit came in. Seemingly on her twenties, her face looked pure and delicate. Yet her body was ravishing, bootylicious*! A face of an angel and a body of a devil. That was it! Once Su Rui saw her, his eyes shone!

Su Rui really did not expect this Bi Kang Group to have so many extraordinary people. He just had ran into the first class beauty Lin Aoxue. And now, once more came a smokin’ hottie. It seems that this trip was not really in vain!

Looking at those towering peaks bouncing as she walks and draw a marvelous line in-between*. Su Rui instinctive reaction once again flared up: “34D!”

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