In my previous world when big shots do business presentations they blow everyone's expectations away. I have a good image of what to do with Kenkiba corps.

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I opened my mouth.

"In conclusion, Kenkiba corps should become stronger."

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While I was saying that both Gilboa and Suibelie were taken aback. They were probably expecting me to show them a way to keep costs down while maintaining fighting strength.

Novice adventurers come to me for guidance on cutting down costs. Suibelie most likely contacted me due to hearing that reputation. However, it is no good if a top clan such as Kenkiba corps take such a policy. The irreplaceable fighting power built up over time would die.

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"You have become too strong to be active in this city. You should now work in a larger area. The ideal place for you is to be in a wide-open area where you can defeat your enemies with your strength. That is the battleground you should be fighting in. For that you need to become stronger."

In this world, there are such threats as monsters. City states want to hold onto strong people. Most adventurers live in cities. Going to another city is similar to going to another country in my original world.

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"If we can do it we will not have any difficulties getting quests even if we are adventurers from another city. However, we are at a size where we cannot move easily. Besides, we have a good relationship with the nobles supporting us. It is impossible to throw it away."

Suibelie says in a very academic way as his brows wrinkle.

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I dislike talking in an academic way.

"Kenkiba corps will not be moving, I will instead make another city come to us."


I don’t think I will put a patreon link on every chapter cause that is a bit obnoxious, but it will be in the ‘about us’ page in the contact tab on the top menu. It will also be on the bottom of the TOC of the novels I translate.

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