C18 – His Wife Has The Gut!

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The sound of gunshots stunned Hee Jingyan and the other two. It could be that Xu Yangyi was too skilled, or perhaps they did not expect Ye Zichen to actually pull the trigger. Even more surprising was the calm expression on his face, as though the gun was nothing more than a toy to him.

The gunshot immediately attracted a group of guards who rushed in. Upon seeing Hee Jingyan held at gunpoint, they immediately drew their own weapons and ordered Xu Yangyi to drop his gun. They slowly began to surround him.

However, Xu Yangyi merely smacked his lips and appeared to be unfazed. “You should be the ones putting your guns down. Take another step and I will shoot. Don’t think I won’t.”

He looked Hee Jingyan squarely in the eye and said, “Don’t think for a moment that I’m afraid.” There was no trace of fear or panic on his face.

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Hee Jingyan found the situation amusing. His wife was always bold, no matter what kind of predicament they were in, he would remain calm and collected.

Seeing Hee Jingyan’s faint smile, Xu Yangyi frowned and demanded, “What’s so funny? You still have a gun pointed at your head, what is there to laugh about?”

Hee Jingyan’s smile widened as he suddenly turned around and pressed Xu Yangyi down.

Xu Yangyi was caught off guard and cursed inwardly. He wanted to regain the upper hand and aim his gun at Hee Jingyan’s chin, but somehow the gun was no longer in his hand.

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In shock, Xu Yangyi stared at his empty hand, wondering how he had lost his weapon. He looked up to see Hee Jingyan, still smiling, pinning him down. Xu’s mouth twitched involuntarily.

“Wife, were you looking for this?” Hee Jingyan taunted Xu Yangyi, who could only glare back at him in anger.

Xu Yangyi was seething with anger. “You bastard.”

With a grin on his face, Hee Jingyan caught Xu Yangyi’s leg as he attempted a low blow. “Wife, you’ve already tried that move. How about something new this time? Hmm?” The amusement in his eyes made Xu Yangyi’s blood boil.

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“Try some f*cking new moves! Who would want to play with you!?”

Despite his fury, Xu Yangyi was easily subdued. He swung a punch at Hee Jingyan’s face, but it was to no avail.

Hee Jingyan effortlessly caught his fist and teased, “My Wife is skilled at tormenting. Don’t worry, my dear husband will keep you entertained when we get home.” He even stole an incense stick, which made him seem utterly despicable.

Before Xu Yangyi could react, Hee Jingyan whisked him away. He then turned to Zuo Bo, who was watching with a stoic expression, and declared, “I’ll do as you say. I’ll return most of them later.” With that, he hugged Xu Yangyi and departed.

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Zuo Bo simply chuckled in response, “It doesn’t matter if they’re destroyed.” He then turned to Loong Shen with interest and quipped, “Little Loong, I hope you’re prepared to spend the night with me next time we meet.”

“Get out,” Loong Shen retorted without even looking at Zuo Bo. However, when Zuo Bo moved his head to dodge a flying knife, Loong Shen was reminded of the danger he was dealing with. He knew that if he provoked Zuo Bo, the consequences would be grave.

Nonetheless, Zuo Bo did not show any signs of anger. He just watched as Loong Shen walked away, lazily raking his hair and wiping off the sweat. “A little demon who lacks discipline,” he murmured with a smile that was both lascivious and menacing.

The guards who had rushed in were at a loss for words. They didn’t know what was happening and just stared at each other, looking comical in their confusion.

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