“Mina, if I’m not wrong, you specializes in spearmanship right?”

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If I illustrate Mina’s facial expression, this time, it would say “How did you know?” in surprise.
She probably thought it was impossible for me to know.

But it was so.
Because the common sense in this world says that it was very rare for women to be very excellent in spearmanship.
Perhaps a capable person from the military may realize it the moment they see Mina, or perhaps they may not.

To think she had Spearmanship Lv. 3, no person will know it without the Appraisal Skill like mine.

“. . .Master Toshiki, how did you know about it?”
“I’m not really sure.”

That was not a problem.
How can I let her know without revealing the secret? “I can see through things as your Master, but I don’t know why?”, is what I said conveniently to keep her quiet as I was respected.

I didn’t deliberately paid attention to Mina and ended the discussion.

“Mina. I want you to teach the slaves the art of spearmanship.”
“Spearmanship training you say?”
“Yeah, in addition, do it in front of the shop during the day. I want you to train them outside the tent.”
“During the day…”

Mina looked dubious as it would interfere with the business while I just smiled at her.

I want Mina to do it.
To train the slaves in spearmanship in front of the shop.

“Well then, I will introduce a new form now, everyone please follow how I swing the stick.”

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When Mina said it to the six slaves, she demonstrated a form of spearmanship.
There are forms in spearmanship, you can learn a very efficient way to wield a spear by performing a form repeatedly.

For example, Mina was demonstrating [Angular Stance] by setting up the spear overarm and pointing the tip towards the opponent. She was poised to step in and do a piercing strike at the same time.
Knowing or not knowing the form beforehand makes a difference in the strike. An amateur will be killed in a counterattack because there was not enough power in their stance for their spear to penetrate the opponent. But if you know the form, the spear will naturally kill the opponent because the body learned the stance of the body that contains power.

So, that form was a convenient stance that the body will get used to.
Learning an efficient posture was always the basics.

“Very well, repeat it once more.”

While preparing the spear, Mina once more reproduced the beautiful form again.
They were charmed as they saw the tensely straight form.

Because being naked was bad, they were wearing only a loincloth and breastplate, their properly forged upper arm and thighs were spectacular.
The texture of supple muscles can be seen.
The beastkin race easily grow muscles after all, as for physical beauty, there were splendid ones.

The six slaves aren’t bad too.
They easily mastered it as they were able to reproduce the form and hold the spear properly.
After all, this group of six slaves have four from the beastkin race and the remaining two are from the demon race that was blessed with good physique.

They performed some spear drills, it was a spectacle that attracts attention to those walking nearby.

(It turned out pretty well.)

I wasn’t able to hide the smile for the drill advertisement that was unfolding right in front of me.

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In order to maintain the public order of the Oasis district, the chief sentinel Howard was patrolling and suddenly was taken by the sight of a strange spectacle.
In front of Howard, a group of slaves was performing their spearmanship.

Seeing how the form was being taught unfolding in front of him, Howard admired the [method].
It was because of the impressive stance of the beastkin girl teaching the spear.

The stance was solid through the core, he thought the center of gravity was on the waist and there was no excessive movement. The movement of the foot was linked to how the center of gravity was carried that even outside observer was able to understand, Howard was surprised.
As for the stance the following instant, it was a prerequisite in starting to move. It became alive.

Howard knew some spearmanship.
He was an adventurer using a spear before he became a sentinel because he got injured on the leg.
Even though with just this much knowledge in handling a spear, he can still kill a desert tiger.

But in front of this young woman’s spearmanship, Howard was not impressive.

(When I need to borrow some manpower next time like for example, for demon hunting, it might not be bad to ask them. I think.)

What came to mind to Howard was demon subjugation.
Sometimes there aren’t enough hands in the desert branch of the adventurer’s guild.
For example, during a mass outbreak of desert carpenter ants, there was no time to leisurely wait for an adventurer dispatch.
He can commandeer the slaves for battle in such cases, he will have to agree to some terms and pay them their reward afterward.

(Until now we treat the slaves from the slums like a sacrificial pawn or not employed in the first place. However, seeing this much…)

There was a reason why they don’t employ the slaves during demon subjugation.
Because they are not healthy and doesn’t have any skills too, can’t become part of the fighting force. They just move idly and in charge of menial tasks, a nuisance who only cause trouble when the tough gets going.
And so, the sentries doesn’t employ them that much.

However, Howard changed his mind when he saw the spectacle in front of him.
When the time is right they are worthy as a sufficient fighting force.
It was certain that the beastkin girl was stronger than him. Her movement was flexible and her handling of the spear was naturally smooth.
The surrounding slaves that being taught have excellent muscles too. They will surely be able to grasp the basics of general skills of the spear soon.

(That shop in the slum. Did it read [Mitsuji Talent Consultant] or something like that?)

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It was a strange name, but he immediately memorize it already.
Mitsuji Talent Consultant.
They don’t know what a Talent Consultant was, so I should probably say it’s “Fulfilling a talented personnel base on the consultation with you”.

Howard thought it was interesting that there was that kind of slave trader in the slum district.
Anyway, Howard memorizes the name in the corner of his mind.

“Hey, master. I wonder when will the result manifest.”
“It won’t appear immediately.”

While I looked at the state of the training before me, I had some high-class slave teach me some etiquette.
Rather saying high-class slave, it’s more like a high-class prostitute.
She had refined manners and beautiful looks, probably because she sometimes does this fascinating gestures that she looked extremely bewitching.

Name: Ethalia Lamia (Slave) Age: 38 Years Old Level: 13 HP: 21 MP: 8 Strength: 5 Agility: 6 Magic Power: 9 Endurance: 3 Unique Skill: Eye of Fear Lv. 1 Special Skill: Sexual Skills Lv. 4 Special Skill: Water Magic Lv. 0

Hetty (Ethalia) was a half human half demon race.
A child between a Lamia and a human. Part of her body was covered in scales, you could say that her lower half was completely a Lamia. Her Lamia blood seems to be really dense.

Then when I thought and asked Hetty where are her human parts,”… Would you like to see it?” was what she said to me.
Because I didn’t think she would reply that way, I honestly apologized to her.

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“But, I don’t really know a lot about etiquette.”
“That’s a lie, I’m pretty sure Hetty was reasonably famous as a high-class prostitute in the Oasis district.”

Hetty said, “Oh if that’s the case then I should not have become a slave” while smiling, as the Appraisal Skill saw through the lie.
She was a high-class prostitute from the Oasis district.

She must have considerably had a hard time during her childhood partly because she was a half-demon.
However, Hetty became discreetly popular as an excellent prostitute after a lot of efforts.
She was a beauty with good personality too, it’s impossible for her not to be a popular high-class prostitute.

In addition, she had an unusual bloodline that became her asset.
Half human and Half Lamia. So what in the world was that beauty? How the heck was she different from an ordinary person?
She succeeded in attracting people’s interest by taking advantage of such inquisitive rumors.
Which reminds me that the nobilities of this world were good people, there are even times where they keep non-sentient demons as a pet out of curiosity. It was the so-called novelty. Her asset was the appealing novelty.

“Ah, I went too far.”

I did not miss the moment that her face was gloomy for an instant.

I went too far. Hetty became a slave because she incurred someone’s wrath.
If it wasn’t for that, she won’t have been a slave.
But I don’t know who was that person that was displeased.

“Ah, don’t worry too much about it because I was only teasing you.”
“… You’re such a bad man.”

Her seductive voice seems like she was flattering me, but Hetty confronted me with eyes that were completely scrutinizing me.

“Come on, you’re also a bad woman.”

As I was saying so, I looked away from her to the slaves that were doing spear training in front of the shop.

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