Now it is Gilboa's turn to show his cards.

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"A reward. In other words, how much do you value the future of Kenkiba corps?"

Gilboa's handsome face bore a smile.

"Suibelie, how much do you think it is worth?"

Suibelie slips into though.

"3 large silver coins sound reasonable."

"And why is that?"

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"He managed to solve a problem I could not solve for the past six months."

Thee large silvers! That's 10 times the amount of 1 silver, 1 silver is 10 times the amount of a large copper and a large copper is 10 times the amount of a copper.

(TN: For convenience.

1 large silver = 10 silvers

1 silver = 10 large coppers

1 large copper = 10 coppers

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So, he made 3000 coppers in one deal where he normally gets 300 coppers in a month)

What is 3 large silvers?

I normally make 3 silvers a month meaning that is ten times my monthly income.

That should be about what a vice-captain of a top clan would earn, I calculate.

"Is it lacking?"

Gilboa looks at me.

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"It is unsatisfactory."

I answer without hesitation.

"Because you have not heard my solution yet, do you think it is alright to put a price on it?"

"There is a chance I may not pay after hearing the solution?"

"The Captain would never do something so shameful."

Adventurers are creatures that care very much for their names and reputation. As a Captain of a top clan, you must have a strong arm, hold your liquor, have good luck when gambling and have a reputation for being generous. If the Captain is not generous then are the group members going to follow them? Besides, I am now in a situation where I am a manger for novice adventurers. It is a situation where my reputation increases for better or worse.

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He understood that I was only kidding, when his face returned to be serious and he told me.

"The reward is promised on my name Gilboa of the Kenkiba corps, that should be enough reassurance. So, will you talk about the future that you see?"


Oh yeah I forgot to mention this on the previous post but I have setup patreon If anyone is interested in either getting stuff a day early or getting it as I translate it.

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