Translator: WebNovelMTL

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The oil color on the man’s face had been melted, showing a chiseled featured face, angular, about twenty-six or twenty-six years old, a pair eyes were very bright, although looked as not as handsome and unrestrained compared with some men that Su Mengxin had met in the past, but there was a kind of strong manhood showing in this guy.

“Go!” As soon as Su Mengxin was dressed, the man turned his back on her without waiting for her to reply. He took her on his back and started to run into the dense forest.

“Why did you pull my skirt just a moment ago?” as far as she knew this man, Su Mengxin did not believe that he was trying to do anything wrong to herself, she was quite confused.

“When your clothes were floating away, it would distract their attention, so we could hide.”

“Well, why didn’t you take off your clothes then?”

“Not enough time.”

Su Mengxin was speechless for this reason, but there was really nothing to blame. She felt the two rough hands pressing on her thigh, which made her somehow embarrassed. However, she could not care more about it due to the urgency of the current situation. Fortunately, the man did not have any further actions, which made her feel a bit relieved.

‘What’s your name? There is no killer chasing them for a while, Su Mengxin began feeling curious about this man.

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“Eagle Unit 002.”

“I asked for your real name.”

“For the mission, we only had code names.”

“It’s rigid.”

Su Mengxin also stopped asking, for the eagle team, she knows few things, this is one of the super Special Forces in China, each team member has a strong skill, and they never fail to execute a mission. If she is asking for more detail, she still won’t get anything from him.

“By the way, those were the Eagles, too? I don’t think they’re as good as you are.”

“They’re not. They’re just supporting me.”

“No wonder.”

Twenty minutes later, the two people have already run for more than a thousand meters, they were almost getting out of the mess, the man was suddenly stopped.

Su Mengxin didn’t make any sound, just tightly hold the man’s neck, she knew that something is there, all she could do is to let the man concentrate on his job and less interfered by her, as the top beauty in China, she is not only a beautiful face, the key thing is her clever brain, and how she does things in a clever way.

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The man’s body tensed, and suddenly he jumped more than two meters to the side with a stride. At this moment, the gunshots were loud, and the place where he stood just now was already full of craters.

“Boom!” The man’s large-caliber pistol burst into flames, and a man fell out of a tree above him, without even screaming, because he had been shot in the head.

“You stay here and I’ll take care of them.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes or no, we’ve run out of options.”

This side has been ambushing for a long time, and these people were not as good as those who chased them, but when the gun is fired on this side, for those people who chasing them will definitely get here soon, so he must finish these people in the shortest time, otherwise, there is only a dead end.

“OK!” Su Mengxin bit her lip and agreed. At this moment, she also had no choice. She had to do what this man told her to. Besides that, she trusted this man’s strength and believed in him. The Eagles, it was a legendary existence.

Loosen the hold on the man, the man suddenly rushed into the dense forest like a cheetah, and then there was a loud gunshot, but after two minutes of the gunshot, it became weakened, although the loud noise can still be heard. Su Mengxin was already familiar with the loud noise of pistols, and it was the man’s gun.

Su Mengxin was overjoyed and knew that they were close to the victory, but it was a pity that joy begets sorrow, when she saw a colorful caterpillar fall onto her clothes, as a woman’s instinct, she cried out loudly.

This is too bad, there was a gangster really close to her, he quickly rushed to her. When he found Su Mengxin, he immediately took out his gun without any hesitation, pulled the trigger to her.

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Su Mengxin knew that she was finished, waiting for the final moment, but in the moment of the gunshot, a black shadow is falling from the sky, just in front of her, the figure suddenly tensed, but still standing in front of her body, wave the arm, the gunshot stopped.

Su Mengxin knew what had happened. In that critical moment, it was this man who blocked the bullet with his body and saved her life.

The red blood spouted from the man’s shoulders, instantly stained the black waistcoat.

“How are you feeling now?” Su Mengxin jumped to her feet.

“It’s all settled. Let’s go.” The man took off his vest and bandaged the wound on his shoulder with a few moves.

Su Mengxin felt a bit relieved and released a sigh. She knew that the man had not injured seriously.

Seeing that the man was going to carry her on his back, Su Mengxin hastened to say, “I’ll go by myself.”

“No, those people are coming. We must leave here quickly.” The man didn’t explain anything more; he picked Su Mengxin up again.

On the man’s back, Su Mengxin’s eyes were red, tears almost could not help but flow out, even if the man was just following the orders to protect her. But when his body blocked the bullet for her, it touched her deeply, her fingers gently stroked the man’s wound.

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Crouching on the back of the man, Su Mengxin unexpectedly fell asleep, in this dangerous place, in the pursuit of the thug who may kill her at any time, she actually fell asleep, because she had a sense of security, it seems that even if they are in great danger, as long as this man is here, she will be ok.

When Su Mengxin woke up, she was in a car with a blanket over her body and a female soldier sitting next to her. She knew she was safe.

‘How is he? After waking up, Su Mengxin thought of the man.

The female soldier hesitated for a moment, not knowing who Su Mengxin was referring to.

“The eagle 002 that protected me.”

“He was slightly injured.”

“That’s ok.”

Two months later, Su Mengxin has been completely recovered, in these days, her mind has been repeating an image, only a back, a blood-stained black vest, kept in her mind and did not fade away.

There were several sheets of paper on the table, and one of them was a picture of the man who had taken her first kiss, stripped her, and shielded his body from the bullet.

“Well, don’t think I can’t find you when you’re leaving the military.” Su Mengxin said to herself, and then she said in a loud voice, “Ms. Li, please help me get ready. I want to go to Ye cheng.”

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