C2 – Being Slapped

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Xu Jing, who was in the room, was extremely anxious and felt like he was in trouble. He looked at Xu Yangyi with pleading eyes, but Xu Yangyi was indifferent. “Yangyi, are you really not going to save Dad?” he asked.

Xu Yangyi scratched his head in frustration, feeling like an antsy person. He knew the person outside the door was Hee Jingyan himself. He cursed under his breath for how punctual he was. He didn’t even have a chance to run away.

Facing this daunting challenge, Xu Yangyi couldn’t think of a perfect solution. He reluctantly agreed, “We agreed I would only go to the auditorium for my sister, and it wouldn’t matter to me if it’s over.” He then bid farewell to Xu Jing.

“When the time comes, we’ll pack our bags and escape!” Xu Jing said. Xu Yangyi was exasperated by Xu Jing’s silly demeanor, but he knew this was the only option they had. Otherwise, they would both be done for it.

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With the father and son finally in agreement, the makeup artists swiftly helped Xu Yangyi with his makeup and changing into his wedding dress. Xu Yangyi became like a puppet, letting the makeup artists do as they pleased.

At this point, Hee Jingyan, who was standing outside the door, sneered and kicked the door open, startling Xu Yangyi and the others inside.

Hee Jingyan’s gaze swept the room before resting on Xu Yangyi’s back.

Just looking at Xu Yangyi’s back piqued Hee Jingyan’s interest. His back was graceful and full of curves.

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As he admired Xu Yangyi’s back, Hee Jingyan approached him, causing Xu Yangyi’s heart to skip a beat. Xu Yangyi held his breath nervously, his delicate face showing signs of panic.

Meanwhile, Xu Jing, who was initially worried, let out a sigh of relief when he saw Xu Yangyi looked just as he had imagined. However, he was intimidated by Hee Jingyan’s imposing presence and didn’t dare to make eye contact with him.

Xu Yangyi glared at Xu Jing, signaling Xu Jing to come over, but Xu Jing breathed a sigh of relief and didn’t move. Xu Yangyi wondered what to do and whether there was really no problem.

As soon as Xu Yangyi saw Xu Jing’s expression, he immediately got angry and his violent temper surged, and he pretended to wipe Xu Jing’s neck with his hand, making Xu Jing tremble in fear.

Hee Jingyan wasn’t blind, and he could naturally see the interaction between the two of them. However, he didn’t pay much attention to it. He walked up to Xu Yangyi and pinched his chin with his white gloves, forcing him to look directly at him.

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Xu Yangyi, who had never been treated like this before, suddenly felt his head explode with anger. This man, he…

From the bottom of his heart, Xu Yangyi cursed and looked dissatisfied with Hee Jingyan. However, the moment he raised his eyes, his angry curses suddenly died down, and he stared blankly at the pair of obsidian sharp eyes in front of him that looked like they were carved into a piece of stone.

This man was… Hee Jingyan? Xu Yangyi’s body shuddered.

When Hee Jingyan saw Xu Yangyi’s true face, a trace of amazement flashed across his eyes, followed by an interesting smile.

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Her lips were like cherry blossoms, her skin was snow-white like porcelain, and her intelligent eyes were clear to the bottom. However, there was also a hint of arrogance hidden in her words.

Xu Yangyi, whose chin was being pinched, wasn’t in the mood to appreciate Hee Jingyan’s good looks. He was cursing angrily deep down: “This man looks dignified, but he’s too rude!” Who pinches someone else’s chin and stares at them like that? It’s really rude!

Hee Jingyan pinched Xu Yangyi’s chin and started playing around with it as if he wanted to see through him. The hint of intention in his words became even more dazzling, “I didn’t expect my bride to be so pretty.” He had expected her to be a muscular woman, but he didn’t expect her to be a cute little girl who looked like a doll.

Hee Jingyan seemed to be unable to see the displeasure in Xu Yangyi’s eyes and smiled evilly. Suddenly, he put his hand on Xu Yangyi’s waist and pulled him into his arms. Seeing Xu Yangyi’s enlarged pupils, Hee Jingyan smiled charmingly. Finally, he leaned over to give Xu Yangyi a peck on the lips. But even after he did this, the smile on his face didn’t fade. Caught off guard, Xu Yangyi slapped his handsome face hard.

Xu Yangyi’s mouth twitched. This pervert, what was he doing? If he weren’t afraid of exposing his identity, he would have cursed Hee Jingyan a long time ago, instead of just giving him a simple slap.

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