C39 – Boomerang

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At this moment, two patrolling soldiers happened to pass by.

Observing that the lights were still on in Hee Jingyan’s room, they began to discuss with curiosity.

“Why aren’t you sleeping at this hour, Colonel?”

“I don’t know! Maybe he forgot to turn off the lights? There’s no sound coming from inside.”

“That’s true. But let me tell you! Our sister-in-law is incredibly strong, breaking the Colonel’s ribs forcefully. Ouch! It hurts just thinking about it!”

“Absolutely! This is the first time the Colonel has sustained such serious injuries.”

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“If it were someone else, their injuries would have been even worse! It’s a shame for our Colonel.”

“It’s really puzzling! She looks like a delicate girl, but she’s so powerful! What do you think she ate to grow up like this?”

“Hehe~~ love can do wonders! The strength version is simply adorable, that’s why it’s so astonishing.”

“Hahaha, are you making fun of me? But it’s true, she’s too fierce. Only the Colonel can handle someone like our sister-in-law.”

“Anyway, our sister-in-law is not someone you ordinary folks can disrespect. Now, go on, continue with your patrol. When you change shifts later, go back to sleep.”


The two soldiers conversed, unaware of how to control the volume of their voices.

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At that moment, Hee Jingyan and Xu Yangyi inside the room heard their conversation loud and clear.

“Wife, you’ve become quite famous in our army!” Hee Jingyan teased.

“Famous? It’s more like infamy! Are you deaf or something?” Xu Yangyi responded, displeased with the remark.

“Damn it! So what if I’m powerful? It’s all thanks to my own efforts!”

“And don’t assume I’m missing a girl! I’m equally furious, you know?”

Xu Yangyi was so infuriated that he felt like soaring into the air and clenching his fists.

If the soldiers didn’t depart promptly, Xu Yangyi might have already burst out of the room and lost his temper.

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“No! I think they were actually praising you, wife.”

Hee Jingyan didn’t believe that the soldiers were speaking ill of Xu Yangyi. He was genuinely impressed by Xu Yangyi, which was why he made that comment.

Perhaps his choice of words was misleading, leading Xu Yangyi to mistakenly believe they were scolding him.

“So what if I’m fierce? If you see me in a bad mood, then just respond with your own strength. Should I be afraid of them?”

Xu Yangyi despised it when others compared him to a girl, which was the reason for his anger.

Hee Jingyan was aware of this and quickly comforted him, saying, “Alright, alright, alright. Those people are the ones talking about you. Tomorrow, I’ll make them run 50 laps around the field. How about that, my dear? Does that sound good?”

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“What can I do? I don’t want to argue with them.”

Despite saying so, his heart was already brimming with anger, the kind that was hard to contain.

It would be best if I never run into you again; otherwise, I might end up killing you.

Xu Yangyi’s expression appeared vicious, but it was solely due to his anger. He would definitely not remember any of this tomorrow, so he would not hold a grudge.

“If you can’t defeat me, then go ahead and hit me!”

“If I didn’t hit you, who else would I hit!?” Xu Yangyi promptly delivered a slap, showing no mercy at all.

Nonetheless, Hee Jingyan still maintained an affectionate smile as he said, “Do you want to fight again?” Ye Zichen lifted Xu Yangyi’s body and drew him closer to his chest, despite Xu Yangyi’s anger.

Xu Yangyi understood that no matter how much he struck Hee Jingyan, Hee Jingyan wouldn’t become angry. So, he disregarded him and pushed away Hee Jingyan’s large hand. Xu Yangyi knew that no matter how much he hit Hee Jingyan, Hee Jingyan wouldn’t get angry, so he ignored him.

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