C38 – Feeling Too Dizzy To Think Over.

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Xu Yangyi didn’t know what was going on, but he did as what he told. Then, Hee Jingyan suddenly said in his nice voice, “Again, close your eyes.”

Close my eyes?

“Why should I close my eyes?” Xu Yangyi was bewildered but closed them anyway. Suddenly, he felt something amiss and abruptly opened his eyes, slapping Wu Tie across the face. “You damn rogue!” His face, which had only just calmed down, became red once again.

Is this bastard trying to kiss me? Xu Yangyi felt like he was going insane, but despite his growing confusion, his heart raced faster. He didn’t understand why, but he kept making noise.

Upon seeing this, Hee Jingyan arched an eyebrow but pretended to look wounded as he gazed at Xu Yangyi. “My dear, do you think it’s appropriate to say whatever you want? Why did you strike again?”

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I may have looked sad, but Xu Yangyi didn’t notice the glint in my eyes. He was entirely consumed by Hee Jingyan, who was a cheap man with no other interests but to toy with his wife.

However, Xu Yangyi was not foolish enough to fall for his tricks and shouted, “Who the hell told you to be unfaithful?”

I thought he had given up on trying to harm me. Who knows what he’s capable of doing?

That’s the thing; people always say that dogs never change their spots. Hee Jingyan may have switched his surname, but he remained as vile as ever.

Knowing that Xu Yangyi was not going to be deceived, Hee Jingyan gave up. “Then there’s no other option. You must choose to sleep beside me. If you don’t want me to kiss you, then let me sleep.”

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Hee Jingyan shrugged shamelessly.

Xu Yangyi cursed inwardly as his lips twitched.

Despite his uncertainty, he still asked, “So you won’t cause any trouble if I let you kiss me?”

Saying this made Xu Yangyi feel extremely awkward, and he didn’t know where to look.

As the saying goes, being a little mischievous can lead to chaos. Now, all he had to do was kiss this man and solve the small problem so he could go back to sleep. It wasn’t a big deal, and he wouldn’t lose anything.

Xu Yangyi began to focus on calming his inner turmoil and forcing himself to resist the urge to kill Hee Jingyan.

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Seeing that the bait had been taken, Hee Jingyan chuckled. However, he maintained a serious expression as he said, “Yes, I promise not to do anything if you just kiss me.” Despite his words, his expression still resembled that of a predator’s gaze fixed on its prey.

Xu Yangyi was oblivious to the trap he had fallen into. With a blush on his face, he looked away in embarrassment and said, “Alright, I’ll kiss you then.”

Xu Yangyi timidly hugged Hee Jingyan’s neck and gazed at the handsome face almost touching him, feeling nervous. He couldn’t decide whether to kiss the left or right side of Hee Jingyan’s face. Suddenly, he tilted his head from left to right, looking adorably naive and making Hee Jingyan want to laugh.

“Wife, what are you doing?” Hee Jingyan finally burst into laughter.

“What do you think? He’s deciding which side to kiss! Are you blind?” Ye Zichen rolled his eyes at Xu Yangyi’s frankness, perhaps to cover his own amusement.

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Witnessing Hee Jingyan’s laughter, Xu Yangyi’s nervousness dissipated.

Hee Jingyan lifted Xu Yangyi up and drew him closer, brushing his fingers against Xu Yangyi’s lips and whispering, “Move your mouth closer to mine.”

Although Xu Yangyi wanted to resist, he felt that Hee Jingyan was trying to help him and obediently complied.

Seeing Xu Yangyi’s docility, a smile spread across Hee Jingyan’s face as he planted a gentle kiss on Xu Yangyi’s lips, refraining from taking advantage of him.

“What! I’m still a very honest person!” Xu Yangyi retorted defensively.

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