At Lin Aoxue’s killing gaze, Su Rui leisurely whistled.

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“Younger brother Su. From now on, even though it will be troublesome act as our Bi Kang Group’s Vice-chairman. If you are able to safeguard the Bi Kang Group smoothly pass this crisis. I, Lin Fuzhang, certainly will reward you generously!”

If outsiders were to know, that Lin Fuzhang, the chairman of a billionaire financial group, went as far as personally invite Su Rui to act as his Vice-chairman. Perhaps, it would be possible to have some of them scared to death.

Lin Aoxue also revealed a faintly shocked expression. She didn’t expect that her father would invite an almost no named stranger to become the Bi Kang Group Vice-chairman! Besides that, the shareholders don’t have a say in this?

“Father, is this really suitable? I disagree!” Lin Aoxue said.

“You disagree with me, yet have to agree that you absolutely don’t understand the seriousness of this matter! That is my final decision!” Lin Fuzhang enraged stirred towards his daughter. Why is she so stubborn? And do not listen nor make use of the experience of the elders*.

“The position of Bi Kang Group’s Vice-chairman is the dream of many people, yet none of them were able to achieve. You indeed are a lucky bastard!” Lin Aoxue stared Su Rui for a glance.

“Elder brother Lin, I also disagree.” Against all Lin Aoxue’s expectations, Su Rui surprisingly declined that outstanding proposal. Making the former feel at lost.

“Oh? Younger brother Su, may I know the reason?” Lin Fuzhang astonished asked.

“In light of the triple short-ammonia array’s events. Currently, the Bi Kang Group is the focus of too much attention. If at such situation a new Vice-chairman were to be appointed, it would surely attract even more attention the outsiders’ attention.”

“Oh, that makes sense.” Lin Fuzhang once had heard the explanation, slightly nodded his head.

“Therefore, it would be better to arrange lower position. For example, a position of bodyguard, security staff, and the likes. Even though they may seem unremarkable positions, with them I would be capable of displaying the maximum effectiveness.”

“Younger brother Su actually have such foresight and sagacity. This Lin is admired!” Lin Fuzhang all the more ensured himself that he had picked up a treasure. And would make use of any possible means to keep this guy from leaving the Bi Kang Group’s regime.”

Su Rui looked at Lin Aoxue, gazing at her fine face: “It would be better to have Niece Aoxue arrange me a position.”

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“That is it. Then that will be in Aoxue’s responsibility. No more questions.” Lin Fuzhang vigorously laughed in front of Su Rui and his daughter.

“Now I’m leaving to meet an old friend. Younger brother Su, in the evening I’ll hold a reception for you. Which we won’t be leaving sober.” Lin Fuzhang as if thoroughly inclined to rope in Su Rui: “Aoxue, try to get along well with younger brother Su.”

“Alright.” Lin Aoxue sneered in her thoughts. At long last you fell into my hands, I won’t allow yours immoral to remain unscratched.

“It just so happens that at the Marketing Department, a salesman recently was retired. And I believe that you would fit there just fine!” Lin Aoxue resolutely said: “Hence you are all set, within a half hour report at the Marketing Department!”

“That won’t do. I’ll have to reject this idea, as I must be close to you, to ensure your safety.” Once Su Rui had finished spook, he could not longer refrain from acting all dignified and self-satisfied. This was a peerless beauty, although a little cold. However, continuously been at “close” protection with her, that also wasn’t such a bad idea.

“The Marketing Department is precisely at the same floor as the Director’s office. That distance is already close enough!”

Once she had finished speak, Lin Aoxue conveniently walked out of the office. All along, Su Rui gazed at her sexy butt. To the point that his eyes almost pulled out.

Speaking of Su Rui, he felt quite funny. As before he came here, there was a foreign guy begging out loud for his protection, which he declined without even looking at him. Yet now, he took the initiative to offer close protection, but this icy beauty unexpectedly declined.

Five minutes later, the ravishing chairman’s secretary, Xia Qing, once more appeared the room. On seeing Su Rui, her charming face instantly flushed. As if she still were thinking that just a moment ago Su Rui had announced her underwear measurement in front of the chairman.

Although Su Rui’s behavior are a little immoral. This man still seems to be quite likable.

“Mister Su, the Director Lin have me lead you to the Marketing Department. So you can get familiarized with the environment.” Xia Qing said with a smile.

“Oh, my! You can call me Su Rui. It’s good enough, just drop the Elder Su, Mister Su, and the like. After wall we are now colleagues, ain’t we?” Su Rui looked at this ravishing bodied yet with a gentle bearing beauty, then laughed and said: “Little Miss Xia Qing, Elder Brother Lin had told me that upon facing a work or personal related problem. I shouldn’t hesitate do seek your help, is that true?”

“Yes, of course!” Xia Qing seriously nodded.

“In that case, currently, my shoulders are a little sore. Would you give me a massage?” Su Rui sat on the sofa and twist his shoulders a few times. As if he was truly in pain.

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“This…” Xia Qing stunned at her place, apparently considering the feasibility of Su Rui’s massage.

“Ha Ha, forget it. I won’t tease you anymore.” Su Rui said once seeing Xia Qing’s manner. Constantly treating beauty with an all out predator bearing, unexpectedly was something that Su Rui was unable to carry out!

“My lodging are still not settled. Moreover, here have been several years since last to Ninghai. Thus, I ain’t familiarized with many places. It would be possible to help me find a temporary place to stay?”

“I’m not sure Mister Su. Does your lodging have any requirements?” Xia Qing asked.

“As I had previously said, you can just call me Su Rui.” Su Rui honestly spoke: “In fact, I primary came here to protect the Li Family. If I could dwell with Lin Aoxue it would be for the better. However, seeing her attitude towards me, I believe that won’t be easily achieved. I evaluate that for the moment, they are still relatively safe. Therefore, for the moment rent me an arbitrary house. Nevertheless, it would be better that this house isn’t too far-removed from the Li Family’s vila.”

Xia Qing pondered for a moment, then said: “All right, Su… Su Rui. I had in advance arranged a hotel for you. As for the housing matter, I’ll do my best accomplish it within 3 days.”

“No problem. If possibly, a place near yours would not be such a bad idea.” Su Rui couldn’t help from once more teasing her up: “At the very least, we would still be able to share a car to work.”

“I usually get a taxi to work.” Xia Qing seemingly embarrassed laughed: “Until now, I didn’t take the driver’s license exam.”

Therefore, Comrade Su Rui*‘s dream of picking up this beauty while sharing the car got shattered to pieces.

Afterwards, Xia Qing arrived at the Marketing Department. Su Rui genuinely appreciated a sexy body, but even he didn’t know how this girl’s body had developed so bootylicious. And her skin, it seemed as if was brimming with tight elasticity. Perhaps, even top international models would possible willful admit defeat!

Xia Qing, as the chairman’s assistant, and also as one of the Bi Kang Group’ goddess. It was very unlikely that a person like that would personally escort someone to the Marketing Department. And so that time, undoubtedly attracted everyone’s attention!

“The name of the director of the Marketing Department is Xue Ruyun. And I’m currently taking you to her office.” Xia Qing explained while walking. Explanation which went in on one of Su Rui’s ear and out in the other.

As soon as they entered Xue Ruyun’s office, Su Rui immediately felt his eyes once more brightening. Because behind the office table, there was a woman currently bent down pruning a flower arrangement*. She had a curvy body, seemingly like Xia Qing’s ravishing body yet more voluptuous. Su Rui patted his forehead: “God! What kind of place is this Bi Kang Group, to surprisingly have so many differents types of fine beauties!”

“Director Xue, this is Su Rui. The one that I had previously mentioned to you.” Once Xia Qing had finished speak, then Su Rui nodded his head. “I’ll be leaving early, should anything happens just call me. Before end of the workday, I’ll have your hotel address and room number send to your cell phone.”

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“Hotel address and room number? That sounds quite shady.” Su Rui maliciously thought.

“Oh, a young one! This handsome is just my type of guy!” Matching her body, Xue Yun’s voice was enchanting. On the moment that she turned around, Su Rui’s eyes were immediately entrapped by her voluptuous chest!

That was a fully grown woman and outstanding mature woman!

The flavour of a mature woman, it’s something that blooming girls can absolutely not match!

“I also didn’t expect, that the Director Xue… to have such flavor.” Su Rui said smiling, absolutely not hiding the emotion in his eyes. But the funny thing is, given that Comrade Su Rui had experienced many wonderful women all over the world, even so while facing this unrestrained mature woman was defeated?

However, there were things that Su Rui didn’t know. One of them was that Xue Ruyun was in the Bi Kang Group and even among the entire Ninghai renowned femme fatale. Whose number of admirers were uncountable. But in the end, the one capable of reaching the final mark is yet to exist!

“You dare to stare this elder sister. Your guts are not small.” Xue Ruyun’s lips pouted, and said: “The director had told me to specifically keep an eye on you. Rest assured, this elder sister will take care of you quite well.”

While pronouncing the two words of “look after”, Xue Ruyun explicitly bite her lips heavily. Having said all that, her lips actually pouted, and towards Su Rui showed an exceedingly ambiguous smile.

“Femme fatale!”

“Oh! Little brother, you are truly brave! Of all the Bi Kang Group’s people, from the top to bottom. Only you dare call me like that in front of me.” Xue Ruyun laughed: “Following to Director Lin’s instruction, I have already arranged a team within the Business Department for you. She had requested that you start at the most fundamental salesman position. Whose base salary is three thousand RMB*, with a weekly sales quota of not less than one million MRB. Given that, just willingly give up.”

“A weekly sales quota of not less than one million MRB? That Wretch woman!” Thinking this through, Su Rui immediately fumed rage. As Lin Aoxue’s actions were pretty blatantly, and purposely to chase him out!

Daddy came to be a bodyguard, not to run a business!

Su Rui was really mad. Daddy dismisses beauties to come to help you, yet received such treatment from you. This time, he was really thinking of quitting. However, thinking that he just comeback to his homeland from so many years away abroad. To just leave, defeated by the hands of a woman?

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That is out of question, this really request a payback!

“Since the director had spoken. Thus little brother, I have my hands tied.”

Xue Ruyun’s mind also was inwardly shocked. Even among the Bi Kang Bussiness Group’s most outstanding salesmans, only a quarter of them are able to accomplish a 1-million sales quota, which is already pretty good. On top of that, some of the average salesman’s annual sales don’t reach this much. However, Lin Aoxue nevertheless demanded from Su Rui such quota weekly. She had forced this absurd quota to force him to resign, her intentions are pretty obvious!

“Poor Little Brother. I trully wish to know you, what could you possible had you done to the director? To make she hates you so much?” Xu Ruyun stood in front of Su Rui, and carelessly slightly leaned forward.

“That woman. I cursed her for a lifetime of irregular menstruation!” Su Rui fiercely said: “Beautiful Elder Sister can only wish me good luck.” Xue Ruyun shrugged her shoulders.

“One million, one million, to be sold to who?” The bored stiff salesman Su Rui sat at in front of his computer to browse the Bi Kang Group’s products list. For a very long time he hadn’t comeback to Ninghai, thus he does not have any clients in here. However, he also didn’t want to be looked down by Lin Aoxue.

“It seems that I have no other choice than seek old friends help.”

Su Rui had a sudden insight and hurriedly logged on QQ.

“Hey, are you there?” Su Rui found the contact and typed.

At the capital of England, within a towering skyscraper.

Within its meeting room sat hundreds of people. Speaking on the stage, was a fair-haired blue-eyed woman with a graceful and sexy body, wearing a skintight dress.

The people within the meeting room had a gaze of admiration. Looking at this fabulous woman, a true descent of the England royal family, lecturing about the company’s next strategies. So young, yet capable of became the England’s Royal Army Company chief executive. And unaware making countless people envy to their death.

Her name was Victoria.

However, at that time, within Victoria’s body a “Beep Beep Beep” sound were suddenly was issued! Then the entire meeting room’s atmosphere turned extremely out of tune!

Everyone was astonished, they didn’t know what had happened. But they saw that Victoria’s entire body was shaking. And also that, she took out her cellphone in a euphoric state!

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