C14 – Like Attracts Like.

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“I like Loong Shen, who clearly saw my excitement, but yet pretended to be indifferent.” Hee Jingyan’s sudden arrival did not startle Zuo Bo, as Loong Shen was under Hee Jingyan’s command. Hee Jingyan’s presence was expected wherever Loong Shen was. Zuo Bo calmly observed Hee Jingyan, who was seated on the sofa, and chuckled softly. However, when he noticed Xu Yangyi, who was in Hee Jingyan’s embrace, Zuo Bo was taken aback. This was the first time he had seen Hee Jingyan embrace another person, and it was even a handsome man dressed in bridal attire.

Loong Shen frowned upon hearing what Zuo Bo said to Hee Jingyan, “Who’s excited to see you?” He was about to caution Zuo Bo, but Zuo Bo asked Hee Jingyan, “This can’t be your newly-wedded wife, can it?” The topic of his wife piqued Zuo Bo’s interest. Although he found the appearance of a gay marriage intriguing, he did not find it unusual. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that homosexuality was already widespread, or maybe he just found it entertaining.

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“It’s a long story, but that’s the gist of it.” Hee Jingyan did not provide a detailed explanation, which surprised Zuo Bo. Hee Jingyan was a man who was meticulous in his choice of partners, but today, he was holding a man in his arms.

Nevertheless, Zuo Bo had no desire to delve into the matter. He nonchalantly exhaled a puff of smoke and inquired about Hee Jingyan’s work, “How is the interrogation going?” He was as nonchalant as ever, without any air of authority befitting of a warden. However, it could be just a facade because Zuo Bo was infamous for his brutality. Even ghosts and deities avoided him.

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“Not well.” Hee Jingyan replied apathetically.

Upon hearing that, Zuo Bo merely gestured broadly and did not say anything. However, he seemed to understand why Hee Jingyan was so composed. It was because he did not regard Hee Jingyan with any importance at all.

“We shall face the enemy when they arrive. Our sharp blades will be ready to receive them.” Loong Shen’s words instilled fear in the hearts of the listeners, just as he had intended. Hee Jingyan, like Loong Shen, did not care for this impending threat.

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Zuo Bo chuckled softly and confirmed, “Indeed, Little Loong.” He didn’t mind the cold and showed his agreement through his expression.

The repeated use of “Little Loong” by Zuo Bo began to annoy Loong Shen. However, he opted not to engage in a squabble with Zuo Bo. Loong Shen knew that the more you reacted, the more Zuo Bo would tease you, so he chose to ignore him.

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Zuo Bo was also aware that Loong Shen was too indifferent to respond, so he didn’t get upset. He extinguished his cigarette, stood up, retrieved a document from his desk drawer, and tossed it at Hee Jingyan. “These are the files on the felons on death row. Don’t be shy to take a look if you want to test the waters.” He lit another cigarette, exhaled a puff of smoke, and informed Hee Jingyan, “Zuo Yi recently developed a new type of bomb that senses human presence. By attaching these bombs to the prisoners’ wrist devices, they will explode if the prisoners attempt to flee.”

Zuo Bo’s explanation wasn’t intended to boast about Zuo Yi’s power to Hee Jingyan, but rather to assure him that the prisoners were under control. He had his own methods of protection and was truly a loyal friend to Hee Jingyan. Each was more ruthless than the other.

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