C9 – Traitor

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“Colonel is never late. Right on time, to the minute,” cooed Loong Shen as soon as Hee Jingyan opened the door. Loong Shen looked like he was at death’s door, with his long black hair tied back and a long sword at his waist. He was a handsome man with a hint of androgynous charm.

Hee Jingyan didn’t even wait for Loong Shen to speak. Loong Shen was taken aback when he saw Hee Jingyan holding a beautiful man in his arms.

“Colonel, is this…” Loong Shen looked at Xu Yangyi’s wedding dress again, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

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What was going on? Was this the groom? A man?

“Who else do you think it could be? This is my wife. Stop the nonsense and let’s get going,” Hee Jingyan said, carrying Xu Yangyi and heading out. But after walking a few steps, Xu Yangyi started shouting again.

“Hee Jingyan, you jerk, let me go! I’ve told you, I’m not going anywhere!” However, Hee Jingyan remained indifferent. Suddenly, he asked, “Wifey, do you want to fight with your bare hands or with weapons?”

“What!?” Xu Yangyi was extremely annoyed by Hee Jingyan’s sudden question. He wanted to call Hee Jingyan crazy, but then the back of his neck hurt and he lost consciousness.

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Seeing this, Loong Shen’s face darkened. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but he’s just a child! Isn’t this a bit too much?” But Xu Yangyi was breathtakingly beautiful, like a porcelain doll.

“Is this really the time to talk about this? You must be doing this on purpose,” Hee Jingyan replied without explaining, and just gave Loong Shen a glance.

“Colonel, I’m not sure what you mean. I don’t understand,” said Loong Shen with a shrug before leaving on his own.

The atmosphere grew tense as the Colonel declared, “It seems like I’ll have to shut down all of your matchmaking networks!”

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However, Loong Shen was not one to be easily intimidated. He smiled at Hee Jingyan and said, “We have a lot of unresolved issues between us. Maybe one day we’ll do something to offend you, and then we’ll teach you a lesson together.”

“Are you kidding me? Without women, how are us bachelors supposed to live? You, on the other hand, got married and left us behind to suffer. Why should we share your hardships?” complained one of the men.

“Why don’t you let us brothers play with your wife? You must be really fond of us to be so willing to share,” joked Loong Shen. If Hee Jingyan was a ghost, then Loong Shen was infamous for his viciousness. He would fight back fiercely and make his opponents lose whenever he felt threatened, but it all depended on the match. At least Hee Jingyan wasn’t falling for his tricks.

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Hee Jingyan wiped the smile from his face and retorted, “You guys really talk big after eating your fill.” Wasn’t this Little Fierce Horse a bit too hot-headed? If you can take it all, I’d like to see you try, but it’ll have to wait until all of you have broken your hands and feet.

Loong Shen could tell from Hee Jingyan’s menacing expression that they weren’t going to be let go so easily. If they were released, there would be serious consequences, unless they were rendered helpless and unable to act. He couldn’t afford to offend such a devilish and ruthless character, so he gave up and raised his hands in surrender. “Thank you for your mercy towards them. I fear they may not survive long enough to enjoy it, so I’ll leave them in your care.” Making it sound so tempting. If we ever run into your people, we’d be left without a fighting chance. We’re not foolish enough to swim against the tide.

“We’ve found the traitor in the left camp. We’re currently taking him to Zuo Bo’s location, awaiting your decision,” Loong Shen said with a cold and serious tone, abandoning his earlier nonchalance. Whenever work was mentioned, his demeanor turned fierce.

“Understood,” Hee Jingyan replied with a serious expression, the previous levity gone. Though it was only a single word, the atmosphere had suddenly become more intense for some unknown reason.

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