Deeper in the mountain forest, Shen Xuanqing also found a place to eat dry food. He took out the cloth bun  from the basket. The pancakes were already cold, but his heart was warm.

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    He thought of Lu Gu, but his fulang was not around, so he had no choice but to give up, even the smile in his eyes was replaced by sadness, he sat down with no expression on his face, and ate the white pancake after drinking water.

    Before he knew it, he thought of Lu Gu again. His little fulang was obedient and hardworking. He wanted to make it for him when he heard that he wanted to hunt, he was so cute. He looked pretty when he smiled, but he was too thin.

    That day at Zhao Butcher's house, he saw Lu Gu hugging the child, and he remembered it to this day. Wang Langzhong also talked about childbirth. Now that he calmed down, he thought a lot. The first thing was to earn more money, with white flour, new rice and meat to eat, Lu Gu would be well-fed and fat. Otherwise, when it came time to give birth, if he was too thin, he would suffer.

    Besides, you needed to be rich to raise a child. The poor people in the country could marry and have children, but the childrens were as thin as monkeys. They either ran around or worked early for others, they had to suffer more than ordinary farm childrens.

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    He had studied and often went to the town, and he had seen more people and things. Now that he thought about childbirth, he naturally didn’t want his children to suffer and suffered to be herd cattle and worked for others, no matter whether it was a boy, a girl, or a shuang'er, it was best to be able to read, at least you wouldn't have to suffer from illiteracy in the future.

   What was Shen Xuanqing thinking alone? Lu Gu didn't know, he continued to search along the stream after eating, and walked back after more than an hour.

    It was just over halfway in the afternoon, and it was still too early for the sun to set. The reason why he was walking back now was that he was afraid of the mountains and forests after dark, and because he walked along the stream for a long time, and went to other nearby streams to search for it. If you wanted to go back, you had to follow the stream to find the way you came, which took more effort, so naturally you had to leave early.

    Under the bamboo basket were more than 70 small purple crabs, and green snails wrapped in big leaves. There were several big bun s, at least two hundred, and it took him a long time for just these, not long after the sun rose in the morning. At this moment, it was also fortunate that there were few people here, otherwise there would be nothing like this in a day.

    There were purple belly, green snails, sweet fruits, and the tender green watercress neatly stacked. He picked more than half of the basket. Because the bamboo basket was big, there were quite a lot of these, and it could be eaten for a long time.

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    Finally, when he found the way to go back, Lu Gu saw a few edible mushrooms by the roadside, and picked them up. In the deep mountains where there were many things, as long as you knew what to eat, you wouldn't starve to death.

    As he was walking, he saw a big fallen tree in the distance, so he probed the grass with a wooden stick, and when he saw that there was no snake, he walked there, and Dahui didn't make any noise, presumably there was nothing hidden in it.

    When he came last time, he found that the tree had fallen down. It should have been there for a long time, but because he was anxious to go back after picking the mushrooms last time, he didn't go to see it.

    This tree had been down for a while, and it was all rotten. As Lu Gu imagined, there were several clusters of black mushrooms growing on it. This thing not only grew on the rotten wood, sometimes it could be seen on the tree, but it needed to climb or used the long bamboo pole with the hook.

    There were not many black mushrooms, and he only ate them a few times after picking them all up and drying them, but he didn't miss them. Wasn't these things just accumulated little by little.

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    The mushrooms and black mushrooms were placed on top of the watercress. Lu Gu saw that there was nothing to pick here, so he went back to the road just now, and came back to see after a while, maybe the mushrooms would grow again.

    The sky was blue and far away, and the mountain breeze was warm. It really was autumn and the air was refreshing. With so many things, Lu Gu's mood was also more relaxed, with joy in his eyes and heart.

    Before Shen Xuanqing left in the morning, he gave him the key to the courtyard door. As soon as Lu Gu came back and opened the door, he ran to the backyard to see the chickens and ducklings. He thought they were grazing, and he went outside to pluck young grass and chop it up. If he was not busy at the moment, he would have to go to the river to dig earthworms. They would eat it, both chickens and ducks, and they would grow flesh after eating them.

    After finishing all this work, he packed up the things in the bamboo basket. There were red and yellow sweet bun s fruit. The red ones were too ripe and the skins would be easily broken when bumping and colliding on the road. So he also picked the yellow fruits with thick skins and ate them today. It could be eaten after a few days of ripening, and he had picked a lot. Now that he knew where there was a sweet bun  tree, he would go there again before going back down the mountain, and brought some to Shen Yan and the others to taste.

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    He took out a lot of watercress piled up in a pile, and then there were a few packages of green snails with thin shells, some of which had only one layer of leaves, which were crushed by crab claws, and some green snails were exposed. He put them in the wooden basin. Poured water and dropped a few drops of oil, poured all the green snails in, and keep them for a few days to spit out sand.

    As for the small purple belly crabs at the bottom, most of them were alive. He picked out a dozen or so and scrubbed them clean. He was going to fry a plate for Shen Xuanqing to try something new, and put the rest in a bucket, sprinkled some salt and raised them for two days. He also used bamboo plaques to buckle and press the wood to prevent them from climbing out.

    The newly picked black mushrooms was edible, so he took out a bamboo plaque and put it on to dry, and soaked it to eat after drying.

    He made some bamboo baskets last time, but he felt that they were not enough for such a use. No wonder there were so many bamboo plaques in the homes of the people who gather herbs and mountain products in the village to dry.

    There were still some bamboo strips from the previous two days, so he would have to weave some more when he was free tomorrow.

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