Shoes are very important for adventurers. However, novice cannot afford them due to them being expensive from high manufacturing costs.

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That's what Sarah points out.

However, there is a strategy to keep manufacturing costs down.

"Is that so?"


In this world, shoes are custom made.

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You order from the shoe craftsman, they shape the wood to your feet, and make adjustments if your feet hurt.

However, shoes have no distinction between left and right, there is no heel or arch, no hole to place shoe laces through and there is no such thing as a sole.

Compared to my shoes which are reproduced modern shoes, features and parts are overwhelmingly missing. Even if you trained a shoemaker for ten years it would not be enough.

Therefore, I order standard sized parts from separate leather craftsmen.

For assembly, assign specialized shoe craftsmen. The shoe also needs to be enclosed by a shoe craftsman.

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Ordering parts and assembling them.

In my original world, it's called manufacturing.

We can increase productivity at the same time as protecting the secrets of its manufacturing.

And it is cheaper if more are made.

That is the greatness of the manufacturing industry.

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For now, I have to arrange capital and meetings with suppliers.

If we manage to sell 100 shoes a year, then we can reduce the price to 1 large copper.

Negotiations with the shoe craftsman guild may be a bit tricky, but if you make it an exclusive shoe for adventurers, they will know the amount of people that will leave their business. (TN: Just how many guilds do they have?)

I should sign a contract before they become aware of the shoe's abnormalities.

While listening to the explanation of my plan up to this point. Sarah's eyes rounded.

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"What are you really? A shoe craftsman? A merchant? A swordsman adventurer?"

Even when I was a consultant of my previous world, I was often asked the question. What do you actually do? Remembering this for the first time in a while caused me to reveal a smile.

Experience tells me that this business is going to be successful.


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