The fire at the bottom of the pot ignited again, and the fire was bright and majestic, reflecting on people's faces. After Lu Gu blew out the oil lamp, he sat back in front of the stove to add firewood. 

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    Shen Xuanqing came in with a bamboo basket from the outside, he didn't know what was going on, and subconsciously turned his face away. 


    Seeing his dazed eyes, Shen Xuanqing's Adam's apple moved slightly, walked to the stove and squatted down halfway, and took out the things in the bamboo basket by the light of the fire. 


    On the top was a ball of cloth, which was usually used to spread the prey on the street, otherwise it was directly placed on the ground and soiled, and some people in the town would be picky. 


    Lu Gu originally thought that the cloth ball should be put aside, but he didn't expect that it wrapped something, which looked like eggs. 


    "I caught a bamboo chicken, the female, and she was so frightened that she gave birth to an egg as soon as I caught it." Shen Xuanqing's voice was slightly smiling. 


    He put the eggs into Lu Gu's hands, and took out the hemp rope from the big bamboo basket. Below that was the bamboo chicken. It was not dead yet. Chickens were not very courageous. Although their eyes were open, they were still alive. 


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    Besides the bamboo chicken, there were two fat doves and a pair of hares. He shot down the fat doves with a slingshot when he heard the sound. It didn't move, and it looked like it was dead, but it was just a fake death.


    Now Shen Xuanqing's hunting skills were quite good, even the dogs had been trained. The bamboo chickens were only injured in their wings, and they were alive just like the rabbits. In the past, he used to be heavy-handed sometimes, or he didn't kill the wild animals in time. If the prey was taken out of the dog's mouth, the prey would be killed. Generally, this kind of food couldn't wait too long, so you had to go down the mountain to sell it as soon as possible. 


    The living things were easy to handle. After a few days of raising a bunch of things, took them down the mountain and sold them together, saving you a lot of trips. 


    Lu Gu held the egg and watched Shen Xuanqing took out one thing after another, even if it wasn't for him, but the joy of harvest, just looking at it could make people felt happy. 


    No wonder he had been there all day, these were not a waste of time. 


    He thought about it now, Shen Xuanqing often went into the mountains, so he naturally knew how to avoid danger. He was too scared in the afternoon, and he frightened himself to death. Shen Xuanqing would often go hunting in the future. You had to get used to it. 


    He secretly felt embarrassed, fortunately Shen Xuanqing didn't know what he was thinking. 

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    Shen Xuanqing took out all the things, raised his head after a pause, and said to Lu Gu: "This rabbit is still alive, if it can be kept, it happens to be a pair, and it will be raised to give birth to cubs, and they can be sold when they grow up." 


    Hearing this, Lu Gu hesitated, and asked in a low voice: "Then I'll weave them a cage to keep them?" He knew how to weave bamboo cages, and when Lu Daxiang couldn't find a part-time job to do in the slack time, he would go to the mountains to cut bamboo and he had to weave things made of bamboo strips to sell. 


    Hearing this, Shen Xuanqing pushed the rabbit to his feet and said, "Well, I'll keep it for you. It's easy to feed. It's enough to pull some grass outside, and you don't even need water." 


    There were green grasses everywhere in the forest, There was no need to run far, Lu Gu nodded in response. 


    At this time, the water boiled, and Shen Xuanqing got up first to uncover the pot lid. Seeing that there was a lot of water, his throat tightened, and he turned his head and asked, "Would you like to wash first?" 


    Lu Gu was obviously flustered. When they were at the foot of the mountain, Ji Qiuyue and the others would boil a pot of water and scrub their body every few days. They took advantage of the time when there was no man in the house. 


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    After working for the past two days, he must have been covered with dust. If he could scrub it with hot water, it would be great. Moreover, he himself didn't dare to refuse Shen Xuanqing, so he lowered his head and said "OK" in a low voice like a mosquito. Fortunately, there were only the two of them here, and there was no other movement, otherwise Shen Xuanqing would not have heard it. 


    The two took turns scrubbing in the kitchen. There was a fire burning at the bottom of the stove, and once the kitchen door was closed, it was warm and not too cold. 


    Lu Gu didn't dare to delay, he lay down first after hastily washing, there was no light in the room, his ears were slightly burning in the night, and it didn't subside for a long time. 


    While he was scrubbing, Shen Xuanqing waited in the west room and didn't come out of the room, but for a Shuang'er who didn't even understand human affairs, being known by a man that he was undressing and scrubbing was enough to make him felt hot and afraid to see anyone. 


    Because Shen Xuanqing washed his hair, he put more firewood in front of the stove and warmed it up for a long time. After a long delay, Lu Gu's embarrassment subsided after he came in, and he felt sleepy. 


    There were more people in the bed, and they were so close, Lu Gu could smell the wild bath beads in Shen Xuanqing's hair, it was faint, and it smelled clean. 


    He didn't dare to wash it in such a cold night, because he was still very cold, so he thought, he should also washed his hair at noon tomorrow when the sun was shining, otherwise if it got dirty, he would be disgusted. 

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    It was getting late, and the two of them didn't speak in the dark, each fell asleep thinking about their own thoughts. 


    In the middle of the night, Lu Gu, who was supposed to be sound asleep, woke up in a daze. He dreamed that his hands and feet were tied up and felt uncomfortable. He never thought that he would find himself in Shen Xuanqing's arms after waking up. 


    Being hugged by such a tall man, he was so frightened that he immediately woke up, his heart seemed to tremble, and tremblingly tried to roll back from the man's embrace to his original position, but Shen Xuanqing moved, hugged him even tighter. 


    He clung to that hard and strong chest, broad and powerful, unshakable. 


    Lu Gu was neither tall nor short, he was an ordinary boy, sometimes he could show some height when he met someone who was shorter, but in front of the overly tall Shen Xuanqing, he was like a skinny chick. There was no need to struggle in someone's arms. 


    His heart was beating incessantly. The heat and oppressive feeling on the young and strong man made him panic. He was nervous in the dark alone, and the person holding him never let go, as if he had fallen asleep, too much didn't even wake up when he moved around. 


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