C12 – Warden Zuo Bo

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The guard outside Warden Zuo Bo’s office spoke with evasive eyes and didn’t dare to make eye contact with Hee Jingyan and Loong Shen. “Warden… He’s currently busy, please wait a moment, sir.” As he spoke, a woman’s frustrated voice could be heard from inside.

The guard’s embarrassment was evident, but before he could apologize, Loong Shen wiped away his tears with a smile and remarked, “Yes, he must be very busy.” With a sly grin, he kicked open the door of the office, causing the female prisoners to scream in terror. “Looks like Mr. Zuo Bo is in a good mood,” he teased, his harmless appearance belying the sinister undertones that made people shudder.

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Inside the office, the scene was a chaotic mix of blood, naked women, and the perverted hands of a handsome man. It was a sight that would make anyone blush with embarrassment.

However, Loong Shen, unfazed by the spectacle, merely snorted in contempt. This wicked man was up to his old tricks again.

Kicking open the door was nothing new for Loong Shen, and as Zuo Bo cradled the frightened women in his arms, he regarded the menacing Liu Tie with his usual languid expression. “As energetic as ever, Loong. What brings you here today?” Zuo Bo chuckled, unfazed by the interruption, and met Loong Shen’s gaze with an inscrutable look.

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Zuo Bo didn’t appear angry at being disturbed. Rather, he held Loong Shen’s gaze with an intensity that left his intentions unclear.

All of a sudden, Zuo Bo grabbed a beautiful lady and forcefully kissed her neck, causing her to scream in pain.

However, Loong Shen paid him no attention and gracefully walked towards the sofa opposite Zuo Bo. Sitting down, he spoke calmly, “We need to discuss something with the warden. If you want to become my sword artist, stay. If not, leave.”

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Loong Shen’s aura remained calm, but danger lingered within it that could not be ignored.

As soon as he finished speaking, they hastily grabbed their clothes from the floor and rushed out of the office. When passing the door and seeing Hee Jingyan carrying Xu Yangyi, they were even more shocked.

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“Loong sure knows how to make time for me!” Zuo Bo ran his fingers through his hair and lit a cigarette with one hand. After blowing out the smoke, he turned to face Liu Tie and wiped away his perverted expression. The smile on his lips was filled with interest. At this moment, his military uniform was open, and specks of red dotted his malt-colored skin, making him look indescribably domineering.

“Stop calling me Little Loong. If your manhood is causing you discomfort, I can help you get rid of it first.” Loong Shen slowly crossed his long legs, unfazed by Zuo Bo’s smile. No matter what Zuo Bo said or did, he remained cold and indifferent.

Zuo Bo laughed heartily upon hearing this. His men also leaned back on the sofa with their legs crossed, letting out a few alluring puffs of smoke and passing it to Loong Shen with their eyes burning. “We almost became husband and wife, why should we be so formal?”

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