Chapter 8 – Listen to My Commands

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As she said this, Qin Liegran even winked at Xia Qing, who wrinkled her nose at her, looking extremely adorable.

Moreover, all of this was noticed by Su Rui. These two people were obviously old acquaintances.

“Qin Feng always comes to admire the glory. I really feel that it was worth it for Jun Lan to come today.” Lin Fu Zhang raised his glass and laughed loudly.

“Sir, may I know who you are?”

To be able to become the person in charge of Jun Lan Hotel, he naturally possessed the ability to flaunt his abilities to the left and right of everyone. When Qin Liangran saw Su Rui eating at the same table as the Lin family’s father and daughter, she even thought that Su Rui was an illustrious young master from a large family.

However, she knew all the young masters in the capital and Ning Hai, how come she had never seen someone like him before?

“It just so happens that I have to introduce him to Chairman Qin. He’s an esteemed guest of our corporation and a good friend of mine, Mr. Su Rui.”

Su Rui took the opportunity to hold onto Qin Yueran’s soft and smooth hands. That feeling was simply amazing.

“Hello, Mr. Su. If you’re free, then you’d best come and help me out.” Qin Yue smiled in a friendly manner, as if she was familiar with the place.

To be able to be called a “good friend” by Lin Fu Zhang at such a young age, Su Rui’s back was truly thought-provoking. However, when she saw the empty plate in front of Su Rui, she was still surprised. It was rare to see someone that consumed such a large amount of food.

“Of course, even if it’s for Chairman Qin’s long legs … Oh, no, even if it’s for you, Chairman Qin, I still have to come and support you. ” Su Rui was so busy looking at her long legs that he lost his tongue and teased the courtesan, Qin Yueran, to the point of giggling.

“You’re really interesting. Everyone, take your time. I’ll take my leave first.”

After Qin Yue finished speaking, she leisurely walked away. Su Rui looked at her back as if he wanted to carry that pair of long legs on his shoulders … No, it was a move to the bottom of his heart.

The meal ended just like that.

Once they reached the underground parking lot, for no reason, Su Rui recalled the gloomy gaze of the Tian Xiang Corporation’s eldest son, Song Bili. He then stopped the father and daughter of the Lin Clan and said, “Wait a moment.”

“What’s going on?” Lin Ao Xue frowned slightly.

“Xia Qing and I will ride in this caravan. Old Lin, take Ao Xue and sit in the Audi at the back.” After Su Rui finished speaking, he pulled Xia Qing into the carriage.

This luxurious RV had been professionally modified to be bulletproof. The tires were equipped with automatic inflation and could automatically change the rubber core. Even if a bullet hit the tire, it could still move as usual!

In Ning Hai, Lin Fu Zhang’s car was the symbol of the Bicang Group!

However, Su Rui had requested to change cars at such a time. Why did he do this?

“You mean …” Lin Fu Zhang and Su Rui looked at each other for a moment before understanding what he meant. Lin Fu Zhang had been in the market for so many years and had seen and experienced many things. He was much more experienced than Lin Ao Xue.

“I won’t trade. Chapter 008 – Listen to my commands

“Okay.” Lin Aoxue rejected.

“You have to.” Su Rui’s resolute appearance was in stark contrast to his usual jovial attitude. “I’m here to help you solve your problems, so don’t make it difficult for me.”

Somehow, after seeing Su Rui’s serious expression, the one who had always been disgusted with him, Lin Ao Xue, didn’t insist. Instead, she got into the Audi that the bodyguards usually sat in.
He sat in the spacious carriage, feeling the faint fragrance emitted by the beauty beside him. At the same time, he took a few glances at her extremely hot figure. It was extremely cozy.

Xia Qing, on the other hand, clearly knew that Su Rui’s plan was to attract firepower from her and have the people in the shadows change their target. But why would he do that? If he didn’t have any skills, he would only be a burden to him.

He didn’t know that the reason why Su Rui had pulled Xia Qing into the caravan was because of his perverted nature. Such a luxurious caravan only had him and a male chauffeur sitting inside.

Wasn’t that too boring?

To have such a devilish beauty with an angel’s face, this was what a man should be enjoying.

The caravan was held in the middle by two Audi, and they drove towards the Lin Family villa at a steady speed of 60 miles per hour.

At this moment, Su Rui glanced at his rearview mirror, and his eyes emitted a concealed, cold light.

“Increase your speed. I’m at 100 per hour.” Su Rui suddenly said.

“Alright.” The bodyguard and driver didn’t ask any further questions, because Lin Fu Zhang had previously instructed that all bodyguards must unconditionally obey Su Rui.

“Increase your speed, one hundred per hour.” The bodyguard picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

Sure enough, all three cars sped up at the same time.

Lin Ao Xue sat in the last car and frowned: “What is that guy doing?”

“Ao Xue, you have to learn more from Su Li.” Lin Fu Zhang suddenly said.

“You want me to learn from him? He’s worthy. ” Lin Ao Xue wasn’t in a good mood when Su Rui was mentioned. This repulsive fellow was eating her tofu in the hotel just now! Throughout his life, no man had ever dared to touch his buttocks. He was the first!

“You’ll understand.” His daughter didn’t understand, and Lin Fu Zhang didn’t force him. In any case, Su Rui had plenty of opportunities to get along with his daughter.

Su Rui stared at the rearview mirror. His eyes were calm as he said, “Continue to increase your speed. One hundred and twenty per hour.”

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The three cars sped up again.

Lin Ao Xue couldn’t hold it in anymore. She snatched the driver’s walkie-talkie and said, “Su Rui, what are you doing? It’s dangerous to drive so fast on this night road! ”

Most city highways had a speed limit of 80 or below and the highway had a speed limit of 120. At this moment, the speed of the three cars had already reached the highway’s speed limit!

Su Rui also took the walkie-talkie and replied, “Miss Lin, look at the back. The caravan has greatly increased their speed twice, but the three Buick behind them still haven’t lost them. If they are doing as I command … …”

What does it mean when a car is driving? ”

Lin Ao Xue’s heart sank.

“That means we’re being followed!” Su Rui said coldly, “No matter who the other party is, they absolutely harboured malicious intentions.”

Ever since she was young, this was the first time she experienced such a dark incident at such a close distance. This was not to say that she had not experienced this before, but even though she had experienced the sort of behavior such as stalking, Lin Fu Zhang did not explain it to her for the sake of protecting his daughter. This also created a false impression for Lin Ao Xue – this society was very safe.

“Next, everyone must listen to my commands.”

Su Rui’s voice suddenly carried an unquestionable tone. At this moment, Lin Ao Xue felt extremely conflicted. Was this still the same pervert who had been rude to her on the plane?

“Change the order between the third car and the caravan. Two Audi are in front, while the caravan is the last.” Su Rui said.

“Why did you do that?” As she spoke, the Audi she was riding on had already begun to speed up, and the caravan began to slow down.

“There aren’t that many reasons.” Su Rui said coldly.
Lin Ao Xue was rejected, she snorted and tossed the walkie-talkie to the side, not saying anything more.

At this time, the three cars had already turned into an inverted “grade” character formation and were speeding forward.

When Xia Qing found out that there was a mysterious car following them, she panicked a little.

After all, she was only a young lady in her twenties. This kind of scene couldn’t help but scare her.

However, when she heard Su Rui order them one by one in an orderly fashion, Xia Qing’s initially slightly panicked heart calmed down. She looked seriously at Su Rui’s profile, as if she wanted to clearly see what this man looked like.

“Why are you looking at me?” Su Rui seemed to have already felt Xia Qing’s gaze on him. He suddenly turned around and locked gazes with her.

“Uh, no. “Nothing.” Xia Qing’s face couldn’t help but blush again. Fortunately, it was dark and Su Rui couldn’t see anything.

What he didn’t know was that Su Rui was currently thinking in his heart: A hot body that was easy to blush with, that was really a bit cute.

At this moment, Su Rui’s hand suddenly reached out to Xia Qing’s shoulder, “Come, fasten your seat belt. You will brake abruptly in a while.”

“How do you know you’re going to slam the brakes?” Xia Qing was thinking about the meaning behind Su Rui’s words when Su Rui had already fastened his seat belt.

It was unknown whether it was due to Su Rui’s carelessness or because some part of Xia Qing’s body was too tall and straight. As he was pulling on his seat belt, Su Rui’s hand accidentally brushed against the two peaks.

A wonderful feeling!

Xia Qing also didn’t seem to think that things would turn out this way. Her body trembled almost imperceptibly as she listened to my command.

He lowered his head, not even daring to look at Su Rui!

However, the next moment, Su Rui realized that pulling Xia Qing into this caravan was the right decision!

Because the safety belt passed right through the two peaks on Xia Qing’s chest, it tightened, making the two peaks even rounder and straighter, the arc even more breathtaking!

“Calm down, calm down.” Su Rui did his best not to look at Xia Qing’s chest, but his eyes never left it.

“Thank you for fastening my seat belt.” Xia Qing seemed to want to break the awkward silence.

“No need to thank me, no need to thank me. If you need me, I can help you fasten your seat belt everyday.” Su Ruo laughed out loud. If he could enjoy this kind of feeling everyday, it would be a truly beautiful and blessed thing!

If that was the case, Su Rui could play the fool and play the penguin every day, let alone buckle up!

“Is it about to reach the Lin Family villa?” Su Rui asked the driver after withdrawing his charming and gentle thoughts.

“Yes, we’ll be there once we cross the bridge. There’s only five kilometers left.”

“Five kilometers?” Su Rui muttered this sentence. He already saw the pavilion river bridge in the distance. The three Buicks were still pursuing him from behind, and a sense of danger began to fill his heart.

Just as the three cars entered the bridge, Su Rui suddenly ordered, “The two Audi in the front sped through the entrance to the bridge, while the bulletproof car slowed down to 20!”

From the one hundred and twenty to the one hundred and twenty, the driver could only slam on the brakes!

“Don’t be afraid, grab my hand.”

At this moment, Su Rui suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Xia Qing tightly!

The latter did not avoid it, nor did her eyes show any signs of fear! Su Rui’s actions had given her ample confidence!

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As expected, just as the two Audi sped up and rushed out of the bridge’s entrance, a dump truck suddenly rammed into them from the intersection!

If he hadn’t slowed down just now, then the car would have already crashed into the dump truck!
Su Rui’s judgement had played a decisive role!

“Brother Ye, welcome back!” Chapter 009 – Who Threats Who (Previous Chapter | Next Chapter)
Although this GMCs were bulletproof and strong, if they were to collide with such a heavy dump truck, the people inside would inevitably be seriously injured!

“Release the brakes, turn the steering wheel to the left, and pull the handbrake!” Su Rui shouted to the driver!

The driver wasn’t slow on the uptake, and his actions were completed almost immediately after Su Rui finished speaking!

A sharp sound of friction was emitted from the rear wheels of the RV! The body of the car had completed a 90 degree rotation and was barely able to stop after brushing shoulders with the dump truck!

Xia Qing could clearly feel the shaking of the dump truck, the sweat on her palms had turned cold!

“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Su Rui seemed to have felt Xia Qing’s nervousness and sent a comforting gaze over.

Three Buicks rushed out and surrounded the caravan. It seemed that Su Rui and the others really had nowhere to go tonight.

As the two Audi rushed down the bridge, the dump truck whizzed past them. Although Lin Ao Xue did not have much of an expression on her face, her palms were already sweating and her eyes were solemn!

If it wasn’t for Su Rui’s impromptu reaction, they probably would have already been knocked flying!

This was definitely a well-planned attack!

“They’re in danger!” Lin Ao Xue’s tone was anxious. Su Rui and Xia Qing were still in the car. Who knew if they had collided with a dump truck! Furthermore, there were three Buicks following behind him. Just thinking about it made him feel that something was wrong!

“Don’t worry about us, you guys go first.” As if in response to Lin Ao Xue’s words, Su Rui’s calm voice could be clearly heard from the walkie-talkie!

“No, I can’t leave you behind.” It seemed that this woman’s heart was not as cold as her outer appearance.

“Listen to Su Rui. We’ll only give them trouble when we go back!” Only leaving is the best help! ”

Lin Fu Zhang coldly said: “Accelerate, let’s go home!”

Lin Ao Xue finally revealed a complicated expression, biting her lips and leaving a clear bite mark.
Knowing that the Lin Clan’s father and daughter were already far away, Su Rui didn’t worry about anything anymore. He sized up the three Buick and asked the driver, “Brother, do you know how to swim?”

The driver’s name was Wang Yuan. He was actually the vice captain of the Lin Family’s bodyguards. Originally, he hadn’t been convinced by Su Rui’s command, but now, he was absolutely convinced!
This was truly a marvelous plan, a plan that completely countered the other party’s every step!

“Of course.” Wang Yuan answered truthfully.

“That’s good, later when the door opens, jump into the pavilion river.” Su Rui said.

“Ah?” Don’t you want me to stay and fight alongside you? ” Upon hearing that he was going to escape with his life on the line, Wang Yuan asked in surprise.

“If you stay, you can only become my burden.” Su Rui said without any trace of politeness.

“What?” I will become your burden? ” Wang Yuan was an expert after all. At this moment, he was being threatened by Su Rui.

Although this GMCs were bulletproof and strong, if they were to collide with such a heavy dump truck, the people inside would inevitably be seriously injured!

“Release the brakes, turn the steering wheel to the left, and pull the handbrake!” Su Rui shouted to the driver!

The driver wasn’t slow on the uptake, and his actions were completed almost immediately after Su Rui finished speaking!

A sharp sound of friction was emitted from the rear wheels of the RV! The body of the car had completed a 90 degree rotation and was barely able to stop after brushing shoulders with the dump truck!

Xia Qing could clearly feel the shaking of the dump truck, the sweat on her palms had turned cold!
“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Su Rui seemed to have felt Xia Qing’s nervousness and sent a comforting gaze over.

Three Buicks rushed out and surrounded the caravan. It seemed that Su Rui and the others really had nowhere to go tonight.

As the two Audi rushed down the bridge, the dump truck whizzed past them. Although Lin Ao Xue did not have much of an expression on her face, her palms were already sweating and her eyes were solemn!

If it wasn’t for Su Rui’s impromptu reaction, they probably would have already been knocked flying!

This was definitely a well-planned attack!

“They’re in danger!” Lin Ao Xue’s tone was anxious. Su Rui and Xia Qing were still in the car. Who knew if they had collided with a dump truck! Furthermore, there were three Buicks following behind him. Just thinking about it made him feel that something was wrong!

“Don’t worry about us, you guys go first.” As if in response to Lin Ao Xue’s words, Su Rui’s calm voice could be clearly heard from the walkie-talkie!

“No, I can’t leave you behind.” It seemed that this woman’s heart was not as cold as her outer appearance.

“Listen to Su Rui. We’ll only give them trouble when we go back!” Only leaving is the best help! ”

Lin Fu Zhang coldly said: “Accelerate, let’s go home!”

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Lin Ao Xue finally revealed a complicated expression, biting her lips and leaving a clear bite mark.

Knowing that the Lin Clan’s father and daughter were already far away, Su Rui didn’t worry about anything anymore. He sized up the three Buick and asked the driver, “Brother, do you know how to swim?”

The driver’s name was Wang Yuan. He was actually the vice captain of the Lin Family’s bodyguards. Originally, he hadn’t been convinced by Su Rui’s command, but now, he was absolutely convinced!
This was truly a marvelous plan, a plan that completely countered the other party’s every step!

“Of course.” Wang Yuan answered truthfully.

“That’s good, later when the door opens, jump into the pavilion river.” Su Rui said.

“Ah?” Don’t you want me to stay and fight alongside you? ” Upon hearing that he was going to escape with his life on the line, Wang Yuan asked in surprise.

“If you stay, you can only become my burden.” Su Rui said without any trace of politeness.

“What?” I will become your burden? ” Wang Yuan was an expert after all. At this moment, he was being threatened by Su Rui.

Although this GMCs were bulletproof and strong, if they were to collide with such a heavy dump truck, the people inside would inevitably be seriously injured!

“Release the brakes, turn the steering wheel to the left, and pull the handbrake!” Su Rui shouted to the driver!

The driver wasn’t slow on the uptake, and his actions were completed almost immediately after Su Rui finished speaking!

A sharp sound of friction was emitted from the rear wheels of the RV! The body of the car had completed a 90 degree rotation and was barely able to stop after brushing shoulders with the dump truck!

Xia Qing could clearly feel the shaking of the dump truck, the sweat on her palms had turned cold!

“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Su Rui seemed to have felt Xia Qing’s nervousness and sent a comforting gaze over.

Three Buicks rushed out and surrounded the caravan. It seemed that Su Rui and the others really had nowhere to go tonight.

As the two Audi rushed down the bridge, the dump truck whizzed past them. Although Lin Ao Xue did not have much of an expression on her face, her palms were already sweating and her eyes were solemn!

If it wasn’t for Su Rui’s impromptu reaction, they probably would have already been knocked flying!

This was definitely a well-planned attack!

“They’re in danger!” Lin Ao Xue’s tone was anxious. Su Rui and Xia Qing were still in the car. Who knew if they had collided with a dump truck! Furthermore, there were three Buicks following behind him. Just thinking about it made him feel that something was wrong!

“Don’t worry about us, you guys go first.” As if in response to Lin Ao Xue’s words, Su Rui’s calm voice could be clearly heard from the walkie-talkie!

“No, I can’t leave you behind.” It seemed that this woman’s heart was not as cold as her outer appearance.

“Listen to Su Rui. We’ll only give them trouble when we go back!” Only leaving is the best help! ”

Lin Fu Zhang coldly said: “Accelerate, let’s go home!”

Lin Ao Xue finally revealed a complicated expression, biting her lips and leaving a clear bite mark.
Knowing that the Lin Clan’s father and daughter were already far away, Su Rui didn’t worry about anything anymore. He sized up the three Buick and asked the driver, “Brother, do you know how to swim?”

The driver’s name was Wang Yuan. He was actually the vice captain of the Lin Family’s bodyguards. Originally, he hadn’t been convinced by Su Rui’s command, but now, he was absolutely convinced!
This was truly a marvelous plan, a plan that completely countered the other party’s every step!

“Of course.” Wang Yuan answered truthfully.

“That’s good, later when the door opens, jump into the pavilion river.” Su Rui said.

“Ah?” Don’t you want me to stay and fight alongside you? ” Upon hearing that he was going to escape with his life on the line, Wang Yuan asked in surprise.

“If you stay, you can only become my burden.” Su Rui said without any trace of politeness.

“What?” I will become your burden? ” Wang Yuan was an expert after all. At this moment, he was being threatened by Su Rui.

Although this GMCs were bulletproof and strong, if they were to collide with such a heavy dump truck, the people inside would inevitably be seriously injured!

“Release the brakes, turn the steering wheel to the left, and pull the handbrake!” Su Rui shouted to the driver!

The driver wasn’t slow on the uptake, and his actions were completed almost immediately after Su Rui finished speaking!

A sharp sound of friction was emitted from the rear wheels of the RV! The body of the car had completed a 90 degree rotation and was barely able to stop after brushing shoulders with the dump truck!

Xia Qing could clearly feel the shaking of the dump truck, the sweat on her palms had turned cold!
“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Su Rui seemed to have felt Xia Qing’s nervousness and sent a comforting gaze over.

Three Buicks rushed out and surrounded the caravan. It seemed that Su Rui and the others really had nowhere to go tonight.

As the two Audi rushed down the bridge, the dump truck whizzed past them. Although Lin Ao Xue did not have much of an expression on her face, her palms were already sweating and her eyes were solemn!

If it wasn’t for Su Rui’s impromptu reaction, they probably would have already been knocked flying!

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This was definitely a well-planned attack!

“They’re in danger!” Lin Ao Xue’s tone was anxious. Su Rui and Xia Qing were still in the car. Who knew if they had collided with a dump truck! Furthermore, there were three Buicks following behind him. Just thinking about it made him feel that something was wrong!

“Don’t worry about us, you guys go first.” As if in response to Lin Ao Xue’s words, Su Rui’s calm voice could be clearly heard from the walkie-talkie!

“No, I can’t leave you behind.” It seemed that this woman’s heart was not as cold as her outer appearance.

“Listen to Su Rui. We’ll only give them trouble when we go back!” Only leaving is the best help! ”

Lin Fu Zhang coldly said: “Accelerate, let’s go home!”

Lin Ao Xue finally revealed a complicated expression, biting her lips and leaving a clear bite mark.
Knowing that the Lin Clan’s father and daughter were already far away, Su Rui didn’t worry about anything anymore. He sized up the three Buick and asked the driver, “Brother, do you know how to swim?”

The driver’s name was Wang Yuan. He was actually the vice captain of the Lin Family’s bodyguards.

Originally, he hadn’t been convinced by Su Rui’s command, but now, he was absolutely convinced!

This was truly a marvelous plan, a plan that completely countered the other party’s every step!

“Of course.” Wang Yuan answered truthfully.

“That’s good, later when the door opens, jump into the pavilion river.” Su Rui said.

“Ah?” Don’t you want me to stay and fight alongside you? ” Upon hearing that he was going to escape with his life on the line, Wang Yuan asked in surprise.

“If you stay, you can only become my burden.” Su Rui said without any trace of politeness.

“What?” I will become your burden? ” Wang Yuan was an expert after all. At this moment, he was being threatened by Su Rui.

Although this GMCs were bulletproof and strong, if they were to collide with such a heavy dump truck, the people inside would inevitably be seriously injured!

“Release the brakes, turn the steering wheel to the left, and pull the handbrake!” Su Rui shouted to the driver!

The driver wasn’t slow on the uptake, and his actions were completed almost immediately after Su Rui finished speaking!

A sharp sound of friction was emitted from the rear wheels of the RV! The body of the car had completed a 90 degree rotation and was barely able to stop after brushing shoulders with the dump truck!

Xia Qing could clearly feel the shaking of the dump truck, the sweat on her palms had turned cold!

“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Su Rui seemed to have felt Xia Qing’s nervousness and sent a comforting gaze over.

Three Buicks rushed out and surrounded the caravan. It seemed that Su Rui and the others really had nowhere to go tonight.

As the two Audi rushed down the bridge, the dump truck whizzed past them. Although Lin Ao Xue did not have much of an expression on her face, her palms were already sweating and her eyes were solemn!

If it wasn’t for Su Rui’s impromptu reaction, they probably would have already been knocked flying!

This was definitely a well-planned attack!

“They’re in danger!” Lin Ao Xue’s tone was anxious. Su Rui and Xia Qing were still in the car. Who knew if they had collided with a dump truck! Furthermore, there were three Buicks following behind him. Just thinking about it made him feel that something was wrong!

“Don’t worry about us, you guys go first.” As if in response to Lin Ao Xue’s words, Su Rui’s calm voice could be clearly heard from the walkie-talkie!

“No, I can’t leave you behind.” It seemed that this woman’s heart was not as cold as her outer appearance.

“Listen to Su Rui. We’ll only give them trouble when we go back!” Only leaving is the best help! ”

Lin Fu Zhang coldly said: “Accelerate, let’s go home!”

Lin Ao Xue finally revealed a complicated expression, biting her lips and leaving a clear bite mark.

Knowing that the Lin Clan’s father and daughter were already far away, Su Rui didn’t worry about anything anymore. He sized up the three Buick and asked the driver, “Brother, do you know how to swim?”

The driver’s name was Wang Yuan. He was actually the vice captain of the Lin Family’s bodyguards. Originally, he hadn’t been convinced by Su Rui’s command, but now, he was absolutely convinced!
This was truly a marvelous plan, a plan that completely countered the other party’s every step!

“Of course.” Wang Yuan answered truthfully.

“That’s good, later when the door opens, jump into the pavilion river.” Su Rui said.

“Ah?” Don’t you want me to stay and fight alongside you? ” Upon hearing that he was going to escape with his life on the line, Wang Yuan asked in surprise.

“If you stay, you can only become my burden.” Su Rui said without any trace of politeness.

“What?” I will become your burden? ” After all, Wang Yuan was an expert. At this moment, Su Rui was …

* For the purpose of faster release, chapter is unedited.


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