Chapter 10 –  Hurry Up

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“Hurry up!”

The remaining people were worried that the vicious Su Rui would lock onto them, so they hurriedly left the two wounded behind, then took off in a Buick and ran away!

“As long as they’re alive.”

Su Rui didn’t give chase. He patted Xia Qing’s hand and said, “You can open your eyes now. It’s alright.”

Xia Qing opened her eyes and looked at Su Rui with a trace of an unknown luster.
Although she didn’t open her eyes, she had heard everything clearly. Su Rui had relied on just his strength alone to force back so many enemies. This kind of man was too formidable!

Su Rui looked at Dao Ba, who had his legs broken and three legs broken. He smiled and said, “Jie, tell me, who sent you here?”

Dao Ba’s eyes were filled with hatred. He would not be able to stand up for the rest of his life, and he would not even be a man anymore!

“You don’t need to look at me with such venomous eyes. You’re the one who came to kill me, and I’m not the one who took the initiative to turn you into something like this. You have to understand the cause and effect.”

However, it was clear that Su Rui didn’t have the mood to argue with the criminal. He used the steel pipe to lightly tap Dao Ba’s face and said, “If you tell your master to me, I’ll give you a quick death.”

“Keep dreaming!” I won’t say it even if I die! ” Dao Ba was quite stubborn. Even though he was in so much pain that his clothes were drenched in sweat, he did not reveal who the mastermind was!

“Do you believe that I have more than a thousand ways to make you speak?” Su Rui smiled like a devil in Dao Ba’s eyes.

“You bastard, I won’t let you off!”

“Oh, I hope you can be so tough in five minutes.”

Su Rui clapped his hands and turned around. He said to Xia Qing, “The following scene might be a bit inappropriate for children. If you’re scared, turn around and cover your ears.”

“I’m not afraid.” Xia Qing didn’t feel the slightest bit of fear when Su Rui was by her side. Right now, she was really curious about what Su Rui would do next.

Xia Qing didn’t notice that she unconsciously wanted to enter Su Rui’s world.

“That’s good.” Su Rui lightly patted Xia Qing’s hand, then turned around and squatted beside Dao



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“How about we do a game?”

Su Rui pinched Dao Ba’s right hand and said, “Let me ask you a question. If you don’t answer, I’ll break one of your fingers.”

When Dao Ba heard this, the cold sweat on his face increased!

“Of course, you don’t have the right to refuse.”

“You’re a bastard, I’ll kill you!”

Dao Ba wanted to struggle, but he couldn’t move at all. Su Rui’s hand pressed down on his arm, just like an iron gate!

Dao Ba was astonished. This man did not look very strong. His body could only be considered well-proportioned, but he possessed such terrifying strength! It was unbelievable!

“Demon, devil!”

All three of his’ legs’ had been crippled. Dao Ba felt as if his lower body was going to lose all feeling. But this man still needed to break his fingers one by one. If he wasn’t a demon, then what was he?

“The first question is, who ordered you to come?”

“I don’t know!”


Dao Ba had just spat out those words when he let out a miserable howl!

Before he finished speaking, Su Rui had already broken Dao Ba’s right index finger!

Ten fingers linked to the heart!

The feeling of his joints and muscles tearing apart was definitely not much weaker than the feeling of his knees shattering!

That pain seemed to come from the depths of his soul! It caused Dao Ba’s body to uncontrollably tremble!

“My second question is the same as the first. Who sent you?” Su Ruo’s face was expressionless. It was as if the sharp pain from Dao Ba had caused him to not be moved at all.

Dao Ba was still stubborn, “I won’t say it, I will!”

The second finger was broken!

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Two of Su Rui’s fingers were snapped in the opposite direction, almost touching the back of his hand! Too bloody!

Since she was young, she had always been a good girl. Her grades were always the best in the entire school, she never skipped school nor fell in love with others. After graduating from a famous university, she received a full scholarship to Yale University, she had never thought that she would never see the other side of the world, which was exactly what Su Rui had shown him.

“I will speak, I will speak. Please, please don’t break it.”

Dao Ba was in so much pain that he couldn’t even breathe. His entire body was filled with pain. He swore that even if he died immediately, it would be much better than falling into the hands of this man!

“Wouldn’t it have ended like this earlier?” Su Rui clapped his hands and said.

“Yes, yes! Yang!”

Just as Dao Ba was about to finish his sentence, an ear-piercing explosion sounded out. Two xenon headlamps shot over from a road not far away. Such a strong light was enough to blind a person for a short period of time!


Xia Qing quickly used her hand to cover her eyes. After being shined upon like this, she couldn’t see anything for at least ten seconds!

The car, whose model could not be seen, moved at an extremely fast speed. It took only a blink to get close to the car! It seemed like he wanted to make use of a short period of blindness to complete the charge!

Su Rui’s eyes showed no fear. If it was him, he definitely would have been able to dodge such a collision, but he still had Xia Qing by his side!

“Jump down!”

At the critical moment, Su Rui tightly hugged Xia Qing’s waist, ran a few steps, and jumped down from the bridge railing!

At this time, the car had already arrived at the place where they were standing a moment ago. Dao Ba was instantly crushed into a mass of viscous flesh and blood!

Murder to silence everyone!

It seemed that the driver’s skill was very high. After killing Dao Ba, the car had forcefully drifted away. Under such a high speed, the car had actually only brushed against the bridge railing!

This was simply an unbelievable car skill!

The driver didn’t get out of the car. He looked at the dark river through the window, then turned around and roared away.

Xia Qing was tightly hugged by Su Rui. Although the strong light caused her to temporarily lose her sight, she was extremely clear about the entire process of her jumping into the river. Other than that, she was also a little dazed.

In the past, a well-behaved girl like her would never have met or done such a crazy thing!

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The moment she entered the river, the cool water made her completely sober up!

Even though Xia Qing knew how to swim, her swimming skills were definitely impossible to deal with. If it weren’t for Su Rui adjusting his posture mid-air, Xia Qing probably would have fainted from the immense pressure!

Being carried by Su Rui, Xia Qing didn’t struggle. She didn’t even need to open her eyes before she could feel Su Rui holding her as they swam towards the shore!

The arm was strong, the chest warm. This was a feeling of security that Xia Qing had never experienced before.

She was still hugging him and his arm was still pressed against hers in a certain tall place. However, Su Rui didn’t reveal his usual lustful and lecherous appearance. Instead, he silently walked toward the shore.

When they landed, both of them were already soaked. Xia Qing couldn’t help but sneeze as the wind blew them ashore.

Even though it was the middle of May, the night wind was still cool.

“Get in first.”

Su Rui directly carried Xia Qing into the caravan with a princess in his arms.

As expected of the Lin Clan’s father and daughter carriage. The caravan was equipped with all kinds of items, such as towels, bathrobes, suit attire, etc., all belonging to this father and daughter duo.

Seeing Xia Qing’s clothes completely drenched and sticking tightly to her body, revealing her exquisite curves, Su Rui couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

“Take off your wet clothes and dry yourself, or you’ll catch a cold.” Su Rui took a towel and started to wipe Xia Qing’s hair.

Su Rui carefully wiped his hair. This was the first time that a man had wiped his hair. Xia Qing felt that it was a bit strange. A trace of blush quietly crept onto her face.

If it wasn’t for this man, he would have been beaten by dozens of thugs for saving his life.

“But …”

Xia Qing wanted to change clothes, but Su Rui was still here. No matter what, she couldn’t take off her clothes!

“Okay, I’ll go to the driver’s side. You can change slowly.” Su Rui chuckled, then opened the car door and ran to the driver’s seat. He even pulled up the partition between the front and back of the car.

A custom-made, high-end RV is just humanistic! The screen was soundproof as well. Even if the secretary in the back did something inappropriate, the driver wouldn’t be able to hear it.
Su Rui waited until Xia Qing had changed into a new lady’s bathrobe before he pulled open the partition.

“Is your home far from here? I’ll take you home. ”

Su Rui stuck his head out and his eyes immediately became wide open. Only then did he realize that Xia Qing, who had changed into a white bathrobe, had a different kind of beauty coming from her. Although she didn’t expose it, it was even more attractive.

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Looking at Su Rui’s expression, Xia Qing quickly averted her gaze, “It’s not far. It’s in Maple Bay District. We’ll arrive in 15 minutes.”

It was rare for Su Rui to be a proper gentleman. He didn’t know if it was because he was stupid or because he had jumped into the river, but after sending Xia Qing back home, he unexpectedly rejected the invitation to enter the house and take a sip of hot tea!

“Being serious is really tiring!” Su Rui patted the steering wheel regretfully as he thought about Xia Qing, who was wearing a bathrobe with curves in it.

At this time, Lin Fu Zhang called him. After Su Rui explained the situation, he hung up the phone.
Xia Qing booked a luxurious five-star hotel room for Su Rui. After taking a bath, Su Rui lay on his bed and thought back to the beauties he met today. He quickly fell asleep with a cheap smile on his face.

The next day, Su Rui didn’t go to pick up the Lin Family’s father and daughter in his caravan. Was this an international joke? He was Apollo, the sun god, not a chauffeur.

However, when he drove this extremely well-known van to the Pikang Group, the two security guards from yesterday were still staring at him.

Is this rascal really Big Boss’ son-in-law? Otherwise, how could he have the qualifications to drive this car! And the chairman wasn’t even sitting inside! This was clearly private use of the public transport!

The two security guards immediately broke out in a cold sweat as they thought about how they had actually offended such a figure yesterday. They surrounded Su Rui and said, “Brother Su, please be magnanimous and don’t bother with us. The reason we did that yesterday was to protect our jobs.”

Su Rui curled his lips and said, “Of course I understand that. Otherwise, you would have packed up and gone home to find a job a long time ago.”

“Brother Su, we will forever remember your great kindness!”

“Don’t say such a thing.” Su Rui looked around and shot a coquettish glance at the two awkward little front desk girls, then said, “That little girl Lin Ao Xue, are you not here yet?”

In the whole of Ning Hai’s territory, the only person who dared to call Lin Ao Xue a little girl was probably Su Rui!

Black lines immediately appeared on the two security guards’ faces as they quickly replied, “Boss Lin isn’t here yet.”

The other person tried to curry favor with him, “Brother Su, didn’t you say you were Boss Lin’s boyfriend? You must know that she’s not here. ”

Su Rui sat on the stool and enjoyed the massaging of his back by the two security guards. He shook his head and said dejectedly, “You must all have girlfriends. Everyone knows about this.

Sigh, these two days I’ve been at loggerheads with this little girl and I haven’t even been allowed to go to bed. ”

“Ah?” You’re already sleeping with the CEO? ” The two security guards were surprised and skeptical.

But at this moment, a cold voice rang out from the security room’s door!

“Su Rui, speak clearly. Who didn’t want you to go to bed?” Lin Ao Xue stood at the door, her face cold!

* For the purpose of faster release, chapter is unedited.

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