Rifles rattled away.

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In the wild forest near the Southern border of China, there were loud gunshots. Startled, the birds flew away at once. Several figures rushed through the dense forest among the mottled shadows. The rifles in their hands were spraying deadly bullets even more ruthlessly. Occasionally someone would fall on the ground, but the ones who were still up didn’t stop for a moment, they were running for their lives.

These people were like wild beasts. They wouldn’t be bothered by the life or death of any of their comrades. Those in front just wanted to get rid of the ones behind who are chasing them, while those behind – they wanted nothing but to reap the lives of those who have fled in front. 

“Another one fell down! What to do? What to do?” There were only four people left in front of me, but only three of them were running. One of them was still carrying a woman on his back. When she saw another man falling down next to her, she suddenly cried out. 

The three men who were running were all dressed in camouflage suits. On one hand, they were strong and vigorous – running irregular routes, using trees to dodge the bullets. On the other, they were still shooting the ones behind.

The woman was wearing a long light green colored dress, which was already in tatters. Her left foot was bare and covered in blood, looking just like a wolf. 

 “Miss Su, we will certainly escort you back to the…” – Just said a tall and sturdy man next to him, when several bullets had already made holes in his body. He rushed a few steps forward, knocked down a small tree, and didn’t make a sound. 

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This time the woman didn’t cry. In the beginning, there were six people escorting her, but now they were becoming less and less, only having two of them remaining. Even though the opposite side had more casualties, they were actually way too many. And now there were more than ten people chasing them from behind. Judging by the developing situation, if they didn’t manage to cross the border, they would die right there. 

“Give me a dagger.” the woman whispered to the man who was carrying her. 

“The enemy is too strong.” The man gave a short answer while still walking. He suddenly turned to the side. There were already several more holes in the tree in front of him.

“I’m going to kill myself.” – Replied the woman coldly. 

“I’m going to get you out of here.” – The man’s answer was still full of self-confidence. He turned around and took a shot. One of the opponents fell down. 

“Now there are only three people left…and just the two of us. Are you sure you will get me out of here? Give me the dagger!” As the woman was saying that, another comrade fell down. 

“I will!” – While he was saying that, he had already walked more than 30 meters. He was carrying a person on his back, but that didn’t impact his speed at all. 

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“You…I can die, but I will not die in disgrace.”

“If I fail in getting you out of here, I will then take your life myself.” 

The man’s words didn’t have a trace of emotion. But still left her feeling determined. The woman’s name was Su Mengxin and she was not only beautiful, but she had distinctive native features and a powerful background. She was praised as the first beauty in China. Even if she died, she couldn’t do it in a humiliating way. 

The bullets kept flying near Su Mengxin’s ears, but they never got her, which was beyond any logic or reason. Now the two of them were the only two targets and the enemy’s gunshots were all focused on them. The man suddenly was getting low, running, turning around – all that for nearly ten minutes and she is still alive – that was a miracle.

This made her hope spark again. Maybe this man could really get her out of there.

However, her hopes were quickly smashed by the rolling river waters in front of them. The river was five or six meters wide. Although the current was not that rapid, if they wanted to cross the river, their speed in the water certainly wouldn’t be as fast as on the ground and they would become living targets to the enemy. 

“Splash!” – Su Mengxin felt only the cold oh her body. She had already gone into the river when the man secretly scolded her for being stupid. At that moment she could have run along the river, how could she just get into it. 

The next thing made her even more irritated – with a scream the man suddenly pulled off her skirt. And even though they were in the water and it wasn’t some erotic scene, she definitely was not able to bear it. 

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“Hold your breath and dive in.” The man said and dragged her under the water. Even if Su Mengxin wanted to say something at that moment, she simply couldn’t. 

The man started swimming with Su Mengxin in his arms. He swam over 30 meters, then spotted, but still, his head didn’t surface. 

Su Mengxin had been underwater for nearly a minute. The extreme lack of oxygen left her in a state of panic. Her hands were clinging to the man, which is the instinctive reaction of every drowning person, even Su Mengxin – that proud woman. 

Suddenly, there was air coming into her mouth. She inhaled it quickly and her mind slowly sobered up. She felt as if her mouth was blocked by somebody else’s and the air was coming from that other mouth. 

With her head up, Su Mengxin separated herself and struggled to push away those lips. But the other person held her tightly making it impossible for her to move.

Su Mengxin was angry. He didn’t expect that the person who had been protecting her would be the first to insult her.

Rifles rattled away. A burst of gunshots reached her ears and she immediately lost any ability to move. She also felt that she wasn’t really insulted, he was just protecting her and keeping her from drowning. 

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The gunshots were not stopping. She could even hear several bullets passing right by them. But obviously, they were much safer in the water than on the ground.

Her oxygen was about the run out once again. Su Mengxin’s chest was about to explode. At that moment their mouths linked together again. She persisted for a moment, but eventually gave in to the thirst for oxygen. They linked their lips together, sucking the oxygen greedily. 

The sounds of the gunshots were slowly going away. Su Mengxin wanted to surface, but the man was still holding her tightly, refusing to let her go. This made her doubt if the man didn’t just want to use the opportunity to kiss her again. 

Rifles rattled away. There was another burst of gunshots after which came the voices of several people. Su Mengxin’s heart dropped. Fortunately, she hadn’t surfaced or would have become a target herself. The enemy was obviously waiting for them to get out of the water. Then she was finally convinced that they weren’t getting out of there.  

When they swam to the other side of the river, Su Mengxin was extremely embarrassed. She was wearing only a bra and underpants and was in the arms of a man. This made her feel so ashamed and resentful. 

“Here you are!” The man let her down. He took off his camouflage clothes and gave them to her. His strong upper body was covered only in a tight black tank top.

Su Mengxin quickly put the clothes on. She was fairly tall, about 1.7m. So although the clothes were slightly oversized they only managed to cover her hips. Her long legs were visible at a glance. It was a shame that a long wound on her left leg was so shocking, that it was destroying that beauty.

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