C19 – Attacks

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“Hee Jingyan, you jerk. Put me down,” Xu Yangyi protested as Hee Jingyan forcibly carried him away. He thrashed about and demanded to be set down.

Nonetheless, Hee Jingyan remained unfazed and grinned, “Can’t you be more obedient, wifey? I’ll put you down once we get there.”

“Put me down now,” Xu Yangyi retorted, and then without holding back, he slapped Hee Jingyan across the face. He had anticipated Hee Jingyan to react in his usual jovial manner, but instead, a menacing gleam flashed across Hee Jingyan’s sharp eyes. It was as if a fierce wolf had made eye contact with Xu Yangyi, exuding a frightening aura.

Xu Yangyi was taken aback and didn’t know how to respond. Dammit! Are you angry now?

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However, just as Xu Yangyi was about to say something, Hee Jingyan’s countenance suddenly reverted to its prior state. “Love and hate may be fickle, but you should know what’s important, my dear,” he said, grinning mischievously.

Xu Yangyi was once again stupefied. He gazed at Hee Jingyan, bewildered. Wasn’t he just angry? Was I mistaken? It’s impossible!

Yet the corner of Loong Shen’s mouth twitched. “Hey, hey, hey! Is this for real?” The Colonel managed to control his temper in a snap?

Usually, he’d go on a rampage! As anticipated, he had a unique manner of treating this young bride!

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Xu Yangyi fell silent, perhaps wondering if he had upset Hee Jingyan earlier. He only snapped back to reality when Hee Jingyan helped him into the car and asked, “Where are we going?”

“Home, of course,” Hee Jingyan replied with a smile as he got in beside Xu Yangyi.

“Home? Where?” Xu Yangyi asked, confused. They had just arrived at Hee Family not too long ago, hadn’t they?

“My military base,” Hee Jingyan replied with a grin before gesturing for Loong Shen to drive.

At that moment, Xu Yangyi was stunned into silence. His face drained of color as he realized the implications of Hee Jingyan’s words. A military base? No way! Is he really taking me there? How will I ever escape?

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Panic set in, and Xu Yangyi felt like he had aged decades in a single moment. This was no joke; he needed to find a way out.

“Is something wrong? Don’t you like it?” Hee Jingyan arched an eyebrow when he saw Xu Yangyi’s worried expression. He seemed to be asking a simple question, but there was a subtle undertone to his tone that Xu Yangyi couldn’t quite decipher.

“Who would want to live in a place full of men? Plus, this place is heavily guarded. How can I escape?” Xu Yangyi exclaimed in frustration.

Anxious and desperate to leave, Xu Yangyi grabbed his hair and tried to come up with a plan. However, no matter how hard he thought, he could not find a way out. The only opportunity was to catch Hee Jingyan off guard and escape, but that seemed unlikely.

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“I must be crazy. This is a military vehicle. Who would dare come here?” Xu Yangyi mocked himself as he felt helpless.

Just when he thought all hope was lost, the car suddenly screeched to a stop and gunfire erupted.

Startled, Xu Yangyi instinctively covered his ears, but Hee Jingyan shielded him. “What’s happening?” Hee Jingyan’s voice was frigid like a gust of bone-chilling wind.

“We’ve been ambushed. There are enemies ahead,” Loong Shen stated coldly, reversing the car quickly. He made a sharp turn and collided with a mud wall before heading down another road. However, the enemies seemed to have predicted their route, and there was another vehicle waiting for them nearby.

Loong Shen cursed under his breath and furrowed his brow. He swerved to avoid the cars in front of them, but suddenly, there was a loud bang from behind, and their car was sent flying several meters away.

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