Hearing this, the pride on Zhou Yunzhi's face suddenly froze, how could anyone take advantage of their family, there was some contempt in her eyes, and she became vigilant in her heart, bah, this shameless second daughter-in-law, their family didn't eat it often, but she wanted Yutao to buy it for her.

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    But she still maintained a kind face, and quickly said: "You don't know, Yutao is always busy, and he was free for two days before letting me go with his father. Not even the two of us dared to stay longer, I came back after dark last night. I don’t let you go, I'm afraid that he won't be home if you go. It’s not a waste of time?. We’re so far away from the town."


    She couldn't stay any longer, she was afraid that the Erfang (second family from the second son) would eat and drink from their house, so she got up after a while and said, "It's getting late now, your elder brother is in the field, I'll bring him some water."


    "Then Sister-in-law, I won't keep you." Wei Lanxiang put down her things and sent her out, Lu Gu and Ji Qiuyue also got up.


    Zhou Yunzhi's legs were obviously faster than when she came here. After she was out of sight, Wei Lanxiang said: "This dog looks down on people, and I can be rare for her things?."


    Shen Shunde was the eldest, Shen Shunfu was the second child, Shen Shunwang was the third child, and the three brothers had separated in the early years. After Shen Xuanqing's grandpa was gone, the second and third child didn't often go to the old family.


    After Shen Shunfu left, Erfang of Shen's family was poor, and Shen Shunde's family was rich, but the whole family was snobbish who disliked the poor and loved the rich. When they met in the village, even if Erfang family talked to them, they would just snort and  ignore it, borrowed something from Erfang's house once in a while, that was how to show a good face.


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    After they paid off their debts and married Shen Xuanqing, and let the villagers know that their family was rich, Dafang talked to them again.


    Wei Lanxiang was about to die of embarrassment, if Zhou Yunzhi hadn't come to help when Shen Xuanqing got married, and also followed the village custom, bringing eggs and white flour, although there were not as many as others, but the face was still passable, otherwise how could she went along today? She said those few words, of course, the following words were purely to drive Zhou Yunzhi away, otherwise she would have to show off.


    Ji Qiuyue said to her: "Mom, we don't need to get angry with her, just keep our contacts less."


    Wei Lanxiang nodded, she wasn't angry either, she had been angry two years ago, and now it was not worth getting angry and making noise, so she laughed again: "When the new rice is harvested, we'll be happy, and we'll go to a restaurant in town too , what kind of sauced beef and duck feet, you guys can eat whatever you want."


    Ji Qiuyue said quickly after hearing this: "Mother, you said this, I have written it all down." "


    "I said it " Wei Lanxiang smiled and gouged her out, afraid that she wouldn't count?


    Although she hadn't tasted it yet, just talking about it was enough to make people extremely happy. Ji Qiuyue also said to Lu Gu: "Guzi, remember to be polite when the time comes. Mother will pay the bill. You can eat whatever you want."

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Lu Gu also had a slight smile on his face, he didn't speak, and nodded habitually.


    While joking, Shen Yan came back with bundles of chicken hay, and seeing them so happy, she asked out of curiosity, but Ji Qiuyue didn't hide it from her, and Shen Yan's almond eyes widened after she finished speaking, and she kept calling mother , causing Wei Lanxiang to poke her on the forehead.


    For a while, the courtyard was lively, which made Lu Gu, who didn't talk much, felt happy.


   In the afternoon, Shen Xuanqing, who had been out for a long time, came back with a bamboo basket on his back. He went out in the morning and didn't even come back for lunch. When he went out, he only said to buy something, and Lu Gu didn't dare to ask more questions.


    Seeing Shen Xuanqing coming back, he put down the embroidery work in his hand and went to him, helped Shen Xuanqing unloaded the bamboo basket. The bamboo basket was covered with a lid, and through the exposed gap, he seemed to hear the soft chirping.


    He put the bamboo basket on the ground, Shen Xuanqing stretched out his hand to open the lid, there was a smile on his handsome face, and said: "I bought a few autumn chicks, and I will bring them to the mountain tomorrow for you to raise."


    Lu Gu saw the little chickens and ducklings inside raised their heads and squeaked, the sounds were delicate and tender.

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    Unlike rabbits and pheasants, they often raised chickens and ducks here. chickens eggs and duck eggs were precious, and they could be sold for money. For example, in the Shen family, the chickens and ducks belong to Wei Lanxiang, she had the final say on whether the eggs were sold or not, and the money for the sale was spent by her and Shen Yan, and no one else could see it.


    It was the same when he was in Lu's house, the chickens belonged to Du Hehua, even if Lu Gu who threshed the grass, it was not his turn to take care of the eggs.


    This was a symbol of status in the family, but Lu Gu didn't understand this, he only knew that if these chickens and ducks were really in his care, then he was really in this family, just like the rest of the Shen family.


    Shen Xuanqing saw that he was squatting in front of the bamboo basket without speaking for a long time, so he said: "After going up the mountain, I will surround the fence in the backyard, and then I will dig a small pond by the river, bring the water in, and put the ducks in it." 


    "that part of the river is gentle, and the ducks can swim in the river when they grow up." He said, and saw Lu Gu reached into the bamboo basket, carefully touching the chicks and ducklings inside.


    "It's just that autumn chickens were not easy to raise as spring chickens, so be more careful when it was cold at night." Shen Xuanqing said again.


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    The little soft chickens and ducklings brought Lu Gu back to his senses, he no longer panicked, raised his head and asked cautiously: "For me?"


Hearing this, Shen Xuanqing nodded subconsciously: "For you."


Only then did he have a sense of reality, and joy surged up. Shen Xuanqing said that it was for him, and felt more and more that the chickens and ducks were fluffy, and he couldn't put it down.


    "When I got up early and left, I heard people said that the next village was going to kill pigs. I went to buy some meat to take to the mountain." Shen Xuanqing asked him by the way: "Do you want to buy anything? I haven't left today, so prepare it early."


    Lu Gu shifted his attention from the chickens and ducks, raised his head and thought for a while, and then whispered: "I want to buy a small jar of wine."


    Shen Xuanqing was surprised, he didn't expect that such a cowardly fulang wanted to buy wine, but after thinking about something else, he put his fist on his lips and pretended to cough to cover it up. He nodded and agreed as if he hadn't thought about anything , didn't even ask Lu Gu what he was going to do to buy wine.


    Shen Xuanqing didn't stop when he wanted to buy something, the bamboo basket Shen Yan used to use was in front of him, and he went out with Lu Gu with bamboo basket on his back.

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