Translator: WebNovelMTL

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On the plane to Pingyang City, a couple was sitting on the left side of the second row of the first-class cabin. Both were 25 or 26 years old. The man was in a neat suit and his hair was perfectly groomed. He looked quite handsome, and his angular face made him look very masculine. From his look, it can tell that he should be an elite.

The women were dressed quite fashion and generous, with tight-fitting fleece on the upper body, big wavy hair, slim face, and big eyes. The eyes were extremely energetic, but they were cold and helpless, but it could not hide her from peerless elegance, this is definitely a super beauty.

These two people are Li Yifei and Xu Yingying. This morning, Xu Yingying took Li Yifei to buy a luxury suite, and then she got her hair done. By changing to the suit, Li Yifei looks much better and seems to become a successful person. It makes Xu Yingying quite satisfied, it would not be a problem to take him back home. 

And Xu Yingying also took off her glasses. Her glasses were meant to adjust her appearance. In fact, she was not really nearsighted.  When she goes home, she doesn’t wear it any longer. 

But after getting on the plane for a while, Xu Yingying frowned. She saw that Li Yifei was very curious about everything on the plane, could not stop touching things, like a child. She took a deep breath, and asked, “Li Yifei, can you please stop looking around like this? Yes, haven’t you been on a plane? ”

Li Yifei stretched out his hand and want to rub his hair, but suddenly remembered that the hair was just well polished, he quickly put down his hand and smiled, then he said”Ms. Xu, I have never been on a plane. I’m very nervous. You said the plane flies so high. , What if it falls?  ”

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“Don’t call me Ms. Xu, call me by name. “Xu Yingying glared at Li Yifei, not loud, but with an irresistible stateliness.

“Oh yes, I am your boyfriend now, Yingying. “Li Yifei smiled, that smile looked a little vacant.

“You d better bear that in mind, you can make a mistake at the moment, but if you dare to do anything wrong at my home, let’s see! ”

“Xu…Yingying…” Under Xu Yingying’s fierce gaze, Li Yifei finally changed his words before shouting out the word “boss”, “The contrast of those two identities is too great. Yesterday I was one of the security guys in your company, today I became your boyfriend. Would you allow me some time to adapt? ”

“You must get used to it before we get off the plane, and in terms of the safety factor, the plane is definitely the safest transportation, so you don’t need to be nervous. ”

“Okay then… I will try my best. “Li Yifei still looked a little nervous, and this response was obviously insincere.

Because Xu Yingying is devoted to working, she has not had any boyfriend at this stage. It was fine to go home for the Chinese New Year in the first two years, but in the past two years, when she went home for Chinese New Year, her parents and relatives kept asking her about personal questions which made her feel really annoyed.  She didn’t even think of looking for a boyfriend before the age of 30, but her parents disagreed. Before she went home, they had already talked to her. They were ready to introduce several people to her. She is going home for a blind date.

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This is the scariest thing that Xu Yingying ever feared. Thinking about two complete strangers suddenly going to be together for the purpose of falling in love, it is simply torturing, so under the advice of a friend of hers, she decided to ask Li Yifei to pretend to be her boyfriend, this will save her a lot of trouble.

However, Xu Yingying was depressed when she got on the plane. Li Yifei acted like he had never seen the world before. He hadn’t even been on a plane before, and the questions he asked seemed rather petty, which made her very dissatisfied. But now it’s too late to make any changes, so all she can do is to train this guy, as long as it can help her through the New Year’s holiday, that’s fine.

Li Yifei knew that Xu Yingying was very depressed, and he felt quite funny. The truth is that he has not only board on a plane before but also have been driving special force helicopters during his career. As a retired China Super Special Forces, he has seen too much in the world. The ignorance at this time was completely pretended, otherwise, it would not fit his identity as a security guard.

“Take a close look at these carefully, you must bear it in mind. “Xu Yingying handed some pieces of paper to Li Yifei, which she well sorted out last night.

Li Yifei took it, took a look, and said with a wry smile: “So much, how long will it take to memorize it? ”

“You don’t need to memorize all of there, but you have to understand at least. The first page is the information about me, my parents and my sister. You read it first, then you can read the rest tonight. ”

“That’s fine. “Li Yifei opened the file and looked down.

Whether in the company or outside the company, Xu Yingying has many suitors. In order to know her better, many people have spent a lot of effort, but Xu Yingying has very little information distributed to the public to avoid these unnecessary troubles. The public only knows her work resume, but few people know about her private life.

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But now she gave the file to let Li Yifei, looks like it was really the last option.

Feeling upset, Li Yifei turned his head and glanced at her. The gaze was landed on her chest, which made Xu Yingying frown,  she told Li Yifei that “You can look at it if you want to, but don’t look like a thief, it is now allowed at all ”

“Oh… Then I’ll look at it again. “Li Yifei turned his head again, still looking at her chest.

Xu Yingying’s face was cold, and she whispered: “What are you looking at? ”

Li Yifei smiled and said, “Your profile says that your chest is 36C. Let me see if it is that big. ”

“You…” Xu Yingying really has the urge to tear this guy up. No one has dared to talk to her like this in her entire life.

“Don’t be angry, am I getting used to it too? You said you let me pretend to be your boyfriend, and even took me to your meet your family. If you say that we are not intimate, then your parents will definitely not believe it, so should I be more familiar about your body? ”

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Xu Yingying was speechless, snorted, and said, “Don’t you know that there is another kind of man called a gentleman? ”

“I know, but do you think you can make me pretending to be that kind of gentleman? ”

“YOU…” Xu Yingying almost hit the ceiling, and finally gave up. To make a person with no self-cultivation pretend to be a gentleman, cannot expect much from him. It is better to let him acting naturally, “Okay, as long he does not make any big mistakes and let my parents knowing the truth,  I can bear it. ”

“Ha-ha, didn’t I take advantage of you, am I  thinking ahead? Now, this old mother-in-law is not very good at this level. I prepare a little more, and it may be easier then. ”

“Yes, it seems you are not that stupid. ”

Xu Yingying turned her head to look at Li Yifei, with a hint of appreciation in her eyes.

“Thank you, Xu… Yingying praises, I will definitely do better. “Li Yifei was immediately filled with excitement, quite a bit of pride after being appreciated by his boss.

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