C13 – Tit For Tat

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Upon hearing Zuo Bo’s words, Loong Shen’s narrowed his eyes. Zuo Bo mentioned that the reason they were almost married was that their parents were acquainted and close friends. Coincidentally, they were both expecting at the same time, so they decided to wed.

“Mr. Zuo Bo seems quite interested in these historical matters,” Loong Shen remarked casually, casting a nonchalant glance at Zuo Bo. He was in no hurry to engage with him.

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Though Zuo Bo was aware of Loong Shen’s dislike for him, he didn’t pass up an opportunity to tease him. He let out a lazy breath and chuckled, “I was still considering marrying you. It’s not exactly ancient history.” Loong Shen’s eyes narrowed in response. Zuo Bo moved closer and brushed aside a strand of hair from Loong Shen’s forehead, flashing him a charming smile. Loong Shen exuded an intense, animalistic aura.

“Marry me?” Loong Shen coldly snorted to himself. Zuo Bo was exceedingly audacious. Loong Shen’s eyes grew icy as it wounded his pride as a man. Who would tolerate being taunted and told to marry like a woman?

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Zuo Bo fixated his gaze on Loong Shen’s face until there was a subtle change in his expression. He then grinned openly, relishing in the prospect of provoking Loong Shen. His intense stare towards Loong Shen was filled with desire and passion.

Loong Shen realized that someone like Zuo Bo was not someone he could confront. His eyes quickly returned to their usual state, but when he met Zuo Bo’s piercing gaze, he furrowed his eyebrows. Why does this man keep looking at me like that? Does he see me as a woman?

Despite feeling angry, Loong Shen’s demeanor suddenly changed, and he spoke with interest, “I wonder how much pain a human can endure before they succumb to having their eyes gouged out.” A smile crept onto his lips, making him look incredibly stunning yet gruesome, with a hint of bloodlust.

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Upon hearing Loong Shen’s remark, Zuo Bo chuckled under his breath, used to such threats. He stretched his arms and exhaled smoke, saying, “I can provide you with as many white mice as you want to experiment with.” He then unabashedly scanned Loong Shen’s body from head to toe and grinned maliciously. “But you’ll have to trade your body for mine, just like those female prisoners.”

“Switching bodies?” When Zuo Bo suggested this, Loong Shen reacted with a cold snort. With a look in his eyes that hinted at amusement, Loong Shen responded leisurely, “Don’t compare me to your lascivious instruments. I won’t allow it to feed on the blood of beasts.” Essentially, he was saying not to push him to do something as disgusting as you would.

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The two of them continued their confrontation with one filled with curiosity and the other with threats. Hee Jingyan, carrying Xu Yangyi, observed Zuo Bo and Loong Shen fighting again after reuniting, but he chose to ignore them and sat down with Xu Yangyi.

Hee Jingyan, Zuo Bo, and Loong Shen had all grown up together in military families. When they were young, Loong Shen had never hated Zuo Bo as much as he did then. It was unclear when their hostility towards each other had begun, but it all stemmed from Loong Shen’s resentment towards Zuo Bo. Whenever they crossed paths, Zuo Bo would taunt him in various ways, causing Loong Shen to naturally blacklist him.

In the country of H, these three individuals were well-known due to their military backgrounds. No one didn’t recognize their names.

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