Was she looking for a computer with the QQ Messenger installed?

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The high-ups within the meeting room looked at each other in dismay. Who would guess that at such time, Victoria would suddenly raise such demand and for what reason.

And top of that abroad, the QQ Messenger’s popularity wasn’t as high as it was in China. To the point that many people hadn’t even heard of it. At last, with great effort, Victoria’s secretary downloaded and installed the current QQ Messenger’s English edition.

Victoria also didn’t bother how the people on the scene looked at her and moved the computer to her personal office. Afterward, she opened the program’s chat window, and right away send a video conference invitation to Su Rui!

Once Su Rui saw how quickly Victoria had replied, a slight smile appeared on his face. Afterward, he accepted the video conference invitation.

As this wretched computer don’t even have a webcam. I’ll be able to see her, but she won’t be able to see me.

When that beautiful face of Victoria appeared in the center of the screen, Su Rui suddenly felt his throat dry. Because there hasn’t been long since they got apart. So he was left wondering, how could that sexy girl look even more charming?

“Apollo, where are you?”

As soon as the video conference connected, Victoria impatiently asked!


Once the secretary that were standing nearby heard this name, she got somewhat in a daze. As this kind of name, in a modern society, very few parents would decide to use. Because according to the Ancient Greece Mythology, Apollo was the name of the God of the Sun*!

Moreover, there was something that was even more interesting. During the time that she had followed Victoria around, which was quite a long time. That was the first time that she ever saw this conceited woman been so sympathetic with anyone. And given that, she had never ever put ordinary people in her eyes! This would really make people felt inconceivable. Of course, had they known!

“I have returned to China.” At the office, Su Rui didn’t have a microphone, only a simple earphone. So he once more had to type his reply.

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Victoria’s expression in a flash started to turn even more fierce, and her breathing also hastened: “Returned to China? Then I’m leaving at once to meet you!”

“Don’t come. Nor tell anyone the news that I had returned to China. You are the only person who knows it.” Su Rui’s writing style was passing an indifferent enunciation: “I’ll rest for a while, and don’t want those guys to know about it. You must help me by guarding the secret.”

“To be at your service, it will be my honor!” Once Victoria had heard that, she got increasingly excited!

Because Victoria knew that, the previously bright flame that radiated all over the Sun God Apollo has already faded away within the Western Underworld for quite a long time. Nowadays, if he once more arises. The first person that he would make contact it would be precisely her. So how she couldn’t be happy!

In addition, now she and he had an exclusive line of communication. Which unexpectedly was the QQ Messenger*. That would be something that others people would ever think!

“Don’t be so formal. As I have stated, we are friends.” Su Rui awkwardly said. As on that mission on the United Stated, himself and this woman were naked rolling all over the floor. If we weren’t friends, what else would we be? Sexy buddies? That doesn’t seem quite appropriate as well.

Once she had heard what Su Rui had said, Victoria relaxed a little. And realized that, this Apollo still was her old Apollo. He hadn’t changed at all. Since he said they are friends, he indeed wouldn’t be happy with over too many formalities.

“So, what are you doing now?”

Su Rui hesitated for a moment but still answered: “I’m currently working at the Chinese Bi Kang Pharmaceutical. You should have already heard of it.”

Victoria grow interested: “Working in a company? How much are they paying for your wages? A 10 million daily wage? No, perhaps even a 10-million daily wage wouldn’t move you!”

Su Rui immediately bitterly laughed: “A monthly wage of 3 thousand. And that, in Chinese currency.”

“Oh my god!” Victoria felt her beliefs went a complete overturn. The mighty Sun God Apollo of the Western Underworld unexpectedly was commissioned to an ordinary company. And for a meager monthly wage of 3000 RMB! How…. How could that be possible?

As if she had seen an opportunity, Victoria’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated: “Apollo. If you want, the England Royal Army Company is willing to hire you as a special adviser. With a daily wage of 30 million. No, 50 million. What do you think?”

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“Victoria, are you trying to rope me in?” Su Rui laughed out loud: “This time, I only came ask for your help, for a pressing emergency.”

“Just say it! I’ll do my very best to accomplish it. And even if is an impossible task I won’t spare any effort!” As the Sun God Apollo was known for rarely asking someone for help. Thus, have such a monster owns you a favor, from Victoria’s point o view that was nothing more than an astounding opportunity.

“It’s not that difficult. I just want you to have a medical care company purchase a few Bi Kang’s medicaments or medical equipment. And not too much, a 1 million in the Chinese currency of goods would be enough. Take this sum of money as my first debt with you.”

“Only a million? So simple?” Victoria felt somewhat lost. As she completely didn’t expect that, when Su Rui asked for her “help”. It was mere to purchase a 1 million of medical goods. And nothing more! Moreover, this amount converted to euros wouldn’t be much over a dozen or so of ten-thousand euros!

This amount for Victoria, it was like a drop of water taken from an ocean!

“Just this much is quite simple.”

“Okay. I’ll have this matter settled within 2 hours.” Afterward, Victoria ended the video conference and immediately proceeded to the arrangements. This insignificant 1 million, regarding her family’s assets that were per say hard to even account was nothing more than a pocket money.

Su Rui faintly smiled, and on his mind Lin Aoxue’s paramount face once more appeared. Then he thought, just wait for daddy complete this 1-million purchase order. He is really looking for what else you have to say to him! He’ll have you take off that skirt of yours to receive a good spanking in the ass!

With a single video conference, others salesman annual sales quota was achieved. That been said, Su Rui had nothing else to do. Thus, he started to watch a movie. The chosen title was the newest movie of Tanny Landauer*, who was the current Hollywood’s featured leading actress, named . That was claimed to be the most erotic movie of the year. And had just yesterday been released in theaters in the United States.

“Are you new here? At the office, yet not diligent working. And on top of that still dared to watch movies. Disturbing the performance of the entire team. I’ll hold you accountable!” This time, it was a male voice resonating with anger.

Su Rui turned around and saw a plump man. He seemed to be in his thirties. With a shaved face supporting a pair of eyeglasses.

Once he saw this man, Su Rui’s lips curled: “Are you the Business Team’s team leader, Cao Tianping?”

“How do you know me?” Just a moment ago, Cao Tianping had returned from a meeting with an offensive major client. Thus, he was raging anger. And when he saw the new team member insolently watching movies, his rage once more burst!

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“How could I not know you. As Elder Brother, on that wall over there has your photograph.” Su Rui pointed to an instruction signboard.

Cao Tianping got immediately dumbstruck. This new team member even came up himself with a question. And even think about get along with me?

“Since you joined this company, then you should know that during working hours is forbidden any kind of entertainment activities! So to watch movies just like your were doing is a violation of the rules!”

Once Cao Tianping glanced Su Rui’s screen: “You shouldn’t… My God, are you watching ? But just yesterday it was released in theaters in the United States! In addition, there still is a week before the Chinese premiere. How did you get your hands on it so soon? Oh, Dear God, it’s even in high definition!”

The Team Leader Cao Tianping at once got excited, and repeatedly patted Su Rui on the shoulders: “I may not know, but I’m hardcore fan of Tanny Landauer! I’m even Ninghai’s fan group leader! Whenever Landauer comes to China, I go to the airport to see her! Quickly tell me, how were you able to get hold of this movie?”

Su Rui silenced slander. Elder brother, your moods changing is just too harsh. Just now it was covered in black clouds. Then in a flash, the fog vanished and the sunlight shines with all its might. Just like a rollercoaster ride.

“It was she…” Su Rui halted for a moment, and concluded that he couldn’t be always honest: “I have an old friend that work at Tanny Landauer’s agency company, and he secretly send a copy of it. According to him, that is even the uncensored version.”

“Uncensored version?” Cao Tianping got so excited that his blood pressure spiked, causing cold hand!

This film was claimed to be most erotic and bewitching movie of the year. Naturally there were some spicy shots. And also, undoubtedly wouldn’t pass the Chinese Department of Propaganda’s censorship. So to it be released on the screens, those scenes had to be removed. Thus having the Lander’s Chinese fans sighing deeply. The removed explicit scenes were quite many. Thus, it ends up affecting it’s storyline a little.

Yet Su Rui oddly was able to get hold of an uncensored version. This got Cao Tianping crazy!

From the point of view of an ordinary people*, it’s very difficult to understand the fanatism towards a celebrity. However, Su Rui was very comprehensive. Because he was also a fan*. A narcissist always holds himself as the biggest celebrity.

However, Cao Tianping for a man over his thirties went crazy over a celebrity. It makes people impervious to his reasoning.

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“This… Su Rui… HA-ha!” Cao Tianping grabbed a chair and sat on it, and a little embarrassed said: “You see, we recently became colleagues. How about we savor this movie together?

While he was speaking, Cao Tianping straightened himself towards the computer’s screen and steal a few glances at it.

“This…” Su Rui swiftly switched off the screen, and with pained expression said: “Cao Team Leader, my friend had expressly urged me that mustn’t leak it.”

“Tonight I’ll treat you to dinner, considered it as your reception. What do you think?” Cao Tianping said with a flattering smile. Because of Tanny Landauer, he would do anything to make it happen.

Once Su Rui looked in the eyes of this fatty, a chill ran down his neck. But with great difficulty forced a smiled and said: “Ok, let us watch it together.”

Thereupon, this pair of creepy men crammed in together in front of the computer. And attentively watched the Hollywood Goddess on the screen.

Bi Kang General Headquarters’ Marketing Department only retained a few Business Teams. The remaining business personnel was stationed in branch offices. Couple with the ones that deal directly with customers on–site. This afternoon, within the office unexpectedly there was only Cao Tianping and Su Rui.

Two hours later. When Cao Tianping looked at the blackened screen, there was happiness and satisfaction spread across his face: “Landauer really is my goddess, a celestial angel descended from heaven to the world of the mortals!”

Su Rui looked at his wristwatch, composely suggested: “Hum, Senior Cao Team Leader. You see is that the dinner thing….”

“If I had invited, I’ll certainly treat! Su Rui be at ease, from now on if any happens, go look for me at the Bussines Team. I’ve got your back!” Cao Tianping was so overwhelmed by Su Rui’s bombardment of sugarcoated bullets, that had already completely forgot about the client that had made him angry.

“Cao Team Leader is truly an upright person!” Su Rui struck while the iron was hot: “You also can be at ease. Later on, I’ll have my friend snatch a few signed photos of Tanny Landauer to give you!”

“For real? That would be awesome!” Cao Tianping was so excited that almost hugged Su Rui and bite him!

Su Rui’s disgusted expression fleetly disappeared. Fortunately, he hadn’t said that he could trifle Tanny Landauer close-fitting dress and everything else. Otherwise, this old fan would get even more crazy!

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