C21 – Conspiracy

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“Xu Yangyi, stop. There are no more enemies,” Hee Jingyan pleaded as he snatched the pistol from Xu Yangyi’s hand. However, the furious Xu Yangyi seemed to ignore him and was about to jump out of the car. Hee Jingyan was terrified and held him tightly to prevent him from causing any harm.

Despite Hee Jingyan’s efforts, Xu Yangyi was completely out of control. He struggled vigorously in Hee Jingyan’s embrace and yelled in anger, “Bastard, let go of me! I want to avenge my mom! I want to avenge my mom!” His words were filled with the desire to seek revenge for his mother. He then began punching and kicking Hee Jingyan, even injuring his face. His appearance was so ferocious that no amount of force could subdue him.

“Damn it!” Hee Jingyan, already injured, could not tolerate Xu Yangyi’s violent behavior. He attempted to calm him down with his hand, but suddenly, Xu Yangyi’s gaze shifted towards Ye Zichen.

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Xu Yangyi’s eyes focused on Hee Jingyan because he noticed the blood on his face, which momentarily regained some of his consciousness.

“Is he awake now?” Hee Jingyan withdrew his hand and let out a sigh before checking himself for any injuries.

However, he had just touched Xu Yangyi’s waist. Ye Zichen promptly slapped him, the sound crisp and clear.

“Shameless! What are you touching?” Xu Yangyi held himself protectively and glared at Hee Jingyan with suspicion, regaining his alertness.

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“Wife, it appears I must teach you how to speak to your husband,” Hee Jingyan’s eyes narrowed dangerously, his expression menacing.

Xu Yangyi was taken aback but immediately responded, “You touched me inappropriately. Can’t I hit you? Even the state officials cannot light the lamps, only they can set them on fire. So die!”

“Although I really want to pin you down on the bed and have my way with you, I understand the gravity of the situation. Please cooperate and let me examine your injuries,” he said as he checked Xu Yangyi’s body.

“What’s that? An event?” Xu Yangyi seemed to have recalled something, causing his pupils to shake suddenly. “Blood… Mom…”

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Xu Yangyi inexplicably thought of his mother again. His eyes trembled even more intensely.

Why did this little guy keep mentioning his mother’s name? Was he thinking about her in this situation?

“Although I don’t know why you keep bringing up your mother, we were only ambushed. For now, we’re safe,” He Jingyan explained, still grateful for Xu Yangyi’s outburst earlier. Otherwise, they might have been fighting off the attackers for longer.

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Xu Yangyi’s eyes narrowed upon hearing He Jingyan’s words, and he seemed to calm down a bit. After a moment of silence, he spoke again. “When I was in middle school, my mother was murdered in a public square. She was less than a meter away from me.”

As he spoke, Xu Yangyi’s eyes became lifeless. Suddenly, he laughed bitterly and continued, “The police claimed it was a stray bullet that hit my mother. Just an accident, they said.” Xu Yangyi clenched his fists and bit his lower lip in frustration while a tear ran down his cheek. “Bullshit! If it was really an accident, then why am I unscathed while my mother was riddled with gunshot wounds?”

“That damn bastard!” Xu Yangyi cried out in anger.

He blamed himself for being young and powerless at the time, for not having the means to seek justice for his mother. It was his fault for allowing her to be wronged and suffer such an injustice. “Damn it!”

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