C15 – Unbridled

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Upon hearing Zuo Bo’s words, Hee Jingyan’s interest was piqued, causing him to gaze at Xu Yangyi, who was embraced by him, and he broke into a sudden smile. “Would it explode as long as you have thoughts to escape?” He asked, his tone exuding both fascination and danger.

Xu Yangyi, held tightly in Hee Jingyan’s arms, shuddered as he had already woken up before, but he feigned sleep, hoping to seize an opportunity to act.

Damn it, what is this despicable person plotting? Even though Xu Yangyi couldn’t see Hee Jingyan’s expression, a chill ran down his spine as he detested him deeply, but he couldn’t afford to reveal his wakefulness.

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Zuo Bo’s attention instantly shifted to Xu Yangyi upon hearing Hee Jingyan’s words.

Did Hee Jingyan tie up the beautiful man in his arms for this purpose? Zuo Bo found the situation hard to believe as he let out a low chuckle.

Likewise, Loong Shen gazed at Hee Jingyan with amazement, marveling at the situation.

Is this really Hee Jingyan? It’s quite surprising that he would want to tie up another man, isn’t it?

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Although Zuo Bo and Loong Shen were staring at him, Hee Jingyan remained calm. He used a finger to raise Xu Yangyi’s chin and said with a smile, “I wonder how he looks like with a wrist guard.” He seemed like a complete ghost beast!

Xu Yangyi’s mouth twitched. What’s wrong with this guy!? Damn! Did I really marry a pervert?

“This kid has such tender skin. It’s a shame he got blown away. How about letting me have him first?” Zuo Bo let out an unpleasant chuckle.

Unexpectedly, Loong Shen sneered, “Perhaps you broke your leg and the colonel will give him to you to use, you scumbag.”

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Loong Shen had the audacity to insult Zuo Bo, even though he had made the same suggestion himself.

Just as they thought Hee Jingyan wouldn’t agree, he suddenly said, “I’m tired of this. Maybe we can play together.” He then grinned wickedly, but before the smile faded, a sudden slap caught him off guard, making a crisp sound. A furious voice belonging to a certain little Fierce Horse followed, “Play with me? Am I some object to you, Hee Jingyan? A sex slave? Drop dead.” Xu Yangyi, who had opened his eyes, couldn’t contain his anger. He wanted to slap Hee Jingyan again, but was stopped by Hee Jingyan himself. Xu Yangyi then smirked at him, “Wifey, you’re awake.” His smile grew wider, showing that he wasn’t angry about being slapped. It was as if he knew Xu Yangyi had been pretending to be asleep.

“Who’s your wife? Let go of me, you damn bastard!” He pushed Hee Jingyan’s hand away and sat up, but ended up sitting on Hee Jingyan’s thigh in an awkward position. He felt something was wrong and blushed, struggling to get off, but Hee Jingyan’s big hand had already wrapped around his waist, lifted his chin, and kissed him. He finally smiled and asked to be beaten.

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Eventually, Xu Yangyi’s mouth twisted as he slapped Hee Jingyan’s face, “I’m warning you, Hee Jingyan. If you make a move, I won’t hold back.”

This man is insane. I’m a man, not some object.

“Wife, are you being nice to me now? Be good, your husband won’t hurt you.” Hee Jingyan was still as composed as ever. After speaking, he lifted Xu Yangyi’s bottom and drew him closer to his body. His big hand mischievously roamed over Xu Yangyi’s body, causing veins to bulge on Xu Yangyi’s skin.

This despicable man, I will definitely disable him with my own hands.

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