Translator: NovelMultiverse | Editor: NovelMultiverse

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When they got off the plane and arrived at Pingyang, it was already past four o’clock in the afternoon. They took a taxi and went straight to the estate where Xu Yingying lived.

After getting out of the car, Xu Yingying looked at Li Yifei and said, “Now you must remember that you are my boyfriend and you are not a security guard. ”

Li Yifei straightened his body, and loudly replied, “Yes, I will definitely do it. ”

Xu Yingying suddenly frowned and questioned, “It is not what a boyfriend should behave, do you think so? ”

“Oh… yes, I am your boyfriend, not your employee, I am your boyfriend, not your employee. “Li Yifei whispered repeated, then stood up, picked up the suitcase, and said: “Let’s go, dear. ”


Xu Yingying’s face sank. No man has ever spoken to her like this. Li Yifei immediately told her: “That is exactly what I expected. If I call you dear, you will turn your face right away. ”

Xu Yingying’s mouth twitched a bit and said, “I didn’t turn my face, I just didn’t adapt. I’ll adjust my attitude from now on. Just remember to do your job. ”

“Really? Dear? “Li Yifei said again tentatively.

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“Ok. “A smile appeared on Xu Yingying’s face at this moment. The smile was so bright that Li Yifei couldn’t see any reluctance. If she could make such achievement in her career, her social skills would definitely not be weak. Xu Yingying adjusted to the mentality, it is not difficult to do such a thing.

“Huh… now I can relax. “Li Yifei breathed a sigh of relief.


Xu Yingying’s apartment is in a high building, which is on the 16th floor. The two entered the elevator and stood face to face. Li Yifei smiled at Xu Yingying and looked directly at Xu Yingying’s beautiful face. Perhaps Sun Mengxin, who he protected during that mission is more beautiful than her.

In the company, there has never been a man who dared to look at her like this. Xu Yingying’s cold and sharp style is enough to make all the male employees feared of her, especially without the big black-framed glasses. The amazingness is even more impressive.

Xu Yingying looked at Li Yifei and said calmly: “When we get home, you can’t look at me like this. I take you home, it means that we have been together for a while, and the relationship has become very strong. The way that you looking at me, it makes people thinking that our relationship is still not intimate. ”


“That means it needs to be more natural, it should be like… I am already very familiar with your body, right? ”


These words made Xu Yingying feeling very uncomfortable, but she nodded and said, “That’s what I  meant. ”

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“Oh, but this is really difficult, I will try my best. ”

Feeling that Li Yifei’s gaze became more natural, Xu Yingying nodded appreciatively to Li Yifei and said: “I think my parents are easy to deal with, but my sister is not that easy. You have to be careful. Avoid talking to her much, otherwise, it is easy for her to find out the truth, and she has always been on the same side as my mother and will definitely tell her. ”

“Oh, that’s really troublesome. It seems that it is normal for the sister-in-law to have troubles with her brother-in-law. ”

“Ok? “Xu Yingying’s face sank suddenly, and she said coldly, “I am telling you now, you are not allowed to make any funny business with my sister.” ”

Li Yifei smiled bitterly, and said, “Yingying, we are now lovers. If I make a joke, you will lose your cool. This is too different. If you play it down, you can’t blame me and cut my payment. ”


“You have to have some limits when you making jokes. You can make jokes about other people, but not my sister! ”


“What if she wants to joke with me? Am I remaining silent and have a cold face? ”

“Just try to ignore her. ”

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“Well, anyway, you are the boss, so you can do whatever you want. “Li Yifei shrugged his shoulders and did not say anything afterward. In the file he studied earlier, he also saw the information of Xu Yingying’s sister Xu Shanshan. they are actually twins, but personalities are completely different. Xu Yingying has a cold temper. And Xu Shanshan is lively and active. She is a teacher in a dancing school. She also has not got a boyfriend, but her parents are not worried about her marriage right now.

When the elevator arrived, they got out of the elevator, and Xu Yingying went over and knocked on the door.

The door quickly opened, and a woman in her fifties who was still charming appeared in Li Yifei’s sight.

“Yingying is back, ah, this is…” The woman first cried out in surprise when she saw Xu Yingying, and then she saw Li Yifei at a glance.

“Hello auntie, this is Li Yifei. “Li Yifei immediately waved the woman.

“Ah! Good, good! Come in quickly, you naughty girl, why didn’t you say anything earlier on if bring people back? I am not well prepared at all. “The woman was obviously not prepared for this, and she had already complained to Xu Yingying when she let both of them in.

Xu Yingying took the woman’s arm, shook it gently, and said sweetly: “we just reached to this stage. Initially, Yifei was busy with work and didn’t have time. If I didn’t insist, he could not leave and came back with me. This also has something to do with you, if you didn’t force me to go for a blind date,  I really don’t want to bring him back so early. ”


Li Yifei’s quite shocked by seeing it. Is this the lady he knew? Is this still Xu Yingying who is known as the cold lady in the company? Even if he told the people in the company about Xu Yingying’s current behavior, no one would believe it. It’s like a totally two different people in the same body. 

He felt pain in his arm, and Li Yifei came back to earth and said quickly and politely: “Auntie, it is my fault, I should have visited earlier on, I hope you will not feel bothered. ”

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Xu Yingying’s mother hadn’t figured out who Li Yifei was. After hearing what Xu Yingying said, she realized that it was Xu Yingying’s boyfriend. All of a sudden her attention focused on Li Yifei. She smiled and said, “No. I’m not bothered at all, it’s just that you and Yingying, why don’t you tell us earlier on. Hey, my old man, come out quickly, Yingying is back with her boyfriend. “Obviously, It appears that Li Yifei made his first impression quite satisfactory.

“I’m busy here, you old lady, can’t let me rest for a while. “With a complaint, a man in his fifties walked out of a bedroom. When he saw Li Yifei and Xu Yingying, he suddenly said with a smile: “I told you that we don’t have to worry, see, Yingying brought the boyfriend back. ”

Li Yifei quickly took a step, and gave him a standard military salute, saying: “Hello, Uncle Xu, I have heard Yingying said that you were a soldier who had been transferred to civilian work. I could see that you still really looks like a soldier. Sergeant Li Yifei here to meet you, Sir. ”

Li Yifei’s words made Xu Yingying’s parents laughing out.  “Good boy, I knew you were flattering, but I am so touched. Looking at you, I am very satisfied.  I was worried that Yingying would come back and bring a guy with a weak temperament. The men must have some strong spirit. I really don’t like those guys with good looking but lack of spirits.  ”

“Haha, Uncle Xu, then I don’t need to pretend to be dignity in front of you. I am actually quite rough. If there is anything wrong, you could just tell me, and treat me as your soldier, even a junior level soldier.  ”

“Good! Come, sit down, let’s have a good chat. ”

While speaking, Xu Yingying’s father pulled Li Yifei onto the sofa and sat down.

Although Xu Yingying put a smile on her face, but she was shocked. When the girls are dating someone, usually the mother will have a lot of questions and problems. In her family, it is her father who has the strongest vote. As a retired military officer, it is not easy to deal with, he has quite high expectations. It is not expected that when Li Yifei just came here, already gained recognition from her father. This is simply an incredible thing.


As a general manager, Xu Yingying immediately thought of many things. Li Yifei behaved so exquisitely, put him on security guard position, that’s really a waste. Let’s observe him during his stay, if he is really a talent, then he will be promoted when back to the office.

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