C40 – Embarrassed

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“Yes, yes, yes, I promise I won’t do anything to you, so just go to sleep!” After saying that, he laid down and embraced Xu Yangyi’s body, letting him rest on his arm.

Xu Yangyi was immediately taken aback. He was about to elbow Hee Jingyan, but then he remembered Hee Jingyan’s injury and stopped himself. Instead, he covered his head and bit his lip, screaming internally.

Ah! Damn it, you and I are irreconcilable. But when he thought about it, he realized he deserved this. If he hadn’t broken Hee Jingyan’s ribs, he wouldn’t have to endure being with him anymore.

Even though Xu Yangyi had his back turned to him, Hee Jingyan could sense that Xu Yangyi was going insane. He kissed the back of Xu Yangyi’s neck and reassured him, “I’m only holding you to sleep. I won’t do anything to you. Just go to sleep!”

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“You make it sound so easy?” Xu Yangyi retorted snappily. It would be strange for a normal man like Xu Yangyi to be able to sleep peacefully while being embraced by another man.

Strangely, his heart was racing, but he didn’t actually mind Hee Jingyan holding him like this. It was just that he hadn’t realized it yet and mistakenly believed that he was uncomfortable, which was why he felt annoyed.

Xu Yangyi gave in and allowed Hee Jingyan to hold him, but after a while, Jingyan suddenly called out, “Wife.” There was a hint of emotion in his voice.

“What?” Xu Yangyi frowned and turned back in anger.

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However, Hee Jingyan smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around Xu Yangyi’s waist. “It’s nothing. I just wanted to call out to you and see if you were still awake.” He lovingly stroked Xu Yangyi’s hair.

Xu Yangyi had initially wanted to shake off Hee Jingyan’s hand, but he suddenly felt a wave of nostalgia. This was how his mother used to comfort him and lull him to sleep when he was young.

Xu Yangyi’s heart suddenly warmed. His body unconsciously leaned into Hee Jingyan’s embrace, as if craving more of his hair caresses.

Hee Jingyan froze for a moment. He hadn’t expected Xu Yangyi to willingly draw closer, but sensing something, he asked, “Is something wrong?” Hee Jingyan’s question arose from noticing a hint of loneliness in Xu Yangyi’s posture.

Xu Yangyi lowered his gaze but feigned indifference. “It’s nothing.” Yet, his voice still carried a tinge of sadness, though he quickly added in an annoyed tone, “Just don’t talk to me. I want to sleep.”

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Hee Jingyan understood that Xu Yangyi didn’t want to open up. He gently comforted him, saying, “Alright, go to sleep!” However, there was a subtle seriousness in his voice.

It appeared that this little guy had considered his mother after all! It seemed like we need to investigate this matter.

After an hour had passed, Hee Jingyan, thinking Xu Yangyi had finally fallen asleep, carefully removed his arm and leaned in to give Xu Yangyi a kiss. Then he got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, seeming slightly uneasy.

Unbeknownst to Hee Jingyan, Xu Yangyi hadn’t slept at all. He had been preoccupied with thoughts of his mother. When Hee Jingyan kissed him, he had an impulse to explode in anger. However, he remained silent when Hee Jingyan kissed him and left. His face was flushed, leaving him too drained to reprimand Hee Jingyan.

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He felt like he was going crazy. It was just a kiss, so why was his heart racing? Xu Yangyi held his head, blaming Hee Jingyan for making him feel so strange. He glared at the bathroom.

Initially, Xu Yangyi was unsure what was happening, but he soon realized that Hee Jingyan was taking care of himself. This revelation caused his face to turn even redder, and his heart pounded as if it might burst out of his chest.

Despite the embarrassment, Xu Yangyi couldn’t help but feel a touch of tenderness. Hee Jingyan had not forced him and had handled the situation himself. This sentiment stirred something indescribable within Xu Yangyi’s heart.

“So he can be considerate too!” Xu Yangyi murmured suddenly. He had initially planned to take advantage of Hee Jingyan, but now he felt a bit bashful about it.

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