C16 – Frenzied

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Zuo Bo and Loong Shen, who were observing the scene, were completely astonished. No one had ever dared to confront Hee Jingyan before, making this a shocking event. Despite this, Hee Jingyan seemed to be enjoying the attention. Could it be love?

This little guy was truly intriguing! Who is Hee Jingyan? Do you think you can take him on just because you want to? However, not only did this small person defeat him, but Hee Jingyan also displayed an affectionate expression. It was incredibly amusing. One could only imagine what Hee Jingyan would be like while playing with this young fellow.

Zuo Bo glanced at Xu Yangyi from the corner of his eye and struck Hee Jingyan once again. Xu Yangyi curled his spectral lips and even exhaled a puff of smoke with a hint of playfulness.

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Loong Shen appeared to have recognized the interest in Zuo Bo’s eyes and grinned suddenly. “It appears that we have a show to watch. What kind of entertainment will the young bride of a colonel bring to us?”

Each of them had a mischievous expression on their faces, making it impossible to determine whether they were Hee Jingyan’s brothers or simply similar in character. That’s why they were so unconventional! It was indeed a gathering of like-minded people!

Xu Yangyi became aware of the two threatening stares coming from Zuo Bo and Loong Shen behind him. He furrowed his brow and turned around, casting a cold gaze upon them. He then made a remark, “Neither of you are trustworthy.”

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“Yes, these two are extremely unscrupulous individuals. My dear, please be careful around them when I’m not here. Especially Zuo Bo,” Hee Jingyan cautioned his wife. When Zuo Bo was mentioned, Hee Jingyan’s expression turned tense. Despite not hearing of Zuo Bo’s interest in men, his wife was delicate and charming. He couldn’t help but worry about Zuo Bo’s potential intentions.

“Loong Shen is standing across from you. You may give him orders as you please, but be careful not to cross the line. Loong Shen is quite stubborn. If you provoke him, you’ll likely end up on his blacklist permanently, like some others.” Hee Jingyan smiled maliciously as he mentioned some others, but he didn’t direct his gaze at Zuo Bo. It was as if he was talking about his own plans.

Zuo Bo, who was one of the people being targeted, only chuckled at Hee Jingyan’s words. He glanced over at the composed and indifferent Loong Shen and spoke in a low voice, “One day, I’ll make you scream so hard you won’t be able to stop.” After releasing a deep laugh, he focused his eyes on Loong Shen and sensed a feeling of indescribable danger.

The moment Zuo Bo finished speaking, Loong Shen laughed mockingly and said, “Perhaps by then, you’ll no longer have anything left to scream with.”

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Would you like me to scream? Maybe you would have provoked me better if you had screamed at my feet.

Loong Shen and Zuo Bo had distinct desires. Loong Shen’s desire was not just sexual but also the pleasure of slicing flesh.

Despite the danger lurking in Loong Shen’s eyes, Zuo Bo seemed oblivious and smiled, “I’m waiting for Little Loong. Don’t keep me waiting too long.” His words held a deeper meaning.

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Upon hearing Zuo Bo’s words, Loong Shen scowled at the man.

But Loong Shen was not one to easily lose his composure. He provocatively replied, “Let’s see if you’ll even have a life to wait for me.”

Both men remained eerily calm in the face of the situation. While Hee Jingyan enjoyed the spectacle, Xu Yangyi couldn’t help but think, “Can’t these crazy people act like normal human beings?”

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