Translator: NovelMultiverse | Editor: NovelMultiverse

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Xu Yingying’s father Xu Zhenguo took out the cigarette and passed it to Li Yifei. Li Yifei quickly picked it up and lit up Xu Zhenguo’s with his own hands, but he put the cigarette on the coffee table.


“You don’t smoke? “Xu Zhenguo looked at Li Yifei suspiciously.


“I smoke, but Yingying doesn’t like it, so I try to smoke as few as possible. ”

“If you want to, then you can. As long as you don’t smoke too much, just a few for a day, it’s not a big deal. Go on. ”

Then Li Yifei light up the cigarette. On the way back home, Xu Yingying insisted not letting him smoke, he felt really back about it.

Xu Zhenguo smiled and asked: “Yifei, what are you doing for a living? ”


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Li Yifei glanced at Xu Yingying, revealing a look of embarrassment, which made Xu Yingying suddenly tensed. What if this guy forget what they had discussed beforehand?

“Yingying, I feel that it is very inappropriate to lie to uncle and aunt. Let’s be honest. ”

Xu Yingying was even more shocked, but she looked quite calm, she just glared at Li Yifei secretly, and said: “Yifei, what are we lying about? ”

Xu Zhenguo patted Li Yifei on the shoulder and said: “If you have anything to say, just say it straight. Although my daughter is quite strict, but I am here for you, just say it, don’t always care about her attitude when you speaking. ”

Li Yifei nodded gratefully and said: “Uncle, Yingying originally discussed with me and said that I am a manager of a company, but I feel that about my job is not right. People need to work hard during their entire life, and no one can make big achievements all at once, so we should not feel inferior just because I am just a security guard. ”

Xu Yingying’s mother frowned when she heard it. Xu Yingying is a general manager with a monthly salary of more than tens of thousands. How could Li Yifei, a security guard match with her?


Xu Yingying was feeling quite annoyed. Why did Li Yifei change the script without informing her first? Not to mention how difficult it was for her parents to accept the fact. Even if it is accepted, then all the following plans need to be changed. How should they deal with her mom and dad? It is a very headache thing.

Xu Zhenguo stared at Li Yifei with a pair of tiger eyes and slowly said: “Now I am a little puzzled. Yingying holds very high for herself and has high expectations for boyfriends as well. She simply looks her nose down at ordinary people. How could it be possible for her to pick up a security guy? ”

Li Yifei’s draw himself up and proudly said, “So I am very proud. The reason that Yingying is in love with me is also very simple because Yingying can see my potential strength and knows that I will be successful one day. ”

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“Oh? Are you so confident? ”

“Yes, since I was young, I have been quite confident, and I am not being arrogant. I am only confident about things that I actually can do. Although there is still a big gap between me and Yingying in terms of social status, but as an excellent soldier, you must have a spirit of indomitable progress. No matter how difficult it is, it must be overcome. I believe that the social status between me and Yingying can be smoothed out in less than two years. ”

“It is good! I am glad to hear what you just said, I will stand by your side and support you alone. “Xu Zhenguo patted Li Yifei’s shoulder hard.


“Thank you, Uncle Xu, I promise that I will complete the mission. “Li Yifei stood up and gave another military salute.


It is clear that Li Yifei really did what he wanted. Xu Zhenguo real likes people with a soldier’s spirit and characteristics and Li Yifei fits the image.

“Li, who else is in your family? “Xu Yingying’s mother also asked, she was most concerned about this.

Li Yifei suddenly said with some sadness: “I had been abandoned since childhood. I have never seen my parents since I was a child, and I don’t know who they are. I grew up in an orphanage and am alone now. ”

Xu Yingying’s mother brightened her eyes and said, “That’s pretty good. ”

Xu Yingying was a little speechless. She poked her mother. Her mother suddenly felt embarrassed and said slowly: “Li, that’s not what I meant. I mean that young people and old people don’t always get along. It is especially difficult to get along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. If the girl has a bad temper, it will be more difficult, and now I don’t worry about it anymore. ”

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For mothers, when their daughters marry someone, they are not afraid of how wealthy is the men’s family, but concerned about if the husband’s mothers are too tough to deal with. For Xu Yingying’s mom, with her daughter’s career being successful, the financial status of the family is not a problem. Li Yifei is just tailor-made for Xu Yingying. Two of her daughters will be married in the future, they will have their own families and they cannot rely on their daughters too much when they become elder. Now Li Yifei has no parents, he will be in the role like their own son. So based on these thoughts, she is very satisfied with Li Yifei, For the fact that Li Yifei is a security guard, she doesn’t care about it anymore.

With the approval of Xu Yingying’s parents, the next step will be much easier. Everyone enjoyed the time afterward, especially when Li Yifei and Xu Zhenguo talk about the past experiences in the military services, they were quite excited, and they felt they should have met each other much earlier. 


Xu Zhenguo used to be in the army, and he also reached the regiment level. Later, for the sake of his family, he transferred to civilian work. Now he works as a district-level director in Pingyang City, but he doesn’t really like the work here. He still misses the life when he was in the army. That’s why he felt more comfortable when he and Li Yifei talking about the stories in the military. 

Especially when he heard that Li Yifei had achieved several meritorious services in the army and performed many tasks, Xu Zhenguo praised Li Yifei even more. In his opinion, only those who have served in the army are the real men. If they have done meritorious service in it, they will conquer any challenges.

Seeing that Li Yifei was getting along with her father so well, Xu Yingying breathed a sigh of relief. With her father’s approval, it would be much easier to deal with things later on.

Xu Yingying’s mother had already prepared dinner and spoke to Xu Zhenguo, “Call Shanshan and ask her to come back for dinner earlier. ”

Xu Zhenguo picked up the phone and waited on the phone to go through, “Shanshan, your sister is back and brought you, brother-in-law. The dinner is going to be ready. You need to come back early tonight…what? Your brother-in-law is far more important than your classmates…they don’t leave today, they will stay here for the New Year… Okay, well, don’t be too late. ”

After hanging up the phone, Xu Zhenguo shook his head and said, “Yingying’s younger sister and Yingying are people with two personalities. She likes to go out with people and back home late every day. Just a moment ago, she even said you are here and not going to run away,  she will come back later to meet you. ”

Li Yifei immediately responded: “It’s okay, young people are more energetic. There are not many people like me and Yingying, and it’s not a bad thing. ”

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“Then let’s leave her, we can start dinner soon, you have to have some drinks with me tonight. I am glad this new year, there is finally someone who can join me for drinks. The three women in the house don’t drink at all.  ”

“No problem, but I can’t drink much. Uncle Xu, don’t make me drunk. ”

 Xu Zhenguo glared his eyes and shouted: “Isn’t there any soldier who doesn’t drink, don’t be afraid of Yingying, I am here, she dare not letting you drink!” ”

“En…I don’t want to put myself in trouble later on. ”

“You’re wrong about this, young man? You have to be a bit masculine. Don’t be afraid of what the woman will say. If you listen to me, you should take the drink. If a man has not ever gone home in a drunk condition, he is not a real man. ”

Xu Yingying’s mother just came out of the kitchen. When she heard her husband saying it, she immediately stared and said, “You old man, you don’t educate your daughter’s boyfriend such things? ”

Xu Zhenguo shook his head triumphantly and said, “I was right. A man who is afraid of his wife, how will he progress his career in the future, and it is hopeless. I think if Yifei is such a man, Yingying would not even look at him for once.  ”

Li Yifei suddenly looked quite surprised: “Uncle, you are so right, what attracted Yingying at the beginning is that I never flatter her. Just because of that, she was mad at me a few times, and finally, we were together. ”

“Haha… I knew it. I know the character of my daughter well. She is the kind of person who likes tough things, not easy ones. You have to be tougher than her. If you are easy-going, then you are done. ”

Xu Yingying was shocked when she heard the conversation in the kitchen. Why is Li Yifei getting more and more nonsense? It is no longer in her plan. If her parents ask about them separately, then it will be easy to find out the truth. She has to talk to Li Yifei and ask him to stop talking nonsense. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to deal with afterward.

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