“I see. I’ll be back tomorrow… What? Blind date Again! Mom, can we leave that? I know myself better… All right, all right, I’ll see.”

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At the gate of a magnificent office building in Yecheng, a woman wearing a black professional suit with big wavy curly hair walked in while talking on the phone, a pair of wide black-rimmed glasses blocked most of her cheek. But it is hard to hide her peerless demeanor.

The professional suit made her figure more obvious. The stalwart chest seemed to be ripped out, and the waist was so slim and can be gripped by one hand. Under the two slender thighs, the black high-heeled shoes were rapid and rhythmic knocking the ground, you can see from the pace that this is a white-collar lady who is resolute, and judging from the cold temperament, this may be an executive.    

This lady named Xu Yingying, she is the general manager of the Huayang trading under Qinfeng group, initially, the company was a branch, and was very small, and initial investment just slightly over 20 million. In less than 2 years’ time, under the efforts of Xu Yingying, assets have already reached the 780 million, a woman who is only 26 years old, made an achievement like this, was good enough to prove her strength and ability.

But when she made a phone call, it looks like she felt quite helpless, which is absolutely a very rare thing to see in the company.

“Morning Ms. Xu! Passing by the gate, a security guard gave Xu Yingying a bow.

As if not heard, Xu Yingying went in straightly, each day when she passes the gate, there are security guards greeting at her, she has been getting used to this.

But not this time, when she just walked a few steps, she suddenly turned around and looked at the security who greeting at her. The guy is young, chiseled face, angular, is about 6 inches height, although he is not super tall and fit, but dressed in a uniform, he looks very energetic and very manly, if Sun Mengxin is here, she would definitely recognize that this is the Eagle 002, who makes her so unforgettable. 

‘What’s your name? Xu Yingying kept her cool tone and looked at the security guard with an authoritative glance.

“Li Yifei!” The guard raised his chest and answered loudly.

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“Well, come to my office in ten minutes.” After saying that she went straight into the lift.

Li Yifei was a little confused, standing there without moving. He came to this company for less than two months. Although it was not long, he knew that this lady was always a very tough person to deal with. Now she suddenly came to him and he has not got a clue what is coming next. 

“Yifei, what is it in your mind?”?  A security guy who was also in his twenties leaned over and touched Li Yifei.

“Mr. Xu asked me to go to her office.”

“Oh, I see. She probably asking you to do some physical work, but it’s nice to be able to work for Mr. Xu. That’s the number one beauty in our entire office building.”

Ok, that’s fine then. I thought I had done something wrong and she wanted to punish me.”

“Lets put this way, even if our security had made mistakes, it is not the general manager’s job to punish us. Besides, we are not directly under the management of her company. We are working for the security department of this office building and have nothing to do with her.”

After waiting for a few minutes, Li Yifei came to the 12th floor of Huayang Trading.

Today is the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and the next day is the Chinese new year eve. The company usually begins to start the holiday from tomorrow. In ordinary companies, there is no one actually working anymore, but in Huayang Trading, it is still very busy. Everyone is busy working there. As the general manager in the company, it seems that the management work of Xu Yingying is also quite strict and tough.

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After noting to the secretary, Li Yifei came to the door of the general manager’s office and knocked, Xu Yingying’s voice came from inside: “Come in”. ”

Li Yifei got inside and saw Xu Yingying sitting on the big chair behind the desk, her arms resting on the armrests, her eyes were staring straight at Li Yifei, and said, “Close the door. ”

Li Yifei was taken aback for a moment, but still closed the door as she told, and then he came to the desk and spoke to her: “Ms. Xu, I am here.”

Xu Yingying leaned forward, put her arms on the table, and said, “Have a seat please”. ”

Li Yifei was even more confused. It seems that  Xu Yingying was not planning to treat him as an ordinary worker.

When Li Yifei sat down, Xu Yingying asked lightly: “How old are you?”


“Do you have a girlfriend?”

“No. ”

“Where would you go for the New Year this year?”

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“I am alone, and the Security Department has put me on duty for the entire Chinese New Year holiday.”

The eyes behind Xu Yingying’s black-rimmed glasses suddenly lit up and said, “You have no family?”

“No, I have been an orphan since I was a kid, Ms. Xu…Why are you asking this?” Li Yifei really was confused. The way Xu Yingying questioned like she is going to hook him with someone else.

Xu Yingying adjusted her glasses a bit and tapped her fingers on the desk lightly, but didn’t say anything. This made Li Yifei a little puzzled, and he even had an urge to leave the office immediately, face to face with this cold boss, the pressure was really tremendous.

“Li Yifei, I will hire you during the Chinese New Year… you will pretend to be my boyfriend and accompany me home for the New Year.”

Xu Yingying’s words suddenly shocked Li Yifei, his eyes and mouth widened after hearing that. He stared at Xu Yingying blankly for a long time.

“From tomorrow till you come back on the sixth day, for a total of eight days, I will pay you five thousand Yuan, which is more than enough to cover your overtime salary. What do you think? ”

“Ms. Xu.. do you think it is appropriate? ”

“You don’t want to? ”

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“It’s not that I want to or don’t want to, I’m afraid that I won’t be doing this right. I’m just an unimportant security guy. You are a big boss. If I pretend to be your boyfriend. It does not look like we are a real couple. ”

“As long as you agree with me, I will make you look real. You just have to go back with me and meet my parents. ”

“Then… But the security department has already arranged work for me, can I leave it? ”

“I will speak to the security department and tell them to find someone else to replace you.”

“Well, thank you Ms. Xu for your appreciation. “Li Yifei grinned, his smile rather reluctant.

“Okay, you can go now. But you are not allowed to tell anyone about it for now and in the future. If there are any gossips, you will be fired. “Xu Yingying stared at Li Yifei, her voice was as cold as ice, and there was very strong pressure for the person who was facing her.

“I understand, I will go back to work now. “Li Yifei stood up and walked out directly.

Xu Yingying stunned there by his reaction, under the pressure of her own, Li Yifei turned out to be very calm in the end. This kind of reaction somehow surprised her. However now this annoying matter has finally been resolved, and she will not be facing many blind dates when back home and will not be listening to her parents nagging about her marriage every day.

Picked up the phone and wanted to call her parents, but after thinking it over Xu Yingying put the phone down. She is still not sure whether Li Yifei is capable to do it. If he does not, she still can’t take such a fake boyfriend back home.

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