The autumn vegetables planted in the front yard were no longer wilting, and they were watered every two days to make them looked juicy, just fried with mushrooms, mixed with watercress, and purple belly, this meal was very good.

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    When Shen Xuanqing came back in the evening, Lu Gu had already cooked. The hot dishes and rice wine were stuffed in the pot, and they were still warm when they were brought out.

    Shen Xuanqing was washing his hands in front of the kitchen door. Seeing Lu Gu bringing out a bowl of small fresh crabs from the mountain, he smiled and said, "There was this. Did you run far away today?"

“I just caught it back, and there were still some in the bucket." Lu Gu replied in a low voice, because today’s harvest was quite good, he was really happy in his heart, and he and Shen Xuanqing became a little familiar, he hesitated and continued: "There are more, I found the sweet buns, watercress. The pickle jar is empty, and so I pickled some sour cress to eat."

As soon as Shen Xuanqing entered the door, he saw the washed watercress on the bamboo plaque, nodded and smiled, he said: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

    For some reason, this remark made Lu Gu felt a bit unspeakable, as if he could decide some things, but he was very cautious, so how could he ask such a question? .

    Because sweet buns were hard to come by, when he put away the bowl and came to the kitchen to get steamed buns, he saw the washed red fruit, so he took two to the main room, lowered his head and handed them over, whispering, "Here you are."

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    Shen Xuanqing saw the fruit in his hand and was stunned for a moment before he took it with a smile, something melted in his heart, it was warm.

    The watercress was fresh and tender salad, and the fried small crabs were spicy and numb. With the addition of fried vegetables with mushrooms and rice wine, both of them were full and refreshed.

    It was getting dark, and Shen Xuanqing was about to close the courtyard door after feeding the dogs, when Dahui who was eating suddenly raised his head and barked outside, the two small dogs also barked, and Lu Gu, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, was caught by the sound and startled him, he had lived here for so long, he had never heard the dogs barked like this before at night.

    Fortunately, it wasn't some wild beast, and the barking of the dogs was not very intense. A figure came out from the woods in front of the courtyard, and Shen Xuanqing recognized it carefully.

    "Amitabha, Benefactor Shen, I went to the mountain to collect herbs, but I couldn't make it down the mountain at night, so I came to disturb your quietness again." Huitong stood still in front of the courtyard, and didn’t rush in.

    Shen Xuanqing saluted him back, and said: "Master Huitong, please come in."

    "Thank you, Benefactor Shen." Then monk Huitong came in.

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    Seeing that Shen Xuanqing was going to push the gate of the courtyard, he helped to lift the thick tree trunk before the bamboo basket was unloaded, because he was a monk before, although he was not as tall as Shen Xuanqing, he still had some strength.

    He turned around and saw Lu Gu, chanted a Buddhist name and asked, "I wonder what the honorable name of this benefactor is?"

    "My fulang’s surname is Lu and his name is Lu Gu." Shen Xuanqing smiled.

    "It turned out to be the benefactor Lu, disrespectful, disrespectful. The poor monk Huitong was a monk of Jingxin Temple." Huitong gave the Buddhist ceremony again.

 Lu Gu quickly folded his palms and said: "Master Huitong."

    He had met the monk twice, but he had never spoken to him, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

    Shen Xuanqing was familiar with Huitong. When the other party went up the mountain to collect medicines and couldn't go down, he would come to spend the night and leave some medicinal materials when he left. He asked: "Master, have you eaten? There are vegetarian dishes here, and the oil is also vegetarian oil."

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    " That's it, thank you very much." Then, Huitong took out a pack of dry food from the unloaded bamboo basket, and he didn't need to help, he went to the kitchen to heat the water and the dry food.

    Shen Xuanqing grabbed a large handful of watercress from the bamboo plaque and took it in. Huitong knew how to cook vegetables, it was always good to eat some hot vegetables and rice after running in the mountains for a day.

    Seeing two bowls of red sweet bun fruits on the chopping board, Lu Gu picked quite a lot, Shen Xuanqing only took a smaller bowl, and said: "Master can take this fruit to eat."

    "Thank you." Huitong, who was burning the fire, nodded his thanks without being overly polite.

    Lu Gu just drove chickens and ducks in from the backyard, Shen Xuanqing took the bowl of sweet bun fruits to the main room, and said: "I will let Master Huitong eat that bowl, if you want to eat later, I will pick it with you before come back."

    This was brought back by Lu Gu after a long journey, and he was anxious to give it to him as soon as he came back. How could he spoil this intention, so he had to tell him.

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    And the monk Huitong used to help the old hunter as a langzhong and gave the medicinal materials, but he didn't take any money. The same was true for the poor people. It was enough to show that he had a good heart.

    "It's good, we can't finish it, so it's okay to give it." Lu Gu said, the sweet bun fruits would go bad if they were kept for a long time after they were so red. The yellow astringent fruit could be eaten after two days of ripening.

    "Hmm." The smile on Shen Xuanqing's face was even bigger, he knew that his fulang was a rare good fulang in the world, and in order to reassure Lu Gu, he also told about Huitong's medical treatment to the old hunter.

    Now Lu Gu felt that he should give others more food, such a good monk, how could he be stingy with this little thing.

    It was getting dark, and there was an extra monk Huitong, and later he would lay a mattress in the east room to rest at night, so Shen Xuanqing lit the oil lamp, and by the way, took out the things in the bamboo basket by the light.

    The stupid rabbits that had been caught had already been locked in a cage in the woodshed. There were still chestnuts wrapped in big leaves in the bamboo basket, which he picked up when he passed by. They were crisp, it would taste even better when the sun came out tomorrow.

    He peeled some for Lu Gu to eat, no one peeled chesnut for him except his mother, who gave him a sweet chestnut, he carefully raised his head, and looked at Shen Xuanqing who was peeling chestnuts with drooping eyebrows and eyes under the candlelight.

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