C8 – Packed Away

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Upon hearing a voice outside the door, Xu Yangyi felt a sense of relief as he realized he was saved. However, when he recognized the voice of Hee Jingyan, he immediately became wary and suspicious. “Loong Shen, you came at just the right time,” he said, frowning. “I hope you didn’t plan this on purpose.”

Someone was extremely resentful and angry at being suddenly disturbed, despite the fact that it wasn’t a festive occasion worth a lot of money. Anyone in their position would likely feel the same.

Xu Yangyi, feeling safe from Hee Jingyan’s threats for the moment, spoke out harshly. “Don’t you have something to do? Get the hell out of here!” he yelled, overjoyed at the opportunity to assert himself.

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However, just as Xu Yangyi finished speaking, Hee Jingyan began to laugh sinisterly. “My dear wife, can’t you see how unhappy your husband is with me?” he taunted. “If you keep acting like this, I’ll have to show you who’s really in charge.” Xu Yangyi began to feel something foreign moving inside him, a sensation that was not at all amusing.

Shocked and alarmed, Xu Yangyi’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Did Hee Jingyan put his finger inside him? He felt his face flush with embarrassment and discomfort, and kicked out at Hee Jingyan’s chest, pleading with him to stop. But his struggles were in vain, as he was unable to get away from the other man’s grip.

“Are you scared now?” Hee Jingyan sneered, reveling in Xu Yangyi’s helplessness. “You were so tough just a moment ago, telling me to leave.”

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Xu Yangyi, in a state of terror, tried to get up and run away. But Hee Jingyan easily overpowered him and pinned him down, causing a horrifying smile to spread across Xu Yangyi’s face.

Realizing that resistance was futile, Xu Yangyi quickly apologized, knowing that it was not the time to be stubborn. But the discomfort inside him continued to intensify, causing him to break out in a cold sweat and bite his lip to stifle his cries of pain.

“This is unbearable,” he thought to himself. “I can’t let him get away with this. He’s insane. I have to run, no matter what.”

Despite knowing that Xu Yangyi was afraid, Hee Jingyan had a strong desire to continue teasing him. However, Loong Shen, who was standing outside the door, interrupted, saying, “Colonel, you have only one minute left.”

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Hee Jingyan furrowed his eyebrows, wondering if Loong Shen still held a grudge because he didn’t let him participate in the blind date the last time.

“Fifty seconds, forty-nine seconds…” Outside, Wu Tie looked at his wristwatch and began counting down the remaining seconds for Hee Jingyan to finish his conversation. A malevolent smirk spread across his face.

“Stinky kid, I’ll deal with you another day.” Hee Jingyan couldn’t continue to scare Xu Yangyi anymore after Loong Shen’s reminder. He released Xu Yangyi and stood up to leave, but suddenly remembered something and raised his eyebrows. “My wife is actually a man,” he thought to himself.

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Xu Yangyi thought he had escaped from the ordeal, but Hee Jingyan quickly turned back towards him, and a cunning expression flickered in his eyes. He grabbed the edge of Xu Yangyi’s skirt and began dragging him back towards the bed. In the next moment, he had already taken hold of Xu Yangyi’s ankle and was carrying him out of the room like a princess.

“You, you…… What are you doing?” Xu Yangyi was so terrified that he could hardly speak properly, but he couldn’t just sit there and do nothing. He slapped Hee Jingyan’s face in a desperate attempt to make him stop, and cursed him, “Bastard, let me go, I’m not going anywhere…”

Xu Yangyi believed if he attacked Hee Jingyan, he would become angry and humiliated and would let him go. However, Hee Jingyan simply wiped his face with a smile and said, “It’s alright, wife, you don’t have to worry about it.” He continued to act as if nothing had happened, talking and laughing.

Xu Yangyi was so frustrated that he almost spurted blood. He was helpless and could only stand there, nailed to the ground, unable to change the situation.

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