The reason why Shen Xuanqing bought chickens and ducks was that after Shen Xuanqing left, Lu Gu was alone in the mountains without anyone to talk to. In addition, the bamboo chickens laid eggs that day, which made him felt that if he raised chickens in the mountains to lay eggs, There was no need to bring eggs from home every time.

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    The mountain road was far away, and the eggs had to be carefully guarded. It would be a pity if they were broken. He used to run alone in the mountains and forests and couldn't serve the chickens and ducks. Now it was different with Lu Gu.

    There were chickens and ducks cooing and quacking in the yard, it would be more lively, and it wouldn’t be deep and lonely. Besides, he himself loved to eat eggs. Although the autumn chicks wouldn’t lay eggs until the beginning of next spring, it was better to buy them early and raisd them. Next year, they could eat it earlier, and when they got tired of eating fish and poultry in the mountains, they could also feed Lu Gu a bowl of custard.

    Today when he went to the market in the town, Shen Xuanqing not only looked for chickens and ducks, but also looked at the puppies, but because he wanted a mastiff with a good appearance, he couldn't pick one for a long time. he had no choice but to come back and ask Shen Yaoqing and other people in the village to help inquired about where there is mastiff puppies for sale. It was best to be like Dahui, which was more humane and more powerful than ordinary dogs. Take it to the mountains so you could also rest assured.

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    He also wanted to buy a dog for Lu Gu since Dahui went to hunt with him. If he only caught rabbits, he would let Dahui stay with Lu Gu. If he gave Lu Gu a dog, he wouldn't worry too much after he left.

    The village next door was not too far away, and Meng Dayue would greet people from several nearby villages every time before slaughtering a pig, so there were quite a lot of people on the way to the village next door.

    Meng Dayue didn't kill pigs every day. If it was short, every six days, if it was long, he killed pigs once in a half months. Because he was close to here, he didn't need to go to the town to buy them. People in several villages only needed to hear that he slaughtered pigs and they would buy some meat.

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    When Lu Gu and Shen Xuanqing arrived, the two pieces of pork had just been pierced with iron hooks, and they were picked up and hung on the wooden frame.

    There were quite a few people who bought it. Because Shen Xuanqing wanted more meat, he cut it first. Meat with fat was expensive. He asked for ten catties, another five catties of hind leg meat, and two big bones.

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    He knew more or less people in the nearby villages. When they saw him bought so much, they asked whether he got rich or had a happy event at home. Shen Xuanqing smiled and dealt with it casually, saying that he would save some for the family and take it to the mountain.

    They all knew that he could hunt and usually went to the mountains, so he should buy more.

    After paid the money and have a chat with Meng Dayue, Shen Xuanqing picked up the bamboo basket and left with Lu Gu. If you wanted to buy wine, there were wine brewers in Qingxi Village, so you didn't have to go far, just picked it up on the way back.

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    On the way home, Shen Xuanqing bought two jars of wine, a small jar of two and a half catties of rice wine. The two of them were more inconvenient in the mountains than in the village. If they wanted to drink rice wine, they had to come back and bring a jar.

    This trip alone cost a lot of money, and the bamboo basket was heavy. Fortunately, Shen Xuanqing was strong enough, so he didn't need Lu Gu to help him.


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