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Lin Fuzhang and Xia Qing spoke in unison.

The former because he could not clearly hear what Su Rui had said. While the later, whose face got all flushed, because the “34D” that Su Rui had said is precisely her underwear size!

How could this man at a glance discern my size? This is extremely inconceivable! Must be known that, because my chest is excessively bulky, I’m currently wearing a bodice top.

Su Rui waved his hand: “Never mind, never mind.”

Lin Fuzhang did no further inquiries, rather said: “Xia Qing, come in. Let me introduce you. This person is our group esteemed guest, Mister Su Rui.”

“Greetings, Mister Su.” Xia Qing’s body slight leaned forward and extended her blemishless pure white exquisite hand, to shake hands with Su Rui.

The moment that Su Rui grasped hold of Xia Qing’s milky hand of exquisite smooth, in his mind he could not prevent from saying: “This hand feels really good!”

“Mister Su Rui. This person is this group chairman’s secretary, Xia Qing. In the future, upon facing a work or personal related problem, do not hesitate do seek her help.”

“I surely will often trouble her.” Su Rui spoke his true intentions. He won’t hesitate, with such beautiful woman yet do not try his all to eat her up, it would be too much of a waste.

“It’s okay. I will appreciate your guidance.” Xia Qing’s face once again flushed. While they were shaking hands, this man took advantage of Lin Fuzhang thoughtless, to use his finger to scratch the palm of my hand and managed to tickle me. The sensation of want to laugh yet still must endure.

“This girl is pretty good, has a ravishing body yet got easily flushed. Just my flavor.” Su Rui smiled, somewhat reluctant to release Xia Qing’s hand.

“Xia Qing, go call the Chairwoman.” Lin Fuzhang said.


Su Rui’s eyes follow Xia Qing while she gradually went farther away, without any vestige of saliva to swallow in his mouth, he turned and said: “This Xia Qing at such young age could become the chairman’s secretary. She has such a promising future!”

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“She is a top student of the Capital University, also a returnee from Yale University.” Lin Fuzhang said: “Mister Su, in a moment I will introduce you to my daughter, Lin Aoxue.”

“I’m aware that, if she had not came up with this troublesome paper thesis. I would not have to come here.” Su Rui bluntly said. That Icy Beauty although very pretty, their prejudice to each other was already too deep.

“Ha Ha.” Regarding Su Rui’s words, Lin Fuzhang could only embarrassed force a laugh.

Sure enough, when the icy Lin Aoxue walked in, she happens to see Su Rui sat on the sofa and crossing his legs. Her bewitching eyebrows immediately twisted: “Who let you in? Quickly get out of my sight!”

“Li Chairwoman, do we need to a meeting so unfriendly?” Su Rui said smiling, this Lin Aoxue got the looks and the build, she really is worthy to be claimed as Ninghai Business World 1st beauty.

“Aoxue, Mister Su Rui is our group esteemed guest! You must not be impolite!” Seeing his daughter being so rude, Lin Fuzhang immediately said. Just in case that his daughter happens to offend this so hard to invite person!

“Hum, chairman. He is nothing but a pervert! And you invited this pervert to be our esteemed guest. What exactly does that mean?” Lin Aoxue wrathfully said. Every time that she sees the smile on this guy’s face, she has a kind of a madding feeling.

Su Rui snickered, this woman really is serious. While at the company, instead of calling him father, she straightforward shouted out chairman.

“Aoxue, what is wrong with you today?” Lin Fuzhang’s face immediately sank.

“Today, at the airplane…”

Just as Lin Aoxue as about to say anything, on that very moment Su Rui immediately took over: “Today, at the airplane. I and the Li Chairwoman coincidently sat in neighbors seats. During the journey, while attempting to befriend her, I was totally rejected by the Li Chairwoman.”

Su Rui threw out his arms in a dejected way, seemly quite helpless.

As soon as Lin Fuzhang had heard, he immediately understood. As he is the one that understands his daughter’s temper the most. The always cold meets a man that hits on her, the colder she becomes. In case the other person happens to conflict views, then surely is she in the wrong!

“Aoxue, you must not be rude. Mister Su Rui is a specialist that I invited from abroad to aid our group to settle our problem!” Lin Fuzhang said: “You must fully cooperate!”

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“To aid out group to settle our problem?” Lin Aoxue sneered. “Or group business is booming. When the triple short-ammonia array technology is widely implemented, we will jump to become one of China or even the world most famous pharmaceutical company. What problem can our group possible have?”

Lin Fuzhang anger soared. This arrogant daughter of his, to be in the middle of danger yet still not be aware of it!

Su Rui unhurried opened his mouth to speak: “In business as in the battlefield, one must not be overly confident that capital and research power to be capable of resolve everything. If it wasn’t for your triple short-ammonia array, the Bi Kang Group wouldn’t have to deal with this enormous risk. Neither would I have to come back from abroad to help.”

“What do you mean?” Lin Ao Xue’s expression harden. The triple short-ammonia array’s manufacture new synthesis method is a success, my proudest work. However, this guy keeps on saying that is full of risks. What does that mean?

“Unwilling to give up until the end. Since you do not believe me, I will prove to you.”

Su Rui stood up, and immediately his hand reach out towards Lin Aoxue’s chest!

“Pervert! What are you doing?” Lin Aoxue hurried and cover her chest!

“Don’t be so dramatic. I’m just borrowing one of yours buttons, that all.”

Having said that, Su Rui’s right hand swiftly stretched and retract. Then he opens his palm. In which, right in the in middle appear a single button!

That was one of the buttons of Lin Aoxue’s suit! Surprisingly it was still taken by Su Rui!

“What are you doing? I’m calling the police!” Lin Aoxue was not aware that her underwear was in plain sight, her facial expression got all the colder.

Lin Fuzhang also did not anticipate Su Rui’s action. But he also did not issue any complaint. Because to him, right now Su Rui was covered in a mysterious aura.

Su Rui used two of his finger to pinch that fine button. Then it split into two halves by the middle, revealing a minute eletronic device!

“What is this?” Lin Fuzhang frighten asked!

“A tiny eavesdropping device, nothing more than a bug. You don’t have to make a fuss about it.” Su Rui said. “Concealing a bug in the interior of a button is a common tactic for competitors.”

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“How is it possible that I have a bug in my body? Who put it?” It’s obviously that Lin Aoxue was shocked by Su Rui’s action! She didn’t know for how long that bug has been attached to her body. Most likely, all her conversation had been listened by others.

Thinking about that, from the top of Lin Aoxue’s forehead cold sweat immediately ran out!

Su Rui’s finger plucked and the bug flew in a splendid parabola. Falling precisely inside of one of the drinking glass cup at the coffee table.

“Don’t worry, this kind of bug is destroyed once soak in water. But is of vital importance that you got people to search this place for more them.”

Lin Fuzhang broken free from shock, thereupon solemnly said: “Mister Su, if you had not come. We, father and daughter, would be surrounded by danger yet be unaware of it. Lin Aoxue, quickly come and apologize to Mister Su! Apologize for your previous rudeness!”

“Hum!” Lin Aoxue make a single cold snort. Even though she is currently aware of Su Rui’s status and unique skills. But to have her apologize to the perverted that cursed her as “irregular menstruation”. How could that be possible?

“The apology can wait. Besides, there are more pressing matters.” At that time, Su Rui opened the personal silver suitcase that he was carrying!

The suitcase opened, Lin Aoxue immediately shout out in alarm. Because what she saw inside was a silver Desert Eagle *.

By the side of the silver Desert Eagle, there was a blackish thorn batton*! Having seen that, their pupils couldn’t help but contract!

And that was only in the first layer of the suitcase. Opening the second layer, there were a few instruments that neither Lin Aoxue nor Lin Fuzhang had any knowledge. They also didn’t know how Su Rui was able to take those things with him on an airplane! If by chance it was found out, it would be possible to him be shoot dead on the spot!

Remembering that she previously had used her knee to fiercely strike this gunmen’s abdomen. Lin Aoxue actually feel a little scared.

Seeing through the doubt in their heart, Su Rui explained: “My suitcase is made of a special high-density material, which is capable of blocking the penetration of X-Rays. Thus, the airport’s security inspection machine was unable to find anything.”

“An expert!” Lin Fuzhang seeing Su Rui’s manners, once more ensures himself that choosing this person was not the wrong thing to do! He surely is capable of safeguard Bi Kang Group away from this crisis!

Su Rui took out a blackish disk like instrument and pressed it’s power switch. The surface was like an ordinary screen, on which there was several red dots constantly blinking!

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“You haven’t seen nothing!” Su Rui putting this screen in front of this pair of father and daughter, and in a low voice explained: “Seven red dots, which indicates that in this room there are seven more bugs!”


Lin Fuzhang was somewhat incredible! He never thought, that at his own office people would be able to install bugs. Moreover, to go as far as install seven of them!

Lin Aoxue was also speechless shocked. Her gorgeous face got even more cold!

With the guidance of the device, Su Rui was able to swiftly find out the seven bugs. That where hidden in the sofa, the desk lamp and others places in the office!

While looking at the device, Lin Aoxue’s coldly voiced: “I must find out who did it!”

Su Rui didn’t say a word, rather grasp the pile of bugs and put them on top of a metallic safebox. After that, he took the Desert Eagle out of the suitcase and used the bottom of its grips to smash the bug!


Meanwhile, at the center of a remarkable dark office. A man with a feminine face throw away his headphones, then clamped his ear with painfull expression!

It was evident, that the sound of Su Rui’s act of violently shattering the bugs came through the headphones. Thus hurting his ears!

“Mister Su, thank you very much. If not for you, every single one of our moves there would be people monitoring!” Lin Fuzhang exciting griped Su Rui’s hand. It was obviously, that the young man’s action thoroughly shocked him!

“Director Lin, you can just call me Su Rui. Constantly calling me Mister Su, it’s get awkward.” Su Rui very modestly said. However this kind of modesty in the eyes of Lin Aoxue it’s just downright hypocrisy.

“Very well. Given the gap in our ages, calling you young brother Su is good enough. But if you don’t mind, you can also just call me elder brother Lin!” Lin Fuzhang laughed.

Su Rui’s lip curled, and secretly thought: “Given that only god knows how old are you. However, it’s pretty obviously that this gap of age ranges several decades!”

However, Su Rui looked at Lin Aoxue’s gracefull figure with squinted eyes and then said: “Elder brother Lin, given that I address you that way. Does that means that yours Aoxue is my niece?”

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