C1 – A Bad Trick!

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Xu Yangyi was shocked when he heard that his sister had eloped with her girlfriend, and he exclaimed in disbelief, “What? My sister ran off with her girlfriend? Girl girlfriend?”

He rushed into the bride’s lounge and saw his anxious father, Xu Jing, sitting on the sofa. It was a complete shock to him.

Xu Yangyi was puzzled and asked his father if Xu Nuannuan was a lesbian. However, he quickly realized that it was not the point and asked, “Dad, since my sister isn’t here, who is going to marry Hee Jingyan in the auditorium?”

Xu Jing was worried about the consequences of offending the Hee family, who were a family of soldiers, and Hee Jingyan was a well-known colonel. He feared that they would face severe repercussions if they found out about the elopement.

Xu Yangyi was worried about his father’s state of mind and exclaimed, “My goodness, what should we do now? You’re forcing Dad to hang himself!”

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Xu Jing saw Xu Yangyi as his only hope and urged him to help the family. However, Xu Yangyi was confused and asked why his father agreed to the marriage without consulting his sister first. He also marveled at Xu Nuannuan’s courage to elope with someone despite being scared of strangers, let alone with a woman.

Xu Jing pleaded with Xu Yangyi to save their family, and he held Xu Yangyi’s hand tightly as tears welled up in his eyes.

Xu Yangyi was confused and asked how he could help, but he realized that it was a serious matter.

Xu Jing suggested that Xu Yangyi wear his sister’s wedding dress and replace her at the wedding ceremony. He believed that they could pull it off because they were identical twins and looked alike. He instructed the makeup artist to help Xu Yangyi put on some makeup quickly.

Xu Jing came up with this plan because he thought Xu Yangyi was more beautiful than a woman, with his exquisite facial features, clear eyes, and a rare unruliness that only a boy would have. He believed that Xu Yangyi could pass as his sister without any problems.

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Xu Yangyi was initially confused, but when he realized what his father was asking of him, he was shocked and almost fainted. “Dad, are you out of your mind? How can I stand in for my sister at her wedding and wear a wedding dress? This is ridiculous. Besides, I’m a man.”

“This is not the time to discuss this. Go and get your makeup done by the makeup artist. We’re running out of time,” urged Xu Jing, patting Xu Yangyi’s butt.

“I said I won’t do it. You should do it yourself. Why do I have to do it?”

“I’m begging you, Yangyi. Do you want to see your dad accused of fraud and spending his remaining years in jail?” Xu Jing’s eyes were brimming with tears, and he was on the verge of crying.

Xu Yangyi’s mouth twitched when he saw this. “Do you believe that I will kick you down from the 15th floor?”

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Xu Yangyi was accustomed to seeing his dad cry all the time, so he didn’t pay much attention to it.

Xu Jing realized that tears wouldn’t work on Xu Yangyi, so he gritted his teeth and ran to the window. “Fine, I’ll go and see your mother now and tell her how disobedient you are. You always bully your honest dad.”

Xu Jing was determined, but Xu Yangyi just sat on the sofa with his arms crossed and smirked arrogantly. “Jump! I’ll help you collect your corpse later.” He even made a ‘please’ gesture, unconcerned that Xu Jing would jump out the window.

But Xu Yangyi’s confidence proved correct, as Xu Jing turned around feeling wronged. “I’m not worried at all that Dad will jump!”

“I’m not worried because I know you don’t have the courage,” retorted Xu Yangyi. “You don’t even dare to kill a chicken, yet you want to play at suicide.”

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At that moment, there was a knock on the door. “I am the butler for the Hee family. Is the young lady ready? Our young master has arrived.”

As soon as they heard the butler’s voice, the two were startled and instinctively exchanged a glance. But before they could speak, the sound of dignified footsteps came from the front door, and a man’s magnetic voice was heard saying, “Butler, you go ahead!”

The butler turned and looked respectfully at He Jingyan, the Eldest Young Master of the family, and lowered his head. “Yes, Eldest Young Master.”

He Jingyan cast a cold glance at the butler who had left and then raised his eyes to the door. His deep black eyes glinted with sharpness, and his upright military uniform accentuated his strong and chiseled features, making him appear like a wolf on the grasslands, announcing the master’s danger.

At this moment, he curled his lips in a faint smile that looked more like a sneer and muttered, “I really want to see what kind of talent my dad’s chosen wife has to marry into a military family like ours.” His tone was teasing.

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