The sweet little Fulang Chapter 23 Part 1

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 Chapter 23


    Early in the morning, Lu Gu avoided Shen Xuanqing with his busy schedule. He was hugged to sleep all night, when he woke up in the morning, Shen Xuanqing let him go calmly, but he couldn't be so calm. 


    he thought Shen Xuanqing was going to take the dog into the mountain again after eating and drinking, but he didn't go today. The tall young man raised a long machete and said, “There was a bamboo forest not far from here. I'll go and chop some bamboo. Come back to weave bamboo cages, will you go?" 


    His eyes were full of expectation, he didn't leave after speaking, he obviously wanted to go together, no matter how stupid Lu Gu was, this could still be seen, he nodded after hesitating. 


    Shen Xuanqing breathed a sigh of relief, he knew what happened to Lu Gu last night, the movement in his arms was so obvious, he could have woken up, but out of some selfishness, he pretended to be asleep and didn't let go, the softness in his arms allowed him to relax. A good night's sleep. 


    Lu Gu carried an empty bamboo basket with a hatchet inside, and Shen Xuanqing carried a machete and hemp rope. Although they were in the mountains, they still locked the door. 

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    The dog trotted through the woods, sniffing everywhere, and sometimes raised its hind legs to urinate on tree roots to mark it. 


    After walking for about two quarters of an hour, Lu Gu saw the dark green bamboo grove in front of him. Shen Xuanqing said that there were autumn bamboo shoots in it, which were not as crisp and tender as spring bamboo shoots, but they could be stewed with fat dove in soup, and they could be boiled to make pickles, but the two of them only had a pickle jar, and they hadn't finished eating, so they didn't need to pickle at the moment.


 So after arriving at the place, Shen Xuanqing went to cut bamboo by himself. He was looking for bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest. Seeing him walking aside, Dahui followed, and the two dogs scattered in the forest, finding a pothole or something. When they dispersed, they were always where Shen Xuanqing could see them. 


As for Lu Gu, this bamboo forest was deeper and quieter than the one in the front mountain. The autumn bamboo shoots were quite big, and he took a hatchet and slashed them hard several times before breaking them off. Since it would only to be eaten in soup, one large autumn bamboo shoot was enough, but since they all came here, and he still cut two.


    He memorized the road to the bamboo forest, so he could come and find it by himself when he wanted autumn bamboo shoots in the future. 


    The long bamboo fell down, making a dull sound in the air, Lu Gu walked over with the bamboo basket on his shoulders, and whispered to Shen Xuanqing who was looking at him: "When I came in, I saw mushrooms outside, I'm looking for it." 

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    Shen Xuanqing couldn't help it, and said: "You shout loudly, let the dog follow you." 


Taking a dog in the mountains was a reassuring thing, Lu Gu listened to him, and shouted loudly. As expected,  DaHui followed him.


    Someone in the village died from eating poisonous mushrooms. It happened when he was a child. Lu Gu always remembered it, so he only dared to pick what he knew. 


    He was lucky today, he found a cluster of xanthella mushrooms, the florets were so big, one flake can fry for half a bowl, not to mention that there were several flakes in this nest. 


    Looking under the tree, he could still hear the sound of chopping bamboo. He looked back from time to time, afraid that he would not see the bamboo forest if he walked far away. 


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    For unfamiliar mountains and forests, it was always good to be cautious, otherwise, if you stray into the dense forest, there would be trees everywhere, and you wouldn't be able to tell the direction at all, let alone go out. 


    Some mushrooms looked good on the surface, but when they were picked up, insects and ants gnawed them under the canopy, so he threw them away. 


    he walked all the way to search, maybe there were few people in the deep mountains, and the mushrooms hadnt rotted yet, so he found a lot. If he couldn't finish eating them in two days, he could dry them in the sun and save them for late autumn and winter, not afraid of picking more. 


    When he realized that he couldn't hear the sound of chopping bamboo, he hurriedly called Dahui to go back. He didn't feel it when he was looking for the mushrooms, but he didn't realize that he had walked a long way when he walked back. 


    Before entering the bamboo grove, he saw Shen Xuanqing coming out. Seeing him coming back, his expression didn't look so bad, and he said, "I'm going to call you." 


You could only call to find someone in the mountains. Lu Gu brought a dog again, and Dahui's ears were sharper than a human's, and he ran towards the sound after a shout . 

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    Lu Gu quickly said: "I didn't pay attention when I was looking for the mushrooms, and I walked away." 


    Afraid of being blamed, he also showed the bamboo basket to Shen Xuanqing, carefully asking for credit. 


    Shen Xuanqing glanced at the mushrooms in the basket, there were quite a lot of them, seeing Lu Gu's fear, his face became more gentle, and said: "Well, it's fine, the bamboo was cut, and I'll tie it up and drag it back." 


    After not being reprimanded, Lu Gu felt at ease, carried the bamboo basket on his back and went into the bamboo forest with Shen Xuanqing. 


    The weight of the six long bamboos was really not light. Shen Xuanqing tied the bamboos together with hemp rope, and carried the bamboo on his shoulders. 


    Of course, this was for him, if it was Lu Gu, it would be heavy enough to carry two bamboos, and the wet green bamboos just cut down were so tall, it really wasn't light.

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