Translator: NovelMultiverse | Editor: NovelMultiverse

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Everyone was happy during the dinner, both Li Yifei and Xu Zhenguo drank a lot, a bottle of Maotai (the most recognized and well-known liquor brand in China) was finished during 1 meal.


Xu Zhenguo after all is elder, although he likes to drink, but with half a kilo of liquefier finished, he was already quite drunk, and finally, Li Yifei managed to put him to the bedroom to sleep.

Li Yifei had not got any problem, half a kilo of Chinese liquor means nothing. Xu Yingying felt relieved, if Li Yifei drank too much, and speak out all of the truth, then she could be in serious trouble.

Packed up things in the kitchen, Xu Yingying’s mother went to the bedroom to take out a set of pajamas handed to Xu Yingying, said: “Yin Ying, you should start to learn how to look after people. I saw Yifei didn’t bring any clothes with him, this is your father’s pajamas, Yifei can have it for change. We are off to bed now, you two should get rest as well.” ”


After taking over the pajamas, Xu Yingying watched her mother back to the room and closed the door, she suddenly realized a very serious issue, where should Li Yifei sleep on tonight?

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The apartment has three bedrooms, her parents, sister and herself stay in the three rooms, there is no extra bedroom for Li Yifei.

If let Li Yifei sleeps in the living room, the sofa is an option, will not be uncomfortable, but her parents would be suspicious about it. 

If she let Li Yi stay in her room, and then she stays with her sister’, that is the same problem. From their point of view, if she brings people back home, that means their relationship reached to an intimate level, if they don’t stay in the same room, people would have serious doubts. 


Besides that, her parents must think that they will sleep in one room, otherwise, they will let Li Yifei and his dad sleep in the same room.


Turned to look at Li Yifei, this guy was sitting on the sofa, the look on his face was teasing, which makes Xu Yingying was a little unhappy. She hired him, and now he acted like he was in charge. She never had herself in such a position before. 

“Go take a shower and go to bed.” Xu Yingying threw his pajamas to Li Yifei, then left.

Li Yifei suddenly stood up, caught up with a whisper, and said: “Where am I going to sleep tonight?” ”

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“Sleep in my room.” Xu Yingying answered very casually.

“What?” That’s not right, you didn’t say you had to sleep with me? Li Yifei touched his head and looked embarrassed.

Xu Yingying was getting angrier by seeing the expression on Li Yifei’s face. It looked like let him stay in the same room with her makes him feeling wronged.

“Can’t I add that condition right now?” Xu Yingying looked at Li Yifei and speaking in a low voice.


“This…” Li Yifei rubbed his head, looked embarrassed: “I have never slept on the same bed with a woman before, I will only sleep on the same bed with my future wife.” ”

“Stop the nonsense, go get the shower.” Xu Yingying glared at Li Yifei and went straight into the room.

Li Yifei was also a bit confused. Does Xu Yingying really plan to sleep with him in the same room? Although Xu Yingying looks cold and got a temper, she also is a real beauty. If anyone can sleep with such a beautiful lady in a room, it is definitely making people feeling excited. 

During these years, Li Yifei has served in the special forces, in fact, not only has been in the military base but to carry out a lot of special missions. He also need to pretend to be other people, so he had seen a lot of things that ordinary people couldn’t experience. He has not fallen in love with someone before but had dated many women during the mission. When he back to the city, he has not really had any relationship with any woman. 

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A man has not touched a woman for two or three months, that is also a very difficult thing, so just by imagining he and Xu Yingying sleeping on the same bed, he felt quite excited as well.

But Li Yifei after all is not an ordinary man, he quickly gave up what’s in his mind. From what he knew about this woman, she is not an easy person. Therefore, even they stay in the same room, she won’t let him sleep on the same bed with her. 

After taking a shower, Li Yifei gently knocked on Xu Yingying’s door, and then pushed the door and went in. He saw there was a set of bedding laying on the floor by the window, where he was obviously going to sleep tonight.

Xu Yingying has changed a set of pajamas, which made of normal cotton, appears a little bloated, her body was fully covered up in the pajamas. It showed a sense of natural and comfortable, but under her cold face, reminded people that she is still the boss in the company. 


“I am aware of it. Li Yifei shrugged his shoulders and went straight to the window to lie down.

Xu Yingying felt satisfied: “It’s good then. I will take a shower and you can sleep now.” ”

Stay in a new place, which belongs to a beautiful lady, Li Yifei was unable to put himself to sleep immediately. He sits up and looked around the room. 

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Xu Yingying’s room is not luxurious, the decoration is quite simple. There are only a wardrobe, a bed, and two bedside tables in the room, nothing else. The set of curtains look beautiful, it may be the only thing looks nice in the room.

There was no imagined fragrance in the room, guess Xu Yingying has not home for a long time.

The bed was also clean and tidy, and there was no cloth or other stuff on. It doesn’t really like a woman’s room, as there should be some underwear laying on the bed or floor.

There must be such things in that wardrobe, but Li Yifei did not go there and take a peep. If Xu Yingying noticed that he touched her stuff, he will be in big trouble.

After waiting for approximately fifteen minutes, Xu Yingying finished the shower and entered the room. Li Yifei sat up, looking at Xu Yingying and said: ”You look like a lotus flower just rose from under (the) water, so beautiful.”

Xu Yingying gave him a cold look and then turned off the lights. The room immediately fell into darkness, and Li Yifei could hear the sound that Xu Yingying went to bed.

Even Li Yifei had experienced a lot of things, but this is the first time he is in a dark room with a beautiful woman. He couldn’t help thinking about fantasies. He was wondering whether Xu Yingying took her pajamas off, only had underwear on?

Because she is such a cold character, her underwear should be black in color, which suits her characteristic.

Think of Xu Yingying’s sexy body shape, if he could get to the bed, that must be fantastic. 

Li Yifei knew that is just his fantasy, there is nothing he can do. Xu Yingying is not the lady that is fine with one night only. Moreover, Li Yifei does not want to be bounded by any relationship, he has just back to the modern city life, he does not want to be trapped by women.

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