Sarah hesitated before saying "Why do you want to sell shoes to adventurers? If these shoes are as good as you claim them to be you could sell them to the army, nobles or even royalty."

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"I will not sell to such people. I am selling to adventurers so that they can earn more money and because I want to."

It seems that the explanation was insufficient, so I explain in more depth to Sarah.

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"First of all, we cannot sell to the army, the delivery of goods to the army is a huge right, which someone like me would not be able to get. Besides these shoes should be sold to those who earn money with their feet like adventurers. If you put these shoes on the likelihood of injury goes down when traveling from place to place, since fatigue is reduced traveling time is also reduced. Instead of taking four days to complete a task it will only take three days. You will not have to rest as often and will not have to use medicinal herbs to reduce the pain. As a result, the amount of quests you can do in one year is increased by 30%. Success rate increases and expenses are reduced. (TN: *Pushes up glasses* *Says In nerdy voice* Actually I did the math and it comes out to 33.3% recurring more quests, so you are fake news. Sorry I just had to put that in there.)

"These shoes are shoes that will lead adventurers to success. The is the kind of support my new company will give to novice adventurers."

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I became slightly bashful due to my passionate talk.

Sarah opened her mouth with a mischievous light coming from her eyes and said, "I understand that your shoes are going to be useful! Let's think of how to sell them! Because I will sell a lot."

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"So, do you want to earn more coin?" I said hiding my embracement.

"Yes, lets earn a lot!" Sarah answered with a face full of smiles.

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