C36 – Who’s Trapped?

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“Listen, my dear wife, can’t we talk about this? Can you stop calling me your husband and acting like a jerk? I’m a colonel, remember?”

“Ha! You don’t even know who you are, Colonel Big Shot.”

“You’re acting like a delinquent, and you won’t even let me wake you up, will you?”

But it was my fault that he ended up with broken ribs.

I have my own thoughts on the matter, but this darn uncle is always being dishonest and blaming me! It’s not my fault! He clearly provoked me.

Xu Yangyi snorted, ignoring Hee Jingyan.

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Hee Jingyan was aware that when Xu Yangyi became angry, it was frightening.

He had already broken one of his ribs and didn’t want to risk breaking another.

Furthermore, Xu Yangyi was the kind of person who wouldn’t give up and couldn’t control his strength. There was a possibility that he could unintentionally kill him.

“Fine, it’s my fault,” Hee Jingyan apologized.

Xu Yangyi was stunned and thought he had misheard, looking at Hee Jingyan in disbelief.

“What did you just say?”

Is this real? He apologized to me? Damn, is it raining upside down?

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Xu Yangyi had an urge to run outside and check if the sky had turned upside down.

“What? Is it that strange for me to apologize?” Hee Jingyan inquired with a smile.

“If it were anyone else, it wouldn’t be surprising. However, if it were you, it would be incredibly strange,” remarked the other person.

“How could I not be shocked when you suddenly apologize to me as a colonel?” Anyone in my shoes would be taken aback!

“Wife, you’re so adorable,” exclaimed Hee Jingyan as he suddenly pushed Xu Yangyi down.

Xu Yangyi was taken aback by the sudden gesture.

“Sorry, did I scare you?” Hee Jingyan quickly apologized.

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Xu Yangyi didn’t expect Hee Jingyan to apologize again. He was momentarily stunned but then angrily retorted, “Do you think I’m scared? Can you stop suddenly attacking me like that? Who do you think you are?”

“I’m a dragon!” Hee Jingyan exclaimed. “Why, my darling, are you interested?”

Upon hearing this, Xu Yangyi rolled his eyes and replied, “Who asked you that?”

“Damn it! He really knows how to get on my nerves,” Xu Yangyi muttered to himself.

Xu Yangyi understood what Hee Jingyan meant, but he had startled him earlier, so he tried to ease the tension. That’s why he pretended not to comprehend.

“I won’t do anything that you dislike in the future, so don’t be afraid of me.”

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Hee Jingyan reassured Xu Yangyi. However, he couldn’t help but express his frustration, “I wish we could be husband and wife now, but you’re still too young.” He had been gentle a moment ago, but in the next instant, he acted like a rogue.

Perhaps because Hee Jingyan’s voice was very soft but not as casual as usual, coupled with the fact that Xu Yangyi was incredibly attractive, he was momentarily stunned and let him lead the way.

“What! When I’m serious, I’m also an adult! Not just a rascal,” Hee Jingyan retorted, unable to contain his amusement.

Xu Yangyi couldn’t help but smile, and he tried to play it cool as he replied, “As long as it’s sufficient, I’ll still cooperate a little bit.”

After uttering these words, he awkwardly turned away from Hee Jingyan. His bashful tone and subtle blinking betrayed his youthful inexperience.

Holding his forehead, Hee Jingyan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Xu Yangyi was just too adorable.

The young man was still inexperienced, and if he used force against him the first time, it could have a lasting impact on his psyche. Touching him in the future would become a significant challenge.

Hee Jingyan contemplated Xu Yangyi’s actions. At first, he had assumed that Xu Yangyi was just playing around, but he had lost control of himself. He was courting disaster.

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