C35 – Fucking Freak!

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“What’s wrong, my dear wife? Why did you stop? Do you feel sorry for me?” Hee Jingyan spoke in a low voice when he saw Xu Yangyi withdraw his hand. He knew exactly why Xu Yangyi hesitated.

“I only feel sorry for you when my brain is malfunctioning. I’m just worried that your wound might reopen, so I’ll take care of it for you,” Xu Yangyi replied sternly.

Xu Yangyi glared at the grinning Hee Jingyan, gesturing for him to get up. But Hee Jingyan caressed his face and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, beaming all the while.

This naturally angered Xu Yangyi. He raised his hand to slap Hee Jingyan, but Hee Jingyan held him firmly. “My dear, what if you hurt me? I’m the one who’s injured here,” Hee Jingyan reminded him.

Hee Jingyan was clever to keep reminding Xu Yangyi of his injury, which made Xu Yangyi feel even more guilty. After all, he was the one who broke Hee Jingyan’s ribs.

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Xu Yangyi’s mouth twisted in a grimace. “Why are you acting like a wounded animal? You were clearly fine.”

“Damn it! You’re still able to act like this towards me, despite your so-called injury. F*ck, you’re just using this as an excuse to pressure me,” he retorted.

“Yes, I admit that I broke your ribs, but what do you mean by constantly touching me? Do you want me to return the favor?”

Xu Yangyi furrowed his brows. Despite his anger, there was a hint of exasperation in his voice as he spoke.

“Alright!” Hee Jingyan muttered to himself suggestively before flashing a grin. “That’s a great idea. Let’s become husband and wife and settle this once and for all.” He suggested as he extended his hand.

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“Bastard… F**ck you.”

Xu Yangyi stuttered, and coupled with Hee Jingyan’s insincere attitude, Xu Yangyi’s face turned red. He wanted to slap Hee Jingyan’s hands away, but at that moment, Hee Jingyan suddenly whimpered, “Wife, I feel unwell.”

However, the naive Xu Yangyi did not understand what Hee Jingyan meant by ‘unwell,’ and he was left bewildered. “Go see a doctor if you’re not feeling well! Why are you telling me this?” He struggled to escape from under Hee Jingyan, but Hee Jingyan wouldn’t budge. Although Xu Yangyi was angry and resentful, he couldn’t do anything to Hee Jingyan.

Hee Jingyan seriously explained to Xu Yangyi, “Wifey, my condition is too complex for a doctor to handle. Only you can help me.”

Xu Yangyi exclaimed, his face displaying a mix of confusion and anger. He was about to say “How could I help you?” when he finally realized what Hee Jingyan meant. “Go to hell, go to hell a million times over, you bastard.”

What did Hee Jingyan take him for? This vile beastly lord!

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Xu Yangyi was so furious that he felt like he could beat Hee Jingyan to death.

Unable to contain his anger, he shouted, “You disgusting pervert! You’re a disgrace!”

How could an adult like him exist in this world? Would humanity go extinct with people like him still in power?

“Scum? It’s so heartbreaking, my dear. Did you hurt me first?” Hee Jingyan continued to behave terribly.

Xu Yangyi was at fault, so he couldn’t argue, but he still seethed with anger.

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He exclaimed angrily, “I already apologized, so what else do you want from me?”

“Don’t tell me you want me to hurt you too? That would be excruciatingly painful!”

“What good does apologizing do?” He turned to his wife and asked, “What else do we need the police for?”

“To beat a despicable person like you to death!” Xu Yangyi retorted without a second thought, then rolled her eyes at Hee Jingyan.

You truly viewed me as a scum! Hee Jingyan’s mouth twitched in annoyance.

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