C20 – Xu Yang’s Berserk

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“Ouch, it hurts…” As the car skidded away, Xu Yangyi’s arm slammed into the car door, causing him to wince in pain. He was about to scold Hee Jingyan for not protecting him well, but when he turned to look at Hee Jingyan, he saw blood trickling down his forehead and staining his pristine white wedding gown, creating an eerie and macabre sight.

Xu Yangyi’s eyes widened in shock, and he felt as though time had come to a standstill, deafening him to the commotion around him.

“Darling, are you okay?” Hee Jingyan turned to Xu Yangyi with a worried expression, but Xu Yangyi remained unresponsive, so he embraced him tightly, shielding him from harm. He then directed his gaze at the pursuing car with steely determination.

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It was evident that someone had meticulously planned this attack, most likely linked to the traitor. He never imagined that his assassination would be so elaborate. The assailants had gone to great lengths to end his life!

Hee Jingyan steadied himself and readied his gun, asking Loong Shen, “Where are our men?”

Loong Shen was panting heavily as he struggled to steer the car. “They are at least 20 minutes away from here. If we face a large number of enemies, our chances of survival are slim.” His hand was bleeding, most likely from gripping the wheel tightly to maintain control of the car.

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Fortunately, Loong Shen had buckled up his seat belt. Otherwise, he would have been knocked out cold in the collision.

“I’ll provide cover fire and buy us some time,” Hee Jingyan’s expression turned icy cold as he braced himself for the attack from behind.

“Alright.” Loong Shen trusted Hee Jingyan without a second thought and stepped on the accelerator, hoping to lose the two cars trailing them.

As Hee Jingyan bled heavily, Xu Yangyi watched him in disbelief. He now knew that Wu Tie had taken the brunt of the impact, sparing him from injury.

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“It’s okay. Just stay quietly in my arms,” Hee Jingyan reassured Xu Yangyi, who looked petrified. Thinking Xu Yangyi was frightened, Hee Jingyan kissed his forehead to calm him down.

But Xu Yangyi was clearly not himself. His eyes and voice quivered, “You’re… hurt?” He didn’t know if he was asking rhetorically or not, but his expression was peculiar, and his voice was so faint that it was almost inaudible. Tears welled up in his eyes, and suddenly, an image of a woman lying in a pool of blood flashed through his mind, causing his pupils to tremble even more violently, “Mom…”

A tear rolled down his cheek as he called out to his mother. He gazed at the bloodstains on Hee Jingyan’s clothes and mumbled, “Blood…”

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Hee Jingyan also sensed something was off with Xu Yangyi. Just as he was about to wake him up, Xu Yangyi’s terrifying crimson eyes opened wide, and he declared, “They will pay.” Snatching the gun from Hee Jingyan’s grasp, Xu Yangyi kicked open the door and rammed into the pursuing cars. “Die, all of you…”

Xu Yangyi’s beautiful pupils lost their luster. His behavior seemed unhinged, sending shivers down people’s spines.

As the cars chased after them, Xu Yangyi tried to dodge them, but their windows shattered against him. Unexpectedly, they collided with other cars that suddenly appeared, causing both vehicles to fly several meters. A piercing noise pierced the air, and then a loud explosion followed, engulfing everyone in flames. No one survived.

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