“Now then, as for the next reform.”

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“There is still more to do?”

Cleaning and ventilating the tent and training performance in front of the store, in addition to that, is there a need of something new? Of course, it was necessary for something new, I think.
I answered “Of course” to Hetty as I opened the drawer in the desk.

Client Log Book.
I will have to organize this from now on.

“Have you ever seen a Client Log Book?”
“Oh, slaves doesn’t have the right to read it. Because there is a possibility to leak information.”
“You’re right, you guys are going to be employed by someone sooner or later. Therefore you mustn’t make contact with this kind of information.”

I flipped the Client Log Book.
The information listed here are the name, address, who was handed over, how much was the transaction, and so on was written in there.
Honestly, the amount of information written down will be helpful, but it seems Mark did not organize it.

(First of all, I should write a letter to them.)

The first thing I should do was to write a change of ownership letter.
I should notify them that Toshiki Mitsuji had taken over as the new shop owner from Mark Tracey, and that the name of the store had changed too.
I will send this to all the people that was written in the Client Log Book.

This will maintain the clientele. They are the life-blood of any business.
Statistics tells that only 7% of the freshly acquired customers will become a repeat customer.
In other words, retention rate will be bad if the only strategy was to gather new customers.

If I were to speak of what to do, then I would figure out something to make them a repeat customer.
Sending a letter this way for example. With that alone “This slave trader does not forget a customer,” and the impression will improve.

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Furthermore, I will write down “Accessories and Clothing are included with every purchase” as a special service. This will make them come back again and I think this will become an opportunity

Are you going to write a letter? Even though master was the person who had thought up an idea of the slaves doing spear training performance that was already interesting, you will also write a neat welcome letter too. You’re surprisingly diligent I see.”
“Well, There is an interesting basis for this. An obligatory message such as this is just a social etiquette as a member of society.”

I remember the time when I worked as an HR career consultant when I was still in Japan.
As for the business of career consulting, it was a newly developed field that was rather difficult. Mostly business connections, it was now personal connections between businesses.
In particular, since I worked for a career consulting company that specialized in advertisements, I desperately worked hard to make connections in the advertising industry.

It was there that I learned the importance of sending a follow-up letter.
For example “I can introduce you to applicants who wants to change jobs” and make the appointment too; getting in touch with them by asking “How was the performance of **** that I introduced to you?” as an aftercare; and never forget the change of management letter by writing “My name is Toshiki Mitsuji who had took over the work from **** who was the former person in charge.”

Career Consultants work quite closely with the business.
Businesses value the work of connecting people, even as something trifling as proper greetings. It will be important to wait and see how this goes.
After all the other party will likely do a business deal if they are comfortable with the person they are dealing with.

Now, after all that been said and done, I will have to send the change of management letter and checking up on the performance of the slaves that was referred to them as the aftercare service.

(The nobles of this other world particularly tends to respect greetings.)

This is just my personal opinion, but I don’t think I’m wrong.
The proof was that the consistent greetings of the employees in large companies in the Oasis district, that shows high dignity.
The nobles respect honor.

Therefore, writing this letter has a meaning.
Because writing the letter will give the impression that the slave trader will be a merchant that respects honor.

“Oh, the characters you wrote are beautiful. However your expression is a bit of a concern.”

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“Is that so, Hetty. I want to ask you for proofreading the expressions. You are able to do it because you’re a high-class prostitute.”

Hetty was smiling softly, however, her eyes retains the look of somewhat being inquisitive.
Is my letter really that interesting?
When I casually saw Hetty’s credibility, it rose a bit from 25% to 28%.

(It’s still a long way to go, her credibility is low.)

While thinking about that, I handed the letter to Hetty and “asked”.

“…But, I’m just a prostitute you know? My only ability is to sell pleasure to men.”
“It doesn’t matter. Light of intellect dwells in your eyes. There is no nobility and commonalty in jobs, it’s the state of your soul that has it.”

I held on Hetty’s hands as I faced her right in the eye.

“There is dignity in your heart. That’s why I’m asking you.”

Whether my words reached her or not, Hetty was just keeping silent.
Judging from the psychological graph, she was a bit happy and perplexed at the same time.

(Well, Hetty may not say yes on my order, but she is not forced to do it.)

While I’m thinking this was nonsense, “If you don’t like to proofread, you don’t need to do it” as I stood up and left the tent.

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(From now on, I want a slave that will be the Customer Service instead of me. Because the customers will be kept waiting if I went to do some business in the Oasis district.)

Hetty suddenly popped into my mind.
She would be my first candidate for Customer Service
Soft demeanor and beautiful to look at. Her speech (certainly) will be polite towards the customers.
Furthermore, she can read and write the characters.

(I want her be in charge of Customer Service as soon as possible. If I do so, the customers will surely have a good impression for this shop.)

I was walking while thinking about that.
The valuable high-class slaves will be a wasted talent if not used as an asset.

“Ah, Master Toshiki.”

It was none other than Mina who found me absent mindedly thinking outside the tent.
It seems that the spear training was over some time ago.

“Oh, Mina. Thanks for the good work.”
“No, not at all Master Toshiki. I am fortunate to be helpful.”

The sunlight outside was too bright and hot also.
Mina had been swinging the spear during all that time that she became sweaty and dirty from all the cloud of sand dust.
She should definitely get herself cleaned.

“Get into the tent and wipe your body. Here, have some water and drink it.”
“Thank you very much.”

Mina deeply bowed her head, she was not showing any signs that she was tired from all of that spear practice she did a while ago.

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I think that’s really admirable.

“What if, I wipe your body? Like I did a long time ago.”
“Eh!? Uhm, well…”

I intended it as a light joke, but Mina was perplexed and blushed a little bit.
I felt like being tactless now as I peeked at the psychology graph of Mina.
She was so easy to understand or I should say, how cute.

“I am really sorry for being a bother to Master Toshiki, but just the thought of it, I feel really happy.”
“I would rather like to clean off the dirt in you, how about it? You don’t like it?”

Not liking it, after hearing that Mina’s eyes moved all around to avoid my gaze and increasingly becoming embarrassed.
Her fingers were fidgety as she was holding the spear, she looked like unable to decide.

“…Umm, because I’m graciously ashamed if people will see us, will Master Toshiki wipe my body in the tent if possible…?”

Mina asked in a sheepish voice.
Looking at the situation, I immediately replied, “Of course, it’s OK.”

Mina’s cheek blushed really red.

“Master, Though I easily proofread the letter……”
I forgot that Hetty was in the tent.

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